
ɡuó jì dài kuǎn
  • international loan
  1. 国际贷款损失准备金制度的最新发展及其对我国的启示

    Latest Development of International Loan Loss Provision and its Implication for China

  2. 国际贷款项目施工承包合同中计量和支付条款的编制

    Preparation of Clauses for Measurement and Payment in Construction Contract for International Loan Project

  3. W:一个非常重要的,事实上,国际贷款公司的副总监。

    W : A rather important one , as a matter of fact , deputy director of the international finance corporation .

  4. 两家最大的投资公司去年拖欠国际贷款。

    Two of the largest investment companies defaulted on international loans last year .

  5. 国际贷款往往显得数额庞大。

    International lending has often loomed large .

  6. 计算机在沈本公路国际贷款项目中计量与支付的应用

    Application of computer to the measure and payment in the international loan project , shen-ben highway

  7. 然而当2008年国际贷款机构不得不介入时,刹车效果也相应剧烈。

    And when international lenders had to intervene in 2008 , the braking was correspondingly severe .

  8. 2000年用于中西部地区的国际贷款比重已经上升到约占国外借款的70%。

    In 2000 , the proportion of international loans used in central and western regions jumped to 70 percent .

  9. 在未得到国际贷款援助以前,国债达到了巨大的数目。

    The national debt was running at an enormous amount until we received international support in lending us money .

  10. 民众对政府采取的财政紧缩措施表示不满,该措施需要国际贷款。

    They are upset about austerity measures imposed by the government , which are needed to obtain international loans .

  11. 把北韩确定为支持恐怖主义国家,这使北韩得不到它衰弱的经济急需的国际贷款。

    The state sponsor of terrorism designation prevents North Korea from getting access to much-needed international loans for its feeble economy .

  12. 政府必须通过一项新的援助一揽子计划,致力改革,从而确保获得国际贷款的下一笔资金。

    The government must approve a new bailout package and commit to reforms in order to secure the next instalment of an international loan .

  13. 另外,在当前的不确定环境下,没有一个国家可以确定,自己不需要获得正式的国际贷款,看看冰岛吧。

    Furthermore , under current uncertain circumstances , no country can be sure it will not need access to official international credit witness Iceland .

  14. 政府的最紧要任务是通过推行近期的救市计划,来保障国家得到国际贷款。

    The urgent priority of his government , he said , would be to secure the country 's international loan by implementing its recent bailout package .

  15. 上个月,八国集团的财政部长提议取消世界上最贫困的18个国家欠国际贷款机构的债务。

    Last month , finance ministers of the G-8 countries proposed to cancel the debts that the world ' s18 poorest countries owed to international lenders .

  16. 专家说中方只提了很少几个传统国际贷款机构贷款所需的条件,如世界银行和亚洲发展银行。

    Experts say China imposed few of the conditions required by traditional international lending agencies such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank or ADB .

  17. 中国汉语水平考试与实用汉语水平认定考试构想效度检验国际贷款利率水平对我国贷款利率水平影响的实证检验

    The Comparison between the HSK ( Advanced ) Construct Validity and the C.TEST Construct Validity ; Empirical Test of International Loan Ratio 's Impact on Chinese Loan Ratio

  18. 交通运输物流基础设施属于高投资、高风险、类公益性项目,若单靠国家和地方政府投资是非常困难的,若靠国际贷款、借款,又会增加我国债务负担。

    Huge investment and large venture and analogue publicity are characteristic of the infrastructure construction of transportation logistics . It is difficulty that department takes on all investment .

  19. 在尼科西亚,约翰·帕萨洛普洛斯报道议员们投票否决了一项为了得到国际贷款征收银行存款高额税的法案。

    In Nicosia , John Psaropoulos reports lawmakers have voted down a bill to impose a hefty levy on bank deposits in order to receive an international loan .

  20. 公共投资成本可以主要通过以下途径融资:公共收费,逐步提高碳排放税,以及为基础设施出口提供融资的国际贷款的还款。

    Public investment costs could be financed mainly by public tolls , gradually rising carbon taxes and by repayments of international loans to finance the export of infrastructure .

  21. 拥有大量盈余资金的双边贷款机构,特别是中国的银行,正在通过提供不受严格社会或环保条款制约的低息贷款,抢走国际贷款机构的生意。

    Bilateral lenders with plenty of surplus capital , especially China , are undercutting their international rivals by offering low-interest loans unfettered by strict social or environmental conditions .

  22. 希腊政界人士已投票通过价值400亿美元的紧缩措施,这些措施是希腊为了接受国际贷款和避免金融灾难需要满足的先决条件。

    Greek politicians have voted in favor of $ 40 billion worth of austerity measures that were a precondition for Greece to receive international loans and stave off financial disaster .

  23. 这个计划的思路是建立一个可以替代主要国际贷款来源的金融机构,从而让金砖国家在融资方面不那么依赖这些贷款来源,同时彰显金砖国家的政治实力。

    The idea is to create an alternative to the major international lending sources so as not to be so dependent on them for money and as a symbol of political strength .

  24. 该行表示,中国和印度消费的迅速增长和对国际贷款依赖度的降低,应能使亚洲经受住信贷市场的紧缩和可能出现的美国经济增长放缓。

    It argued that booming consumption in China and India and a reduced reliance on international lending should allow Asia to weather the credit market contraction , as well as a possible US slowdown .

  25. 由于中国经济的飞速发展,同时也因为这些银行上市才刚刚几年时间,对中资银行的评估难度要大过多数国际贷款机构。

    Valuing Chinese banks is harder than it is for most global lenders , both because of the country 's galloping economic growth and because the banks have been publicly listed for only a few years .

  26. 国际贷款的减少还突显出,金融保护主义浪潮在不断高涨,原因是银行所面临的压力与日俱增它们要在政府纾困后继续向国内借款者发放贷款,但必须减少自身资产的整体规模。

    The reduction in international lending also underlines the rising tide of financial protectionism as pressure mounts on banks to maintain loans to domestic borrowers following government bail-outs , but reduce their overall extent of their assets .

  27. 全球20%的国际贷款源自伦敦,全球30%的外汇交易、40%的场外衍生品交易、70%的二级债券市场交易都发生在伦敦。

    The capital is already home to 20 per cent of all cross-border lending , 30 per cent of world foreign exchange turnover , 40 per cent of over-the-counter derivatives trades and 70 per cent of the global secondary bond market .

  28. 试论国际银团贷款中的交叉违约条款

    On the Cross - Default Clause of International Syndicated Loan

  29. 小企业贷款未解之题国际银团贷款争议与国际商事仲裁的勃兴

    The Problems of SMEs Loans International Syndicated Loans and International Business Arbitration

  30. 国际银团贷款是国际资金融通的重要方式之一。

    International syndicated loan is one of main methods of international finance .