
  • 网络Soil configuration;soil structure;soil profile pattern
  1. 土体构型及土体的深度对土壤性质也有深刻影响。

    Besides , soil structure and the depth had profound affection to it .

  2. 同时利用相关分析和通径分析,取得了土壤盐分含量及主要盐分离子和土体构型、粘粒含量等对水盐运移的影响程度。

    Correlation analysis and path analysis were utilized to achieve the influential degrees of the content of soil salt , major salt ions , soil structure and clay particle , etc , on salt & water movement of seashore saline soil .

  3. 粘土夹层土体构型水盐运动的实验研究

    Study on water salt movement in soil body with intercalated clay layer

  4. 土体构型对潮土持水能力和水分利用的影响

    Effects of Soil Body Configuration on Water Retention Capacity and Water Utilization in Chao Soil

  5. 土壤水分因土壤质地的不同及土体构型的不同而存在着差异。

    It also changes with the texture of soil and with the structure of soil .

  6. 主要根据表层肥力的量级差异划分土种;(2)土体构型不同的土壤,无论表土层的肥力状况如何,都应划分为不同土种;

    The soils with different patterns of solum structure are distinguished in different soil species in spite of soil fertility ;

  7. 金丝小枣品质的综合评价及其与土体构型关系

    Quality Evaluation of Jinsixiaozao ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill . cv . Jinsixiaozao ) Fruits and Its Relationship with Soil Body Configuration

  8. 均质型中的卵石滩地最差,其他的剖面土壤厚,地表植被丰富,土体构型较好。

    Homogeneous type of Pebble Beach to the worst , the other thick soil profile , rich in vegetation , soil configuration is better .

  9. 划分水稻土土种,是以土体构型及诊断层的发育度为依据。

    The soil species of paddy soil are generally classified on the basis of the patterns of solum structure and the development degree of the diagnostic horizon .

  10. 通过对黄土高原薪炭林地土壤的对比分析表明:试区土壤为黄绵土土体构型,质地为轻壤土或中壤土质;

    By soil contrast analysis of fuel-forest lands , the result shows : The soil of the experimental area was the Huangmian soil form , who-se texture was a light loam or a medium loam .

  11. 通过室内一维土柱实验,研究了夹砂层土体构型中砂层层位对潜水蒸发的影响,分析了其影响机理,进一步讨论了砂层位置和水分蒸发的定量关系。

    The effect of the sand layer position in layered soil profile on the phreatic evaporation rate was researched through the laboratory simulating soil columns indoor . The mechanism was analyzed and the quantitative relationship between the evaporation rate and the sand layer position was discussed .

  12. 本文通过对垦利县土地自然及经济情况的调查分析,选择有机质、土体构型、地下水埋深及土壤耕层含盐量为参评因素,制订了垦利县土地自然生产力评级标准;

    Investigating and analysing natural and economic conditions of Kenli County , the content of organic matter , configuration of soil body , underground water table and salinity of cultivated horizon were used as the identification factors , and the evaluation criteria of land natural productivity were formulated .