
  • 网络Land rights;fee simple absolute
  1. 安全的土地权利对每一个市场经济国家都是至关重要的。

    Secured land title is essential to a modern market economy .

  2. 中国农村妇女土地权利问题的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Land Rights of Rural Women in China

  3. 农村集体土地权利的状况分析及其建议

    Analysis of Problem and Measures to the Rural Collective Land Right

  4. 关于土地权利制度与地方政府规划行为的思考

    Reflections on Land Right System & Planning Behaviors of Local Government

  5. 第一部分为农民土地权利的内涵。

    The first part is the connotation ofpeasants ' land rights .

  6. 土著民族的土地权利问题在加拿大至今仍然没有全部解决。

    Aboriginal land claims in Canada are still to be resolved today .

  7. 划分土地权利分界线的人。

    A person who fixes the boundaries of land claims .

  8. 首先,山国家对集体土地权利构制作出重新安排。

    First , state should rebuild structure of right of collective land .

  9. 土著人民土地权利联合委员会

    Joint Commission on Rights relating to Indigenous People 's Land

  10. 农村土地权利变动:征用

    Change the Rights of Land in the Countryside : Take-over

  11. 婚迁妇女土地权利的保护

    The Land Right Protection of Marriage - moving Women

  12. 付出的拥有占有和改善一块土地权利的钱款。

    Payment for the right to occupy and improve a piece of land .

  13. 土地权利与登记制度选择

    The Choice of Land Property Rights and Registration System

  14. 第四部分为对农民土地权利保护的几点思考。

    The fourth part Reflections on the protection of farmers ' land rights .

  15. 未成年人土地权利登记问题研究

    On Land Right Registration of Persons under Legal Age

  16. 农民权益实现的根本在于农民的土地权利。

    Realization of farmers ' rights relies essentially on farmers ' land rights .

  17. 部落或农业土地权利,还是采矿公司的土地利益?

    Tribal or farming land rights , or the land interests of mining companies ?

  18. 声音1:赋予女性土地权利也引发了平等问题。

    Voice 1 : Giving land rights to women also raises issues of equality .

  19. 土地权利凭证的变迁是宁波土地法律制度在近代变迁的一个非常真实的具有符号意义的写照。

    The land right warrant was a symbol of the Ningbo legal system modernization .

  20. 中国农村土地权利冲突及制度生成

    The Land Right 's Conflicts in China 's Rural District and the System 's Generation

  21. 比如,土地权利问题和国有企业改革不一定会迎来政策拐点。

    Neither are land rights issues , nor moves to reign in anti-competitive state-owned enterprises .

  22. 土地权利的安全保障能有效地促进社会、经济的发展。

    The security guarantee of land rights can effectively promote the development of economy and society .

  23. 一方面,它可以促进土地权利人对于其土地的投资热情;

    On one hand , it provides the land holder encentives to invest on his land ;

  24. 土著民族的持续抗争让加拿大不得不重新面对土著民族的土地权利问题。

    The persisted protesting and struggling of aboriginal peoples made Canada confront their land claims again .

  25. 在我国,农村土地权利制度是农村土地制度的核心。

    In China , rural land right system is the core component in rural land institution .

  26. 这一命题的解决有赖于中国农村土地权利制度重新设计。

    The resolution of this problem depends on the re-designation of land right in Chinese country .

  27. 第三部分为田家村农民土地权利保护存在的问题及其原因。

    The third partis the problems of Tian village farmers ' land rights protection and their causes .

  28. 现阶段,土地权利量问题集中表现为征地补偿安置费的分配。

    Currently the land right amount of rural collective members focuses on the distribution of relocation payment .

  29. 土地权利问题联合委员会

    Joint Commission on Land Rights

  30. 宅基地使用权是农民土地权利中的一项非常重要的权利。

    The rural residential land usufruct is a very important right in the farmers ' land rights .