
ɡuó jì zhì xù
  • international order
  1. 我们主张对国际秩序和体系进行改革,但这种改革并不是推倒重来,也非另起炉灶,而是创新完善。

    China supports reforming the international order and system , but such reform is not about overturning the current system , or starting all over again , rather it is about seeking new ideas to improve it .

  2. 我们这个时代具有决定性意义的一个事实是:以美国为首的国际秩序也就是孕育了imf的秩序已经瓦解。

    The defining truth of our time is that the US-led international order the one that gave birth to the IMF is over .

  3. 全球治理既是规范的(normative)又是经验的(empirical):规范是从权利出发对实现理想国际秩序的追求,它由一些共同的价值构成;

    Global governance is both normative and empirical : the norm refers to the pursuit of ideal international order based on rights , which is composed of some common values ;

  4. 赫德利·布尔(HedleyBull)认为大国也许会用它们的优势地位来维持国际秩序。

    Hedley Bull enunciates that great powers may use their predominance in the maintenance of international order .

  5. 对富兰克林d罗斯福(franklind.roosevelt)与哈里杜鲁门(harrytruman)建立的多边制度构成挑战的,不是白宫里面奉行单边主义的总统,而是不愿意接受西方设计的国际秩序的新兴大国。

    The challenge to the multilateral system established by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman comes not from a unilateralist president in the White House , but from new great powers unwilling to accept an order designed by the West .

  6. 试论第二次世界大战后国际秩序的建立与发展

    Establishment and Development of International Order after the Second World War

  7. 试析共有利益与国际秩序的稳定

    An analysis on shared interest and stability of the international order

  8. 论正义价值在国际秩序中的意义

    On the Significance of the Value of Justice in International Order

  9. 和谐世界:国际秩序的新构想和新范式

    Harmonious World : A New Conception and Paradigm about International Order

  10. 也就是我们维护和强化国际秩序的努力

    and that is our effort to strengthen and enforce international order

  11. 大国竞争将严重地考验国际秩序。

    The international order will be sorely tested by great power competition .

  12. 东亚国际秩序的历史遗产

    The Historical Legacy of the International Order of East Asia

  13. 在不同时期的国际秩序中,安全环境具有不同的含义。

    Safety environment has different implications in international orders in different periods .

  14. 国际秩序的转型有利于中国的和平崛起。

    The transformation of international order is conducive to China 's peaceful rise .

  15. 对国际秩序和人类安全提出了尖锐的挑战。

    It gives a sharp challenge to the international order and mankind safe .

  16. 论国际秩序中的文化与制度

    Analysing the Culture and System in the International Order

  17. 第二项优先任务是保护基于规则的开放的国际秩序。

    The second priority is to preserve an open , rules-based international order .

  18. 东亚地区长期存在着一个以中国为核心的封贡体系国际秩序。

    A tributary system centered round China had long existed in East Asia .

  19. 东亚以华夷朝贡体制为特征的国际秩序初步形成。

    The international order characteristic of East Asia overseas Chinese paying tribute originally formed ;

  20. 政治宣言:加强国际秩序

    Political Declaration : Strengthening the International Order

  21. 国家的海上力量决定了国家在国际秩序中的地位和作用。

    The national sea power determines the status and function of a nation on international order .

  22. 日本不仅对亚洲地区构成威胁,还对整个国际秩序构成威胁。

    Japan was a threat not just to the region but to the wider international order .

  23. 一个渴望成为全球中枢的国家不能对混乱的国际秩序无动于衷。

    A nation that aspires to be a global hub cannot be indifferent to international disorder .

  24. 建立公正的国际秩序

    Establishment of Just International Order

  25. 我们希望创立一个更为安全、稳定、和平与平等的国际秩序。

    We hope to usher in a more secure , stable , peaceful and equitable world order .

  26. 这是可以理解的:崛起的新力量总是要打破已建立的国际秩序。

    That is understandable : the rise of new powers has always disrupted the established international order .

  27. 建立什么样的国际秩序历来是国际社会关注的一大问题。

    What kind of international order is to be established has always been the concern of the world .

  28. 纵观具有数千年悠久历史的中朝关系史,可以看出传统时代的中朝关系是以中国为中心的朝贡关系为其表现的国际秩序。

    Judging from the long history of Sino-Korea , the center of Sino-Korea relation is the tributary relation .

  29. 国际秩序辨析

    Analysis of International Order

  30. 我们正和其他国家一起前进,以建设一座更加坚固的国际秩序和正义的大厦。

    We are moving on with other nations to build an even stronger structure of international order and justice .