
  • 网络land capitalization
  1. 论中国土地资本化中的利益分配问题

    On Interest Distribution in the Land Capitalization in China

  2. 土地资本化与农村土地保障制度的创新

    Land Capitalization and Innovation of Rural Land Security System

  3. 农村土地资本化运作有关问题探析

    A Study of Problems about the Capitalization of Rural Land

  4. 但我国正处于这个土地资本化的过程中,还远远没有完成土地的完全资本化,这主要跟我国目前城乡分割的二元土地制度有关。

    In china , the capitalization of land is in the process , which mainly relates to the urban-rural division of land system .

  5. 实现土地资本化的前提条件是积极推进农村城市化,建立现有农村福利制度替代机制,逐步建立覆盖农村的社会保障体系。

    The land can be capitalized only when the urbanization has been sped up and the system of social insurance for the rural population has been established to replace the welfare function of the land .

  6. 三是研究原农村集体土地的资本化,从根源上寻求解决意识形态城市化的途径;

    The third is promoting capitalization of rural ' land ;

  7. 圈地的本质是土地的资本化,我国圈地过程中形成了国有土地使用权的资本化,通过土地价格的剪刀差又一次实现了对农民的剥夺。

    The essence of new enclosure movement is land capitalization . It is the use right of state-owned land that is capitalized . By using land price scissors , governments have achieved deprivation of farmers once again .

  8. 实现农村土地的“资本化”;

    Realize the " capitalization " of the rural land ;

  9. 论土地资源的资本化

    On Capitalization of Land Resource

  10. 土地使用权资本化,通过把农民使用土地所带来的潜在收益予以贴现,进入市场交易,从而建立起我国现有制度约束条件下的土地要素的流转机制。

    The capitalization of the rights of agrarian land use is to discount the future potential income accrued from the land use , and make the land-using rights traded in the markets .

  11. 土地资源资产概念是在土地资本化的背景下提出的。

    The concept of land resource assets is put forward under the background of the fact that the land is capitalized .

  12. 根据我国特殊的国情,土地市场将以土地使用权资本化的形式出现。

    In accordance with the particular national conditions of China , land market will appear in the form of the capitalization of land use right .

  13. 在这一理论中,马克思揭示了土地所有权制度和排他性,实现了土地资本化,提高了稀缺土地资源的利用效率。

    Here Marx reveals the land tenure system and its exclusiveness , which realizes the capitalization of land and also improves the efficiency of the application of the rare land sources .

  14. 研究结论:应尽快建立土地要素流转机制,实行土地使用权的资本化;

    As a result , land element flowing mechanism should be established in order to capitalize land using rights ;

  15. 中国有关土地问题社会矛盾产生的前提,是土地资本化的必然趋势;产生的经济基础,是土地资本化中的利益分配格局。

    The social problems caused by land in China stem from the inevitable trend of land capitalization , and the interest distribution pattern in the land capitalization in China is economically responsible for the existence of these problems .

  16. 为了让农民获取土地增值的收益和分享工业化带来的成果,必须建立起农民自己的土地资本化。

    In order to allow farmers to obtain the benefit of land value increment and share the results of industrialization , the capitalization of their land should be established .