
  • 网络new urbanization;new-type urbanization
  1. 第六部分是本文的总结,在上述分析与实证后,针对于安徽省如何在十二五期间更好的推进新型城镇化发展,提升FDI的拉动作用提出若干建议。

    After the empirical analysis above , this part made a number of recommendations on how to better promote the development of new urbanization and how to enhance the pulling effect of FDI during The Twelfth Five-Year Guide Line .

  2. 提出针对四川省新型城镇化进程的政策建议。

    At last , put forward the new urbanization policy recommendations .

  3. 加强新型城镇化建设,大力提升县城公共设施和服务能力,新开工改造城镇老旧小区3.9万个

    Strengthen the development of a new type of urbanization , improving public facilities and services in county seats and beginning the renovation communities .

  4. 安徽省的经济发展在全国大致处于中等水平,借国家实施的新型城镇化战略之机,包括利用好FDI在内的多种办法,加快推进安徽新型城镇化的发展步伐,是一个难得的机遇。

    The economic development of Anhui Province is roughly in the middle level , In the construction of new period of urbanization , better use of FDI in Anhui province to accelerate the development of new urbanization , is a rare opportunity .

  5. 我们强调的新型城镇化,是以人为核心的城镇化。

    We want to pursue a new type of urbanization .

  6. 新型城镇化作为我国的发展战略,具有深刻的意义。

    The development strategy of the new-type urbanization has a profound significant in China .

  7. 第四章作者进行了中心镇新型城镇化建设实证的分析。

    Chapter IV of the town center for a new type of urbanization empirical analysis .

  8. 新型城镇化已成为新时期的国家战略,积极稳妥推进城镇化,着力提高城镇化质量是我国现代化建设的历史任务。

    New urbanization is becoming the national strategy in the new period of our country .

  9. 大力发展小城镇是我国加快实现新型城镇化的现实选择。

    Developing small towns is the realistic choice to accelerate the new urbanization in our country .

  10. 推进以人为核心的新型城镇化,是最大的结构调整。

    Promoting a people-centered , new type of urbanization will be in itself the biggest structural readjustment .

  11. 本文是关于重庆新型城镇化推进路径的研究。

    This dissertation is a study on the route of advancing the New Urbanization in Chongqing City .

  12. 江西农村新型城镇化建设投资主体多元化的促进对策

    The Measures to Promote Diversified Investors in the New Type of Urbanization of Villages in Jiangxi Province

  13. 第二章介绍了铁岭市新型城镇化建设的历程及发展现状。

    The second chapter describes the Tieling City , the new course of urbanization and development status .

  14. 加大对中西部地区新型城镇化的支持。

    We will increase support for a new type of urbanization in the central and western regions .

  15. 第三章主要是分析铁岭市新型城镇化建设过程中存在的问题。

    The third chapter is to analyze the Tieling City , the process of building new urbanization problems .

  16. 如何解决这些问题,实现可持续发展?新型城镇化无疑是一个较好的选择和方向。

    How to resolve those issues and realize sustainable development ? New urbanization is the answer and direction .

  17. 第二部分介绍了城镇化、新型城镇化、就地城镇化的概念。

    The second part introduces the urbanization , newurbanization , the concept and connotation of in situ urbanization .

  18. 新型城镇化是新型工业化的主要载体和农业现代化的外部条件。

    The new urbanization is the main carrier of the new industrialization and the external conditions of agricultural modernization .

  19. 新型城镇化建设不是简单的城市化,其最根本的目的是实现人的全面可持续发展。

    New urbanization constriction is not a simple urbanization and its fundamental purpose is to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development .

  20. 新型城镇化为房地产行业带来一个新契机,也带来一个新课题。

    The new urbanization has brought a new opportunity for the real estate industry , and it also brings a new topic .

  21. 本文认为在新的形势下,大城市的新型城镇化与房地产业发展,都须改变粗放式发展模式,更加注重集约化模式,坚持走资源节约、环境友好的发展道路。

    This paper argues that urbanization and real estate development in big cities should adhere to a resource-saving and environment-friendly development path .

  22. 这些资金将有助于开发区优化投资环境、强化城市服务功能、提升新型城镇化水平。

    The funds will help the zones improve their investment environment , strengthen urban service functions and upgrade the level of urbanization .

  23. 如何发展新型城镇化,如何推进新型城镇化,都是需要我国在不断探索中完成的。

    How to develop the new-type urbanization , how to promote the new-type urbanization , which need to be done in continuously explore .

  24. 四川省新型城镇化过程中,农民工市民化是其关键。

    In the process of the new style urbanization of Sichuan province , the key is how to make rural workers become citizen .

  25. 该声明还指出,中国将扩大新型城镇化试点地区的范围,鼓励中小城市的发展。

    China will also expand the pilot areas for " new type " urbanization , encourage the development of medium and small-sized cities .

  26. 以国家新型城镇化规划为指导,做好相关规划的统筹衔接。

    We will make plans for urbanization in a coordinated way in accordance with the national guidelines for developing a new type of urbanization .

  27. 我国城镇化已进入加快发展的重要阶段,国家将新型城镇化作为首要战略决策进行安排部署。

    With the urbanization in our country coming into an important stage , the state has arranged the new type urbanization as the first strategy .

  28. 新型城镇化与传统城镇化的时代背景、侧重点、主体、模式及动力机制都有着显著的区别。

    New Urbanization is quite distinguished from the traditional urbanization in terms of historical backgrounds , highlights , main body , models and driving mechanisms .

  29. 通过构建新型城镇化的评价指标体系,测算四川省城镇化水平,分析四川省新型城镇化的现状,问题和态势。

    Then through the index system and evaluation standard , we can analysis the situation , problems and trend of the new urbanization of Sichuan Province .

  30. 促进中部地区城镇化健康发展,必须走一条城乡协调、工农互动、大中小城市协调发展的新型城镇化道路。

    Therefore , a new path of urbanization must be followed , which calls for the coordination between urban and rural development and between industry and agriculture .