
  • 网络Land use strategy;land utilization strategy
  1. 高速城市化背景下城市边缘地域的土地利用战略

    Land Utilization Strategy of Urban Fringe Areas under the Background of High-speed Urbanization

  2. GIS支持的昆明市土地利用战略研究

    Research of land use strategy based on GIS in Kunming

  3. 中国土地利用战略创新及其模式体系

    Innovation of Land Use Strategies and Its Model System in China

  4. 信息熵在土地利用战略选择中的应用研究:以贵州省晴隆县为例

    Application of Information Entropy in Strategy Selection of Land Utilization in Qinglong County

  5. 长春市效区城市化走向及相应的土地利用战略研究

    On the Trend of Suburbs Urbanization of Changchun City and Relevant Stragegy of Land-use

  6. 经济发达地区的土地利用战略研究

    Land Use Strategic Studies on Economical Developed Area

  7. 土地利用战略研究是土地利用总体规划的重要依据,对地区经济社会生态和谐发展、土地合理有序布局等方面有着重要的意义。

    With the comprehensive land planning becoming more and more in-depth and detailed , research of land use strategy is receiving more and more emphasis .

  8. 结合区域发展战略和土地利用战略,明确研究区未来经济社会发展和土地利用,特别是城镇空间结构的总体态势。

    Combined with regional development strategies and land use strategies , clarify the overall situation of future economic and social development and land use , especially the urban spatial structure .

  9. 研究结论:引入概念规划理念与方法,强化土地利用战略研究,引导空间分区,指导用地指标分解以及用途管制规则,促使指标控制与分区控制相结合。

    The ideas and approaches of conceptual plan can be useful in strengthening land use strategic study , conducting land use zoning , guiding land quota allocation and making land use control rules .

  10. 确立建设用地有效供应机制,调整土地利用战略,是确保城市化和产业协调发展的保证。

    To establish an effective strategy of the supply of construction land and to adjust regional strategy of the use of land , is the guarantee of coordinate development of urbanization and industrialization .

  11. 综合性、交叉性、边缘性的特点,使得土地利用战略研究不能完全按照传统综合规划以全面分析为主导的理论方法,应以挖掘事物发展联系、解决土地利用冲突为特点来研究解决策略。

    Being comprehensive , cross-subject and marginal , the strategic study of land use strategy shall not strictly follow the theory of traditional overall planning guided by comprehensive analysis ; instead , it shall start from discovering the relationship among things and solving the problems in land use .

  12. 土地利用规划战略环境评价&以同心县为例

    Strategic Environmental Assessment for Land-use Planning in Tongxin County

  13. 土地利用规划战略环境影响评价浅探

    Explanation on Strategic Environmental Assessment of Land Use Planning

  14. 县级土地可持续利用战略灰色动态系统建模与仿真研究

    Modeling and Simulated Analysis on Gray-dynamic System of Strategy for Sustainable Use of Land on County Level

  15. 文中结合我国矿山土地可持续利用战略实践,指出了加强矿山土地可持续利用空间数据基础设施建设的必要性。

    In line with the strategic practice in sustainable utilization of mining affected land , the paper points out the necessity to develop the related NSDI .

  16. 土地合理利用战略的制定和实施,需要对土地利用结构进行综合评价,即掌握土地利用结构的特征,发现土地利用过程中存在的问题,探索土地利用结构调控的方向。

    In order to constitute and actualize reasonable land use stratagem , comprehensive evaluation of land use structure is needed which means to mastery the characters and problems as well as explore the adjustment directions of land use structure .

  17. 湖南产业园区发展的对策探讨。重点提出了产业园区的产业集群、人才开发、技术创新战略、土地可持续利用战略、循环经济等十方面的对策建议;

    Fifth , the measures and tactics employed to develop Hunan industrial garden areas , here the focus is placed on the countermeasures of promoting industrial clusters , cultivating talents , strategies of technological innovation , sustainable strategies of utilizing land , and recycle economy ;

  18. 宁南山区土地利用和开发战略探讨

    Approach to land utilization and development strategy for mountain area of South Ningxia

  19. 三峡库区边际土地开发利用的战略思考

    Research on Exploitation and Utilization of Marginal Lands in the Three Gorge Reservoir Areas

  20. 土地资源可持续利用战略中的农民土地权益保障问题探讨

    Study on the Guarantee of Peasants ' Rights and Interests of the Strategy for Land Resources Sustainable Use

  21. 滇东北山区土地资源开发利用战略Ⅰ.土地资源特点、利用现状及潜力

    The strategy of exploitation and utilization of land resources in the northeast mountain region of Yunnan Province ⅰ: the characteristics of land resources , the present situation and potentialities of land utilization

  22. 提出在土利用规划中引入环评,重点探讨了土地利用总体规划的战略环境影响评价(SEA)体系(内容、程序、指标体系、方法等)。

    Especially , the paper discusses deeply on the strategy environment assessment ( SEA ) system of overall plans for land utilization , which includes the content , procedure , index system and method , etc.

  23. 浙江省土地资源利用的几个战略问题

    Several Strategic Problems on the Land Resources Utilization in Zhejiang Province

  24. 吉林生态省建设中土地利用规划的环境战略评价

    Environmental Strategy Assessment on Land-use Planning in Ecological Construction of Jilin Province

  25. 山东省土地利用潜力与转型战略研究

    A study on the potentialities and the strategies of land use in Shandong Province

  26. 我国未来的发展战略必须走一条低度消耗资源和适度消费的道路,而保护土地与环境是土地利用的基本战略。

    The future development strategy of China must be one with low consumption of resources , while the protection of land and environment is the basic strategy of land utilization .

  27. 论文对规制和利导原则在交通结构和交通定价、土地合理定价与土地利用、城市空间战略、土地利用和交通系统、城市发展与土地供给等方面的应用进行了论述。

    The author discusses the application of the regulations and guides to transportation modes structure and their pricing , land reasonable use and rational pricing , land use and transportation systems , urban spatial strategies as well as urban development and land supply .

  28. 本文根据现代土地利用规划的发展经验和发展趋势,开展土地利用发展战略实证研究,为未来时期土地利用规划工作的组织与开展提供重要的科学依据。

    Based on the development of modern land use planning experience and development trends , land-use strategic planning to carry out empirical research , land use planning for the future period , the organization and the work carried out to provide important scientific basis .

  29. 并根据土地利用的障碍因素,提出针对攀枝花市维持土地可持续利用的战略对策。

    And based on the land use obstacle factors , the paper aims to Panzhihua maintain sustainable land use strategic countermeasures .

  30. 提出了保障基本农田的数量和质量、保障生态安全条件下的土地利用和建立库区土地资源安全保障体系是库区土地持续利用的战略选择。

    On this basis , it is a basic measure for Continued use land to ensure quantity and quality of essential cultivated land , to ensure safe land use and to establish safe system of land resource .