
tǔ rén
  • natives;aborigines;original inhabitants
土人 [tǔ rén]
  • (1) [aborigines]∶发达地区的人对经济、文化不发达地区人的称呼(有轻蔑意)

  • (2) [original inhabitants]∶土著

土人[tǔ rén]
  1. 我恨这晦气的橡胶。我厌恶这些肮脏的土人。

    I hate that damned rubber . I loathe the filthy natives .

  2. 这儿经常有土人经过呢,他顽固地说。

    " There are always natives passing through ," he said stubbornly .

  3. 她待在家里,究竟还有点儿事情可以做做,可以监视那个土人

    She had something to do in the house , supervising that native .

  4. 例如:在意大利语里我们说takeadrink,makebusiness,makeaphoto.如果你非要将这些文字表达按字面意思从意大利语翻成英语,那对于一个本土人来说可能会听起来很奇怪。

    For instance , in Italian we say take a drink , make business , make a photo . If you were to literally translate the expression from Italian to English , it would sound strange to a native speaker .

  5. 土人参茎尖培养和植株再生

    In vitro Shoot Tip Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Talinum paniculatum

  6. 美洲本土人的服装色彩绚丽、设计精美,并有着的文化内涵。

    Native Americans have a rich culture with colorful artistic costumes .

  7. 先生没有看见这个土人开始攻击了吗?

    Didn 't master see that this man-eater initiated the attack ?

  8. 我们土人的上帝更多的时候不是客户,而是土地。

    We Islander God more often than customers but land .

  9. 那个赶车的土人始终吆喝着,叫吼着。

    All the time the native driver yelled and howled .

  10. 当地土人对遇难船员相当欢迎,善意招待。

    The natives gave the castaways a fair enough welcome .

  11. 让人与自然相融&访北京土人景观规划设计研究所俞孔坚博士胎盘早期剥离的治疗探讨

    Mergence of Man and Nature Study of the therapy of placenta abruption

  12. 这里的白种人不与土人交往。

    The white people here don 't mix socially with the natives .

  13. 这些条约一步一步地夺走了当地土人的土地。

    The treaties gradually stripped the natives of their land .

  14. 土人咬下一大块肉。

    The Bushman chewed off a Big piece of meat .

  15. 认为受本土人歧视,数千英国移民离澳

    Thousands of British Leave Australia Due to Discrimination by Locals

  16. 土人参愈伤组织诱导及植株快繁体系建立

    Induction of Calluses and Establishment of Plantlet Rapid Propagation in Talinum paniculatum

  17. 你把他们都送去给土人吃了。

    You sent them all away to be eaten .

  18. 那个土人不是常常给你穿衣服脱衣服吗?

    Does that native always dress and undress you ?

  19. 一些美洲土人仍然生活在贫困之中。

    Some native Americans are still living in poverty .

  20. 土人,他的手指弹错了弦。

    Suddenly , his fingers hit the wrong strings .

  21. 像澳洲土人队这样的球队并非不可战胜。

    Teams like the wallabies are not invincible .

  22. 夏威夷土人波利尼西亚人血统的夏威夷人我们鄙夷势利小人。

    A Hawaiian of Polynesian descent . We disdain a man for his snobbishness .

  23. 使用阿尔冈琴语系的美洲本土人的传说中的一条巨大的水蛭。

    A large water worm from the legends of the Algonquian Native American people .

  24. 这帮土人对跳舞可入迷了。

    The natives were crazy about dancing .

  25. 可是土人的人数很多呢。您估计他们有多少?

    But there are a large number of these natives . What 's your count ?

  26. 你们和那土人有没有身体接触过?

    Did you have any physical contact ?

  27. 土人亲切地接待他。

    The natives received him kindly .

  28. 当天空是最亮的时候,当地的土人就成群结队地走出来。

    When the moon was brightest , the natives came in crowds to see the sailors .

  29. 我可以很容易击毙这个土人,因为他站在很近的地方;

    I could easily have picked off this islander , he stood at such close range ;

  30. 在孟买的阿坡罗草场上,蹦蹦跳跳的美国佬便往往吓坏了当地的土人。

    and at Bombay , in the Apollo Green , live Yankees have often scared the natives .