
  • 网络Specific policies;Ad hoc policy
  1. 《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty)最重要的创新之也是到目前为止讨论得最少的一个创新是:欧盟成员国间的群组,有可能加强特定政策领域的合作。

    One of the most important and at the time least discussed innovations of the Lisbon treaty was the possibility for groups of Member States to enhance co-operation in selective policy areas .

  2. COSO报告认为,控制环境是指对建立、加强或削弱特定政策、程序及其效率产生影响的各种因素。

    COSO report that environment control is about establishing , strengthening or weakening the specific policy , procedure and a variety of factors , whose efficiency takes an effort on .

  3. 另加下列特定政策标准和条件。

    Plus policy-specific criteria and conditions as set out below .

  4. 一个特定政策,在实施及效果评价后重要的一环是决定其去向。

    Making of policy direction is a important stage after policy implementation and evaluation for a given policy .

  5. 好像是抬出上帝专门支持某种特定政策或态度。

    As if the intention was to wheel up God to endorse some particular policy or attitude rather than another .

  6. 紧缩的根源是经济结构调整、金融体制改革、信贷有效需求不足和特定政策安排等多方面。

    The causes for county - level financial recession are structural adjustment , financial reform , inadequate financial demand and specific policy arrangement .

  7. 要想有资格获得马歇尔计划的援助,各国就必须实施有利于企业的特定政策,确保本国企业能够很好地使用贷款。

    To qualify for the plan , countries had to enact certain pro-business policies to make sure that their local businesses could use the loans well .

  8. 国内上市公司特定政策造就的股权高度集中使得大股东对公司治理绩效的影响巨大。

    The high concentration of share-rights resulted in the special policy of listed company in China , makes the influences of large shareholders tremendous on corporate governance .

  9. 而新制度主义者经常选择特定政策领域或部门进行分析,这是一个重要进展,因为政策制定是在特定部门或领域中进行的,仅仅集中关注国家及其行政、立法、司法机构是不够的。

    However , those who use new institutional analysis often concentrate on particular policy field or sector , which is important for the development of policy study .

  10. 财政投融资应以实现特定政策目标为目的,不一定形成实物资本;

    The Fiscal Investment and Loan Program should be aimed at the realization of policy goal , and the formation of physical capital is not absolutely necessary ;

  11. 由于特定政策之知识社群的共同因果信念、规范性信仰、效度观念及共同政策志业不是先验的,故研究者不应预设知识社群成员具有某些共同特徵,并据此来解释其政策影响力。

    Research on the ECA generally assume that members of a given epistemic community share common causal and normative beliefs , as well as a notion of validity and a common policy enterprise .

  12. 通过果树套种面积实证模型分析在同一特定政策条件下哪些因素影响农户的种植决策行为,找到改造农户行为的切入点,从而为政府合理引导农户行为提出具体有效的建议。

    Through the empirical model of the area of fruit trees interplanted , analyze of the factors which affect farmers ' planting decision behavior under the same policy , find entry point of transforming household behavior , and propose workable policy recommendations for how to guide farmers ' behavior .

  13. 这一位于华盛顿的工业组织的主席杰克杰拉德(JackGerard)表示,页岩气和石油变革创造了一种改变游戏规则、重塑能源领域蓝图的机会,它需要特定的政策决议。

    Jack Gerard , president of the Washington-based industry group , said the shale gas and oil revolution was creating a game-changing opportunity to reshape the energy landscape that required specific policy decisions .

  14. 我们将面对审计总署就美联储某项特定货币政策是否正确发表的事后观点,这限制了美联储公开市场委员会(fomc)的评议。

    We would face after-the-fact opinions by the Gao on whether a certain monetary policy is correct , constraining deliberations of the Federal Open Market Committee .

  15. 对此,应改革并完善个人所得税的免征额扣除项目和扣除方法,以实现特定的政策目的。

    Hence , items and methods of exemption should be reformed and perfected to realize special policy goal .

  16. 风险投资资本市场的发展需要一些特定的政策和法律等环境,需要深入地探讨和研究。

    And the development of venture capital market needs to deeply research some special policy and law environments .

  17. 第一篇文章需要为一位元在政府部门工作的高级交通官员提供关于一个特定交通政策问题的分析。

    The first paper will provide policy analysis to a senior transportation official in government regarding a specific policy problem .

  18. 功能性系统旨在为特定的政策提供支持,如儿童福利或洪灾救济。

    Functional systems are set up to support a particular policy - child benefit , perhaps , or flood relief .

  19. 清算义务人的侵权责任具有实现特定司法政策的功能,处于辅助性的地位。

    Being in an affiliating status , tortious liability of liquidation obligor can serve a function to realize specific judicial policy .

  20. 而加快民族地区的发展,除了特定的政策和措施以外,财政转移支付也是一个非常重要的手段。

    To boost minority region 's development , besides special policies and measures , fiscal transferring payment is also a very important means .

  21. 在市场经济条件下,公立医院是政府为弥补市场缺陷而干预市场、实现特定社会政策目标而建立的一种公共服务机构。

    In a market economy , public hospitals work as a government agency to resolve market failure and to pursue specified social policy objectives .

  22. 它们的目的是就政策举措对信誉度的影响向投资者提供一种看法,而不是支持或削弱特定的政策举措。

    Their purpose is to provide an opinion to investors on the effect of policy initiatives on creditworthiness but not to support or undermine particular policy initiatives .

  23. 关于第一个问题,强制性规定意味着国家干预,是国家为了贯彻和实现其特定的政策和目的而采取的规范形式。

    About the first tier question , mandatory provisions mean the state intervention which is the normative format adopted by the State to implement and fulfill its specific policy and purpose .

  24. 第二,本研究探讨在我国特定的政策环境下,竞争在医疗市场中所发挥的作用,加深了人们对竞争和医疗市场的理解。

    Secondly , this study intensively address the role of competition in medical care market in a unique policy settings in China , which us helpful to further understand medical care market and competition .

  25. 通过明白这几点,我正在认为美国人有理由关心中国的崛起,我也没有说中国没有通过特定的政策解决了一些问题。

    By making these points , I 'm not saying that Americans have no reason to be concerned about China 's rise , or that China doesn 't bring ire onto itself through certain policies .

  26. 公民参与网络社会资本的充分发育是公民切实进入公共政策过程、讨论特定的政策议题、协力执行公共政策的前提。

    The development of civic participation in social capitals is the premise for the public to really take part in public policy process , discuss particular policy themes and coordinate efforts to carry out public policy .

  27. 内部控制环境是指对建立、加强或削弱特定控制政策、程序及其效率产生影响的各种因素,是内部控制的前提和基础。加强内部控制环境建设,才能使内部控制得以顺利进行。

    The internal control environment refers to the various factors that have an influence on establishing , strengthening and weakening the special policies , procedures and efficiency , which is the premise and foundation of the internal control .

  28. 因此,为了保障市场经济有效运行、弥补市场失灵,政府需要建立公共企业对社会经济生活进行必要的干预,从而实现特定的政策目标。

    So in order to ensure market economy to operate , remedy the market failure effectively , the government needs to set up public enterprises to carry out necessary intervention in the social economic life , so as to achieve the goal of specific policy .

  29. 可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型是一种常用的经济分析理论与工具,它通过对经济系统整体的模拟来对特定的经济政策变动进行分析。

    Computable General Equilibrium Model is a commonly used theory and a tool to make an economic analysis with . It makes the analysis on the changing of particular economic policies through the overall simulation of an economic system .

  30. 在这座妥协的天平上,一端是GATS成员方所要追求的多边服务贸易自由化的目标,另一端是各个主权国家要竭力维护的特定国内公共政策目标及其背后的国家利益。

    On the scale of this compromise , one side is the target of liberalization of multilateral trade in service chasing by all GATS members , on the other side is the definite national public policies and hidden national interests endeavoring to persist by all sovereignties .