
  • 网络The FIFA World Cup;FIFA
  1. 交友时刻&2006国际足联世界杯

    A Time to Make Friends & the FIFA World Cup 2006

  2. 中国为国际足联世界杯做好了准备。

    China is all set for the FIFA World Cup .

  3. 卡片支付公司维萨(Visa)发表了类似评论,而可口可乐(CocaColaInc.)则表示:任何有损国际足联世界杯使命和理想的问题,都令我们担忧。

    Card payments firm Visa V - 0.20 % issued a similar comment , while Coca Cola Inc. KO - 0.20 % said that Anything that detracts from the mission and ideals of the Fifa World Cup is a concern to us .

  4. 卡片支付公司维萨(Visa)发表了类似评论,而可口可乐(CocaColaInc.)则表示:“任何有损国际足联世界杯使命和理想的问题,都令我们担忧。”

    Card payments firm Visa V - 0.20 % issued a similar comment , while Coca Cola Inc. KO - 0.20 % said that " Anything that detracts from the mission and ideals of the Fifa World Cup is a concern to us . "

  5. 第二个奖杯国际足联世界杯奖杯于1974年推出,奖杯底座为孔雀石,杯身由18K黄金铸成,高36.8厘米,重6.1公斤。

    The subsequent trophy , called the FIFA World Cup Trophy , was introduced in 1974 . Made of 18 karat gold with a malachite base , it stands 36.8 centimeters high and weighs 6.1 kilograms .

  6. 第二个奖杯“国际足联世界杯奖杯”于1974年推出,奖杯底座为孔雀石,杯身由18K黄金铸成,高36.8厘米,重6.1公斤。

    The subsequent trophy , called the " FIFA World Cup Trophy , " was introduced in 1974 . Made of 18 karat gold with a malachite base , it stands 36.8 centimeters high and weighs 6.1 kilograms .

  7. 国际足联世界杯的历史

    History of the FIFA World Cup

  8. 该禁令还使俄罗斯无法参加将于2022年在卡塔尔举行的国际足联世界杯。

    The ban also prevents Russia from participating in the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar .

  9. 2006年的今天,2006年国际足联世界杯的决赛在德国柏林的奥林匹斯山足球场举行。

    2006-The final of the2006 FIFA World Cup will take place in the Olympiastadion in Berlin , Germany .

  10. 这项评选在国际足联世界杯官方网站上,国际足联技术小组予以协助。

    The election took place on FIFA 's official World Cup website with the help of The FIFA Technical Study Group .

  11. 世界杯奖杯时颁发给国际足联世界杯足球比赛冠军的金制奖杯。

    The World Cup is a gold trophy that is awarded to the winners of the FIFA World Cup association football tournament .

  12. 国际足联世界杯是国际足球界最重要的比赛,也是世界上最受欢迎的体育赛事。

    The FIFA World Cup is the most important competition in international football , and the world 's most popular team sport event .

  13. 1986年的今天,阿根廷足球运动员迭哥·马拉多纳在墨西哥城的国际足联世界杯比赛中同时射进了“上帝之手”和“世纪之球”两球。

    1986-Argentine footballer Diego Maradona scored both the Hand of God goal and the Goal of the Century against England during the FIFA World Cup in Mexico City .

  14. 例如,“超级碗”在美国拥有最高收视率,而德国的大多数人却喜爱观看国际足联世界杯的比赛。

    For example , the Super Bowl has the most records for total viewers in the United States while Germany 's biggest audiences watch FIFA World Cup games .

  15. 雅虎已经为互联网周刊纽约相关间距:其在国际足联世界杯足球赛,启动后在南非本月报道。

    Yahoo had a related pitch for Internet Week New York : its coverage of the FIFA World Cup soccer tournament that starts later this month in South Africa .

  16. 我们在一起工作,通过几代人的努力,国际足联世界杯能为世世代代的人们带来如此多的好处。

    Because working together , working with you , the FIFA World Cup can achieve so much for so many people bring benefits that we will be felt over generations .

