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fàn wǎn
  • job;rice bowl;profession
饭碗 [fàn wǎn]
  • (1) [rice bowl]∶盛饭的碗

  • (2) [profession;job]∶比喻职业

  • 铁饭碗

饭碗[fàn wǎn]
  1. 他们给每人一双筷子、一个汤碗、一个汤匙和盘子上的一个饭碗。

    They gave each person a pair of chopsticks , a soup bowl , a soup spoon , and a rice bowl on a plate .

  2. 固定的存贷利差给了银行一个铁饭碗。

    Fixed loan-deposit spreads have given banks an iron rice bowl .

  3. 当泡沫最终破灭时,有几百人丢了饭碗。

    When the bubble finally burst , hundreds of people lost their jobs .

  4. 没有票就让你进去,我可能会丢饭碗的。

    It 's more than my job 's worth to let you in without a ticket .

  5. 新来的工人直接威胁到老工人的饭碗。

    The newcomers directly threaten the livelihood of the established workers

  6. 如果你规规矩矩,就可以一辈子都捧着这个饭碗。

    If you kept your nose clean , you had a job for life .

  7. 没有一辈子的饭碗。

    There can be no jobs for life .

  8. 他端的是铁饭碗。

    He has a lifelong job .

  9. 这事弄不好会把你的饭碗砸了。

    It may cost you your job if anything goes wrong .

  10. 当饭碗被推到桌子边缘然后掉在地上——在此过程中,它带来了一个重要的证据,即物理客体如何反应;饭碗不会浮在空中,而是需要支撑才可以放在桌面上。

    Each time the bowl of rice is pushed over the table edge , it falls in the ground-and , in the process , it belongs out important evidence about how physical objects interact ; bowls of rice do not flood in mid-sit , but require support to remain stable .

  11. 我不会装病,我才不想冒丢饭碗的危险。

    I 'm not going to malinger and I don 't want to risk losing my job .

  12. 克拉奇特,如果我再听到你发出声音,今年圣诞你的饭碗就丢了!

    Let me hear another sound out of you , Cratchit , and you 'll keep Christmas by losing your situation !

  13. 此外,中国的“铁饭碗”CEO们也不会拿到八位数的薪酬。

    Besides , China 's " iron bowl " CEOs don 't get eight-digit pay packages , either .

  14. 如果没有做到,花旗银行CEO迈克尔科尔巴的饭碗可就难保了。

    If it doesn 't , that could lead to questions about the job security of Citi CEO Michael Corbat .

  15. 如果这一规律再次奏效,至少现任CEO斯图亚特•格利佛能保住饭碗。

    If the trend holds , at least one HSBC employee will be sure to dodge the pink slip this time around .

  16. Groupon首席执行官安德鲁•梅森为保住饭碗而战《彭博商业周刊》

    Groupon CEO Andrew Mason fights to keep his job [ Bloomberg BusinessWeek ]

  17. 他说,只要雅典方面拒绝向外国投资者开出有吸引力的条款、分享它的金饭碗,希腊就无法从企业比如他私人控股的中国太平洋建设集团(ChinaPacificConstructionGroup)那里吸引来资本。

    As long as Athens refused to share its golden bowl by offering foreign investors attractive terms , he said , it would fail to attract capital from companies such as his own privately held China Pacific Construction Group .

  18. 全球化以及担心中国人抢饭碗的忧虑已经将股东价值变成了经营一家公司的全部和终极目标,深深地烙在了大多数CEO的DNA中。

    Globalization and the fear of having your lunch eaten by the Chinese has made shareholder value the be-all and end of running a company . It is in the DNA of most of our CEOs .

  19. 即便CEO们感到现在不得不保持缄默(因为保持缄默有时候有助于他们保住自己的饭碗),他们也可以对退休之后畅所欲言心向往之。

    Even if CEOs feel they have to keep quiet as holding their tongues is helpful when it comes to holding on to their jobs , free speech could be something they look forward to in retirement .

  20. 工作时间登录Gmail聊天,网购假日促销品,或在Facebook上交友,这样,你的饭碗可能就危险了。

    If you 're logged into Gmail chat all day , doing your holiday shopping online , or playingon Facebook when you should be working , it could cost you your job .

  21. 在美国,130多家公司正因涉嫌股票期权回溯(backdatingofstockoptions)而接受调查,数十名高管因此丢掉饭碗,但关于这件事对公司治理体系的意义仍有争议。

    More than 130 companies are under scrutiny in the US for alleged backdating of stock options and dozens of executives have lost their jobs , but the significance for the corporate governance system is in dispute .

  22. 惠普(Hewlett-Packard)的前首席执行官卡莉•菲奥莉娜(CarlyFiorina)就是这个下场。她在2005年出席达沃斯后不久就丢了饭碗。

    That was the fate of Carly Fiorina , former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard , who lost her job shortly after a Davos appearance in 2005 .

  23. 然而,除了相对少数的临时合同工之外,丰田(Toyota)、日产(Nissan)、本田(Honda)的大多数员工依然保住了饭碗,不用依赖救济金生活,即便这些公司的利润已化为乌有。

    Yet beyond a relatively small group of temporary contractors , most employees at Toyota , Nissan and Honda stayed in their jobs and off the dole , even as profits at those companies evaporated .

  24. 不过,elance并不认为虚拟助理的兴起会抢全职个人助理的饭碗。

    However , elance does not expect the rise of the VA to kill the market for full-time pas .

  25. 亲爱的安妮:2011年的公司重组撤掉了我所在的部门,我也因此丢掉了饭碗。我决定自谋职业,做一名自由职业者,提供网页设计和SEO咨询服务。

    Dear Annie : After losing my job in 2011 , when my department was eliminated in a restructuring , I decided to go out on my own and do web design and SEO consulting on a freelance basis .

  26. 亲爱的安妮:2011年的公司重组撤掉了我所在的部门,我也因此丢掉了饭碗。我决定自谋职业,做一名自由职业者,提供网页设计和SEO咨询服务。这种工作模式很不错,但是有一个大问题。

    Dear Annie : After losing my job in 2011 , when my department was eliminated in a restructuring , I decided to go out on my own and do web design and SEO consulting on a freelance basis . It 's been great , except for one big problem .

  27. 去年年底,当欧洲钢铁制造商开始削减订单时,南非北开普省Sishen铁矿的4300名工人大多都在担心自己的饭碗,这是可以理解的。

    When European steel makers began to reduce their orders towards the end of last year , many of the 4,300 workers at the Sishen iron ore mine in South Africa 's Northern Cape province were understandably nervous for their jobs .

  28. 幸运的是,情况最终没有失控,也没有令我失去朋友、错过机会或者丢掉饭碗。原因很自然,我要想在Waze取得成功,就必须迅速成长。

    Luckily , this did not get out of hand or cost me relationships , opportunities or my job because , of course , if I wanted to succeed at Waze , I had to shape up real quick .

  29. 我独自来这里,想找个饭碗。

    I 'm down here alone trying to make a living .

  30. 不坚持你的筷子直立在饭碗。

    Don 't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl .