
  • 网络international production
  1. 区域经济一体化、FDI与国际生产转移:一个自由资本模型

    Regional Integration , FDI and International Production Location : A Footloose Capital Model

  2. 国际生产体系的调整中,必然伴随有FDI(外国直接投资)流向的变化。

    The flow of FDI will happen during the adjustment to international production system .

  3. 随着国际生产的扩展和日益深化,外国直接投资(FDI)作为生产国际化的载体日益受到人们的关注和研究。

    With the enlargement and deepening of international production , FDI has been paid more and more attention as the way leads to production internationalization .

  4. 以FDI为载体的跨国公司主导的国际生产体系,正将服务业向新兴的市场国家转移,而我国正成为外商服务业投资的新热点。

    FDI as the carrier for multinationals-led international production system , service industries are emerging market countries , and China is becoming a new investment hotspot .

  5. 讨论了由国际生产加工协会(CIRP)通过的当量磨削厚度的意义和实用性。

    The significance of equivalent chip thickness proposed by CIRP is also discussed .

  6. 按期望目标,东道国通过改变自身的ESP系统、投资主体通过对O、L、I进行不同的组合,均可以影响投资/引资流量,从而达到调控国际生产资本地域运动的目的。

    According to the expectancy of objective the host country can influence investment also do by composing its OIL differently in order to adjust FDI flow .

  7. 对于FDI的区位选择问题,区位论及国际生产折衷理论都对其进行过很好的论述,说明FDI的区域分布差异是存在一定的理论基础的。

    Regarding the FDI position choice , the location theory and compromise theory of international production have carried on the good elaborations to it , which shows that there is a certain theoretical foundation for the differences in regional distribution of FDI .

  8. 贸易环境对国际生产体系大调整的影响

    The influences of trade environment to adjustments about international production system

  9. 跨国公司国际生产方式战略的选择

    The Modes of Production and Strategic Options of Transnational Enterprises

  10. 跨国公司国际生产模式:内部化、外部化与趋势

    International Production Mode of Transnational Corporations : Internalization , Externalization and Trend

  11. 内部化优势是邓宁国际生产折衷理论的重要内容。

    The internalization advantage is the primary coverage of International Production Compromise Theory .

  12. 区域经济一体化与跨国公司的区位选择:基于国际生产折衷范式的分析

    Regional Integration and the Location Choice of MNEs : the Eclectic Paradigm Approach

  13. 国际生产垂直专业化分工及其对中国制造业国际竞争力的影响

    Vertical Specialization and Its Impact on International Competitiveness of Manufacturing Industry in China

  14. 跨国公司战略和世界汽车工业一体化国际生产

    Strategy of the Transnational Corporation and Integrated International Production in the World Automobile Industry

  15. 本篇论文主要应用国际生产折衷理论从产业组织角度上对此问题加以研究,以科学的发展观来看待外资在不同时期对于我国的经济发展的不同作用。

    Study in view of the international balance theory , and the productive industry .

  16. 第三章是本文的重点,探讨了中国企业融入跨国公司国际生产体系的策略。

    This part discusses the tactics of Chinese enterprises to use TNCs international production systems .

  17. 论国际生产的发展趋势

    On the Developmental Trend of International Production

  18. 国际生产分割为发展中国家或地区的价值链升级提供了有利条件。

    International fragmentation provides favorable conditions for developing countries or areas to upgrade value chains .

  19. 四是大国富有潜力的市场是吸引国际生产要素的重要因素。

    Fourthly , the potential market in an economic superpower can attract international production factors .

  20. 生产过程的分散化中,越来越多的国家和地区参与到国际生产和国际贸易中来。

    Production processes are decentralized , more and more countries participated in international production and trade .

  21. 中国已成为印刷包装技术、设备、原辅材料、制品的国际生产、信息交流中心和全球最大的交易市场。

    Now , China is the center of exchange information and the biggest trading market in the world !

  22. 国际生产中心转移与货币体系错配:东亚金融合作

    The Mismatch of Transfer of International Production Center and The Currency System : the East Asian financial cooperation

  23. 工商企业是国际生产要素流动的重要载体。

    The business community is an important carrier of the flow of the essential production factors of the world .

  24. 作为一种全新的国际生产组织方式,它使世界各国的生产活动将不再孤立地进行,而成为全球一体化生产体系的有机组成部分。

    As a new style of international production organization , it integrates individual country 's production into global production system .

  25. 相对技术密集的直接投资属于制度依赖型国际生产,而相对劳动密集的契约生产(外包)属于成本敏感型国际生产。

    FDI being relatively technology-intensive is dependent on institution , while outsourcing being relatively labor-intensive is sensitive to production costs .

  26. 分析表明,制度、技术和禀赋因素共同决定了国际生产的范围和组织方式。

    The research shows that the optimal mode of international production is jointly determined by institutional quality , technology and endowments .

  27. 为了应对这些挑战,需要一系列的策略提升中国在新国际生产分工的地位。

    So it is necessary to carry out series of strategies for the sake of escalating Chinese position in international productive specialization .

  28. 第三部分对现有的关于跨国公司进入模式的理论作了介绍,主要包括内部化理论、交易成本理论、国际生产折衷理论,并对服务业跨国公司的进入模式理论进行评述。

    In the third part , the paper introduce the present research on the entry mode theory of traditional TNCs and service TNCs .

  29. 所以,基于成本考量的国际生产技术合作是我国今后进行有效技术转移的关键。

    Hence , the international production technology cooperation considering cost is the key to promote effective technology transfer of China in the future .

  30. 跨国公司通过在全球寻找和选择最适合的区位,建立国际生产体系来全面发挥其全球性的组合与转移资源的优势。

    Through seeking and selecting optimal location globally , MNCs establish production networks to exert their advantage to organize and transfer resources globally .