  17. 自1930年世界杯问世以来,一共用过两个奖杯:1930年到1970年的雷米特杯和1974年至今的国际足联世界杯奖杯(即大力神杯)。

    Since the advent of the World Cup in 1930 , two trophies have been used : the Jules Rimet Trophy from 1930 to 1970 , and the FIFA World Cup Trophy from 1974 to the present-day .

  18. 阿拉伯联合酋长国一名高级安全官员近日称,终结卡塔尔危机的唯一途径是多哈放弃举办2022年国际足联世界杯。他发表这番言论时,正值卡塔尔和四个阿拉伯国家在闹外交纠纷。

    A top United Arab Emirates security official has said the only way for Qatar 's crisis to end is Doha giving up hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup , his comments coming amid the ongoing diplomatic dispute between Qatar and four Arab countries .

  19. 广州恒大将参加下个月在摩洛哥举行的国际足联俱乐部世界杯(FIFAClubWorldCup)赛。

    Evergrande will compete in next month 's FIFA Club World Cup in Morocco .

  20. 在去年6月举行的联合会杯足球锦标赛开幕仪式上,迪尔玛和国际足联(世界杯运营方)主席瑟普o布拉特(SeppBlatter)遭到了反对人士的狂嘘,因为这些人要求政府把钱花在改善教育、医疗和交通服务方面。

    At the opening ceremony for the Confederations Cup soccer tournament in Brasilia last June , Dilma and Sepp Blatter , the president of FIFA , which runs the World Cup , were booed by protesters demanding better education , healthcare , and transportation .

  21. 1978年的今天,阿根廷赢得1978年国际足联的世界杯。

    1978-Argentina wins the1978 FIFA World Cup .

  22. 它就是国际足联的世界杯,将于6月12日举行的世界上最大及最为关注的体育赛事。

    The FIFA World Cup , the biggest and most watched sporting event on the planet takes off on June 12 .

  23. 巩固了自己作为阿根廷队第一门将的地位,罗曼娜耶劳为她的第二次国际足联女足世界杯决赛,为9月的中国之行做着准备。

    Having established herself as argentina 's first-choice keeper , Romina Ferro is preparing for China in September and her second FIFA women 's World Cup finals .

  24. 今年12月恒大还将出征国际足联世界俱乐部杯,有机会与欧冠强队、德国劲旅拜仁慕尼黑场上较量。

    Evergrande will now play in the FIFA Club World Cup in December , pitting the team against the likes of German giants and reigning European champions Bayern Munich .

  25. 国际足联将世界杯举办时间定在了年底,而这一时间与各大联赛的时间冲突,对此,国际足联表示,希望各大联赛的时间会因此进行调整。

    FIFA has scheduled the event for the end of the year despite scheduling conflicts for league clubs . FIFA expects domestic leagues will be able to adjust their schedules to accommodate the global event .

  26. 作为新西兰近十四年来最好的女足队伍的旗手,迈娅杰克曼第一次国际足联女足世界杯之旅,她将加倍努力她的国际演出。

    Having acted as the standard-bearer for New Zealand 's women 's team for the best part of14 years , Maia Jackman 's first FIFA Women 's World Cup will now double as her international swansong .

  27. Vivo成为国际足联2018年世界杯的第12家赞助商。

    Vivo becomes Fifa 's 12th sponsor for the 2018 World Cup .

  28. 国际足联2010年世界杯的财务报告显示,国际足联在裁判事务上共花费了1400万美元,这个数目与国际足联授予第五名到第八名球队的奖金相当。

    FIFA 's 2010 World Cup financial report shows that it spent a total of $ 14 million on ' refereeing matters , ' which is on par with the prize money it awarded to teams that finished fifth to eighth .

  29. 世界杯的冠军球队将获得由国际足联颁发的金质世界杯奖杯。

    The champions of the World Cup will be awarded a gold trophy named the FIFA World Cup Trophy .

  30. 我们还没有收到任何一个有多国认同的方法,但如果国际足联关注且在世界杯之前需要,我们很乐意进行更为紧迫的研究。

    We have not received anything of a multination-type approach yet and if FIFA is concerned , we are only too happy to conduct more urgent research if required in advance of the World Cup .