
  • 网络Financial benefit
  1. 高速公路项目运营阶段财务效益评价及其相关问题研究

    Research on the Financial Benefit Assessment and the Related Issues of Expressway Projects

  2. 并通过对案例中绿色建筑项目的特点及评价体系设置原则,建立了该项目的财务效益后评价指标体系。

    The financial benefit of the project evaluation index system is set according to the principles to evaluation system for green building projects in the case .

  3. 虽然缺乏明确的财务效益,但仍然有一些公司决定在香港交易所(hongkongstockexchange)进行二次上市。

    In spite of the lack of proven financial benefits , a number of companies have decided to undertake secondary listings on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  4. 使用一种建立在模糊集理论基础上的多目标决策方法对CIMS投资进行综合评价,这种方法能将战略效益及财务效益有效地结合在一起。

    This paper uses a multiobjective decision method to evaluate CIMS on the basis of fuzzy theory . The method can efficiently combine the strategy utility with the finance utility .

  5. CTF资金将带来财务效益和财务激励措施,鼓励消费者购买节能电器和设备。

    CTF financing will be used to offer financial benefits and incentives to consumers to buy energy efficient appliances and equipment .

  6. 一汽解放公司物流方案的设计及财务效益评价

    Logistics Organization and Assessment of Financial Efficiency in JIEFANG Automobil Company

  7. 建设项目财务效益审计系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Construction Project Finance Evaluation Auditing Information System

  8. 从分析结果上看,公司排名结果基本上与房地产上市公司的财务效益状况及发展潜力一致。

    Company rank keeps the same with financial benefits and development potential .

  9. 工程项目财务效益分析的切入点

    Key points for analyzing the financial profit of projects

  10. 财务效益是企业生存与发展的基础,也是企业发展的根本动力。

    Financial performance is the basis and power source of enterprises ' development .

  11. 壳牌工业用产品可帮助提高财务效益的例子。

    Examples of how Shell ′ s industrial products can help deliver bottom-line benefits .

  12. 如不能的话,能否在不损害社会公众利益的情况下拿出对非政府投资者有足够吸引力的商业运作计划,保障工程的财务效益以吸引非政府投资者的踊跃参与?

    If not , is there any commercial operation plan to attract non-government investor ?

  13. 对项目进行详细的财务效益后评估。

    It is to post - evaluate the financial benefits of the project in details .

  14. 莱恩表示,这笔交易的财务效益至少也要到18个月后才能显现。

    Mr Lane said any financial benefits from the deal were at least 18 months away .

  15. 但从短期看,对银行的财务效益和资产质量将产生较大冲击。

    But in the short term , it will probably have some serious influences on banks'profitability and safety .

  16. 花旗还曾有涉及意大利股票的另一种互换策略,为该行自身带来了财务效益。

    The bank also had another swap strategy involving Italian stocks that generated financial benefits for the firm itself .

  17. 在本文中,我们不打算评估财务效益,尽管有非常明显的重大节省。

    We are not going to evaluate the financial benefits in this paper , even though significant savings are obvious .

  18. 工程项目财务效益分析,是工程项目可行性研究和工程项目评估的核心内容。

    Profit analysis of any project remains the central issue for studying the feasibility of a project as well as its evaluation .

  19. 对财务效益审计子系统与工程造价审计子系统系统做了详细的系统分析及设计,并编制出财务效益审计部分子模块演示程序。

    Make detailed system analysis and design to the finance benefit auditing and cost auditing and system , and program to demonstrate the former .

  20. 介绍了热力资源综合利用发电技术的特点,详细分析了热力资源综合利用发电的国民经济效益和财务效益。

    The power generation technical characteristics of thermal resources comprehensive utilization are introduced , its cost and benefit of national economy and finance are analyzed .

  21. 然后本文通过财务效益评价和财务风险分析,对项目进行经济评价,从经济角度判断项目的可行程度。

    Then , the paper evaluates the finance revenue and the finance risk of the project and analyzes the degree of project feasibility from finance aspect .

  22. 投资回报是投资者创立企业的基本动因。财务效益最优化是出资人的主要管理目标。

    Since investment return is the original drive for investors to create enterprises , therefore optimizing the financial performance is the main managerial objective of investors .

  23. 该指标体系从财务效益、国民经济效益和社会效益的三方面选取了投资回收期、就业效果等共八项作为评价指标。

    The index benefit system selects the investment pay duration , employment and other 6 factors from financial benefits , national economy benefits and social benefits three aspects .

  24. 第二章理论部分,对文中涉及的项目可行性研究、项目评估、财务效益分析以及培训等相关理论进行了综述。

    The second part is theory , which introduces feasibility research on program , evaluation on program , finance analysis , training and correlative theories used in this article .

  25. 但以电量为唯一评价指标,其动态效益不能转化为财务效益,严重影响抽水蓄能电站的财务生存能力。

    However , some factors severely affect the financial viability of pumped-storage plant , for example its benefits evaluated only by electricity , dynamic benefits not converting into currency .

  26. 区域综合运输通道出行结构的配置问题,其本质是一个决策问题,决策的指标包括经济效益、财务效益、可持续发展和系统最优。

    The essential of the trip structure configuration of regional integrated transportation corridor is a decision problem , the indexes of which include economic benefit , financial benefit , sustainable development and system optimum .

  27. 最后对项目财务效益及社会评价进行了深度分析,包括财务测算、财务效益评价、社会效益评价和风险分析,并提出了相应的防范措施。

    Finally we carried out in-depth analysis on project financial benefit and social evaluation , including financial estimates , benefit evaluation , social benefit evaluation and risk analysis , and put forward corresponding preventive measures .

  28. 通过实证研究方法对企业家社会资本,及其对财务效益、资产经营、偿债能力、发展能力作深入的调查和分析。

    To the social capital of the entrepreneur , and do deep investigation and analysis to financial benefit , assets management , debt paying ability , development capacity through the research approach of the real example .

  29. 外资并购的动机一般出于:实现规模经济、技术因素、财务效益、规避行业进入壁垒,占领国际市场、纳税效应。

    The motives of foreign investors ' merger and acquisition are the followings : realizing scale economy , technology factor , financial benefit , evading barrier to enter the market , occupy international market , tax consideration .

  30. 分析结果显示,线性生产模式下企业内部财务效益较高,但企业生产形成的污染主要由社会大众承担,从而导致企业外部社会效益较低。

    The analysis showed that the internal financial benefits in the linear mode of production , higher production and the formation of pollution borne by society at large , leading to lower enterprises ' external social benefits .