
xīn xiàn shí zhǔ yì
  • new realism;neorealism
新现实主义[xīn xiàn shí zhǔ yì]
  1. 新现实主义和新自由主义是西方国际关系理论的两大流派。

    Neorealism and Neoliberalism are the two great schools in western international relations theory .

  2. 理解、表达和态度&析《新现实主义和新自由主义》翻译中的几个问题

    Understanding , Expression , and Attitude : Some Comments on the Translation Problems in Neorealism and Neoliberalism

  3. 新现实主义小说人文精神的审美向度

    Aesthetic orientation of the humanistic spirit in the novels of neo-realism

  4. 立足民间&新现实主义小说论

    Focus on Civilian & on the New Realism of Fiction Writing

  5. 第二部分,解读新现实主义科学理论的建构过程;

    The second part analyzes the process of construction of neorealism .

  6. 美国霸权和东亚一体化&一种新现实主义的解释

    The US Hegemony and East Asian Integration : A Neo-realist Perspective

  7. 悲剧的隐匿&新现实主义小说的美学管窥

    The Hidden Tragedy & An Aesthetic View on New Realistic Fiction

  8. 美国新现实主义与后现代小说中的道德意识

    Comparative Studies of Moral Consciousness in American Neo-realism and Post-Modernism Novels

  9. 新现实主义视角下的中非能源外交分析

    Sino-Africa Energy a Analysis From the Perspective of the New Realism

  10. 现实与表现&中国新现实主义绘画的精神

    Reality and Expression The Spirit of the New Realistic Paintings in China

  11. 后现代主义与加拿大的新现实主义法学

    Post - Modernism and Canadian New Realism Theory of Law

  12. 反叛继承超越&简论当代美国文学中的新现实主义

    Rebellion , Inheritor and Transcendence & On Neo-realism in Contemporary American Literature

  13. 论辛顿新现实主义杰作中的浪漫主义色彩

    On the Romantic Colour in Hinton 's New Realist Works

  14. 20世纪90年代中国农村题材新现实主义小说论

    On the Neo-realistic Novels about the Rural Subjects of China in 1990s

  15. 意大利新现实主义电影与中国三四十年代电影的比较分析

    A Comparative Study of Italy new-realism Movies and Chinese Movies during 30-40 Ages

  16. 刘醒龙是新现实主义小说的代表作家。

    LIU Xing-long is one of the representative author of new realism stories .

  17. 鲜明独特多姿多彩&论新现实主义小说的人物塑造

    Striking , Unique and Colourful & On the Characterization of the Neo-Realistic Novels

  18. 新现实主义实际上已转化成为一种精神。

    The new realism in reality has already converted to a kind of spirit .

  19. 其作者辛顿被称为美国新现实主义少年小说的代表作家。

    Hinton is considered as a representative writer in new realist young adult literature .

  20. “新现实主义”小说是社会转型期小说嬗变的必然结果。

    Second , The neorealistic novel is the necessity result of the reform period .

  21. 新现实主义巨匠&乔治·西格尔

    George Segal , the Great Master of Neo-realism

  22. 新现实主义绘画是与波普艺术同时发展起来的一种艺术流派。

    New Realism and Pop Art paintings are simultaneously developed a kind of art genre .

  23. 二次世界大战以后兴起的意大利新现实主义电影与现代派电影一起开创了现代电影,前者以具体现实的再现性意象表现的散文叙事形式,充分发挥电影叙事的客观性;

    Italian Neo-realistic movie rising after World War ⅱ and modernistic movie initiated modern movie .

  24. 对中国新现实主义油画的关注

    Concern on Chinese New Realism Oil-painting

  25. 本部分主要论述浪漫主义因素在主题方面是如何融入新现实主义作品的,并且具体分析浪漫主义因素在其中是如何体现的。

    The discussion concentrates on how the romantic elements are blended into these new realistic stories .

  26. 西方国家安全理论之比较研究&新现实主义、新自由主义与建构主义

    A Comparative Study of Security Theories in Western Countries & New Realism , New Liberalism and Constructivism

  27. 新现实主义及其评价

    Neorealism and Appraisal on It

  28. 对政治均衡的评价,政治均衡的艺术是妥协的新现实主义原则。

    Evaluating the political equilibrium , we should conform to the rules of compromise of new realism .

  29. 新现实主义对传统现实主义最大的超越就是开始关注低级政治和国际合作问题。

    Quite different from Classical Realism , Neorealism begins to highlight " lower politics " and cooperation issue .

  30. 第二节着重介绍新现实主义的主要代表人物及其主要代表作品;

    Section two attachs importance to introduce main representative figures of neorealism , and their main representative works .