
  • 网络special movables
  1. 最后提出完善物权法有关不动产物权变动和特殊动产物权变动公示效力模式的建议。

    In conclusion , I propose a suggestion to improve the mode of publicity effectiveness in change of real right of immovable property and particular movable property .

  2. 笔者在结论中提出:明确可设定抵押权的动产范围,从而将抵押权划分为不动产抵押权与特殊动产抵押权,排除在一般动产上设定抵押权;

    The author makes conclusion as follows : specify the scope of chattel available to hypothec setup ; divide hypothec into that of real estate and that of special chattel , exclude the hypothec on general chattel ;

  3. 第一部分基本理论,研究了民用航空器的基本概念和法律属性、民用航空器进口管理法律制度的历史沿革。提出民用航空器是一种特殊动产,具有准人格属性。

    It studies the basic concepts and legal characteristics of civil aircraft and the history of the legal system of regulation of importation of civil aircraft . Civil aircraft is a special property with a quasi-human attribute .

  4. 最后针对动产抵押制度中两类特殊动产,即将来之物和国有企业动产能否作为动产抵押物作简要分析。

    At last , it makes a brief analysis on the two special real estates , things in the future and the real estate of the state-owned enterprises , to determine if they could be real estate collateral .

  5. 机动车因其价值较大,使用时其社会影响较其他动产更为广泛,因此作为特殊动产也需要以物权登记作为公示方法,采取登记对抗主义。

    Motor vehicle because the value of the use of their social impact is broader than the other movable property , so as a special movable real rights registered as a publicity methods and take the registration of antagonism .

  6. 预告登记是不动产(特殊动产)物权变动和登记制度的重要组成部分,对保障债权人的权利、保护交易安全、维护市场信用具有重要作用。

    The registration of advance notice is an important constituent about the real right change of the estate ( special movable property ) and the registration system , which can safeguard creditor 's right 、 protect transaction security 、 defend the market credit .

  7. 可以说这就是造成特殊动产与不动产在权利外观、善意标准等方面巨大差异的本质原因。

    This article makes clear that the significance of registration for special movables and immovables , to some extent , it is the essential reason why the special movables are differ from immovables in right appearance , standard of acquisition in good faith and other aspects .

  8. 其性质为特殊的不动产财产权,既具有物权的性质,又具有债权的性质。

    The character of it is the special property right of real eatate .