- 名land pollution;land contamination;Contaminated Land

We have air pollution , water pollution and land pollution .
Soil Fauna Served as an Indicator for Land Pollution
In the last , the paper primarily discusses the method of the land pollution dynamic monitoring .
How Oil Production Enterprises Solve Problems Resulted from Soil Pollution Legally
Discussion on the System Establish of Land Pollution Dispute Resolution by Administrative Means
A Discussion on Hazard of Polluted Land at Mining Areas and Sources of Pollution
Study on Soil Pollution Problems and Law Countermeasures
The three major groups are air pollution , land pollution and water pollution .
Following the water and land pollution of air pollution to become a worldwide problem .
The land is seriously polluted ;
Oil pollution often takes place in land oil production and is also difficult to be solved .
About 8m acres are so polluted that the government has said planting crops there should be banned
In the 1970s , the terrible land pollution event which happened in Japan became a world warning .
Land pollution is caused by the deposit of solid waste that cannot be broken down quickly or at all .
Land pollution can affect the lives of animals and plants , and it makes the environment look very bad .
The Comparison and Inspiration of International Land Pollution Accounting Guide and Practice & On the Accounting Standards Framework in China
Now , the existing legislation on land pollution prevention has been scattered in the constitution , laws , administrative rules and regulations .
The article has elaborated the current situation of crude oil pollution on land , surface water , underground water and the crops .
In addition , the phenomenon of soil pollution and degradation in Qapqal is serious , which make against sustainable development of agriculture economy .
Only setting up a sound legal system , the deteriorating trend can be suppressed . And this will provide inexhaustible power to sustainable development of economy and society .
Main problems of mine resources exploitation are soil erosion , land contamination , ground deformation and collapse , induced landslide and debris flow , water environment pollution , etc. .
Europe and the United States for several hundred years of industrialization developed the pollution caused by long-term and paid a heavy price , land contamination as they face common problems .
Some problems with environment were studied in this paper . Pollution of the environment includes of light pollution , construction noise , polluted land and building pollution and building sick .
As a whole , the land quality of the province is descending because of the aggravation of soil erosion and land pollution , and the decrement of high quality cultivated land .
Remote Sensing is not only as the information sources of Land pollution research , but also can offer to technology and precision in the land pollution assessment and land pollution dynamic monitoring .
At the end of this paper , the measures of harnessing land pollution , such as petroleum reclamation on oil pit , polluted soil burn and changing soil reclamation , etc. are proposed .
Using fuzzy mathematics and correlation analysis , this article gains the values of comprehensive indicators and environmental indicators . Using case study , this article introduce land pollution in Shanghai , Zhejiang and Jiangsu .
The protection of land resources is even more important in China today because of the large population and land for construction and many other reasons , such as soil erosion , land desertion and pollution of land .
Including training on improving the relevant legal system , rationalize the management structure and institutions , strengthen the building of a mechanism for public participation , accountability established legal system and improving land pollution disputes with the relief mechanism , and other areas .
In recent years , our land of rural areas have been polluted seriously . The ecological condition of farmland has also gone worsen gradually . These problems have been the bottleneck which restrict the development of agricultural production and the progress of economic .