
  1. 从土壤发育程度来看,发育程度较弱的土壤上生产的烟叶质量较好。

    Based on the development degree of soil , the developing soil can get better quality of tobacco leaves .

  2. 紫色土壤风化发育程度与钛值关系的研究

    Weathering degree of purple soil and " titanium value "

  3. 铁、锰在土层中的分化程度,随土壤发育的程度而增加;

    The degree of differentiation of iron and manganese in horizons increased with the degree of soil development .

  4. 这反映秦川盆地的成土环境为碱性还原环境,说明土壤的发育程度比较低;

    This indicates that the soil forming process still stays in alkaline environment , the weathering degree of the materials is low .

  5. 中山和低山森林土壤淋溶淀积层发育程度较低,土壤质地较粗,大孔隙以裂隙为主。

    The development degree of soil in illuvium and eluvial horizon is relatively low at mid-mountain zone and low-mountain zone with coarse soil and a majority of cracks regarding macropore .

  6. 海南岛各类土壤有效磷水平差异很大,其高低主要决定土壤的发育程度和土壤无机磷的形态组成。

    The content of available P in the tropical soils of Hainan Island varied widely with the development and the forms of inorganic phosphorus in the soils .

  7. 过多的土壤压实会阻碍根系生长进而会限制根系在土壤中的发育程度。

    Excessive soil compaction impedes root growth and therefore limits the amount of soil explored by roots .

  8. 土壤频率磁化率因主要受风化成土作用强度影响,所以能够较好地指示土壤发育程度和相对成土年龄。

    Frequency dependent susceptibility , however , dominantly influenced by the intensity of rock weathering and soil formation , can indicate soil development degrees and relative soil ages .