
xīn zì yóu zhǔ yì
  • neoliberalism
新自由主义[xīn zì yóu zhǔ yì]
  1. 约翰·阿特金森·霍布森(JohnAtkinsonHobson,1858~1940)是英国新自由主义政治思想家、经济学家、社会改良主义者、帝国主义理论的创立者。

    John Atkinson Hobson was an English Neoliberalism political thinker , economist , social reformist and the creator of imperialism theory .

  2. 新自由主义最初是二战前一个以美国评论员沃尔特李普曼(walterlippmann)为首的团体为自己选定的名字,它主张在经济政策中更多地运用市场力量,此外还有一些别的主张。

    For neoliberalism was originally the self-chosen name for a group formed just before the second world war around the US commentator Walter Lippmann and which advocated , among other things , making greater use of market forces in economic policy .

  3. 自从20世纪70年代D.从20世纪70年代以来,新自由主义理论风行一时。

    Since the concept of domain was first introduced by D. Since 1970s , Neo-Liberalism theory is in fashion .

  4. 金融危机使BBC摆脱了新自由主义的束缚,而其批评者一直试图用新自由主义淹没BBC。

    The financial crisis had freed the BBC from the neoliberal swaddle in which its critics sought to wrap it .

  5. IMF经常被指责在制定经济政策时本能地采取新自由主义立场,即假定市场有效,并支持放松管制,其中包括资本的自由流动&尽管近些年,它已经采纳了更多更为折中的观点。

    The IMF has been frequently accused of taking an instinctively neoliberal approach to economic policymaking , assuming that markets work efficiently and favouring deregulation , including the free flows of capital – though in recent years it has adopted more eclectic views .

  6. 最后一点是分析新自由主义在这次危机中扮演的角色。

    Fourthly , I analyze the role that Neoliberalism has played .

  7. 公共教育改革中的新自由主义思想取向与反思

    An Outline and Introspection of Public Education Reform Dominated by Neo-liberalism

  8. 资本主义和新自由主义的提供者对人类只有腐烂和自私。

    Capitalism and neo-liberalism offers only rottenness and selfishness to humankind .

  9. 新自由主义思潮与高校思想政治教育教学

    New Liberalism Current of Thought and Education-teaching of Ideology-politics in University

  10. 边沁小政府思想对以后新自由主义思想构成了重要的影响。

    His government thought has an impact on new liberalism afterward .

  11. 我们是否需要警惕新自由主义思潮?

    Should we be alert to the trend of liberation thought ?

  12. 反全球化运动直接挑战新自由主义的全球化。

    The anti-globalization movement challenges the globalization of new liberalism directly .

  13. 新自由主义经济思潮与中国市场经济地位问题

    New Liberalism Economic Thoughts and Problems of China Market Economy Status

  14. 自由与平等是美国新自由主义争论的主要焦点。

    The Neo-liberalism in America mainly focused on liberty and equality .

  15. 新自由主义背景下的美国媒体兼并浪潮及其启示

    The Annexation of the American Media in the New Liberalism

  16. 日本教育改革的新自由主义侧面

    A Glimpse of New Liberalism in Japan 's Educational Reform

  17. 西方新自由主义的市场经济理论述评

    A Review of Market Economy Theory of the Western Neo-liberalism

  18. 我国改革的指导思想是马克思主义,而不是新自由主义。

    The leading idea of China 's reform is Marxism not Neoliberalism .

  19. 新自由主义、金融危机与我国的战略选择

    Neoliberalism , Financial and Economic Situation Surging and Our Choice

  20. 后新自由主义时代中国规划理论的范式转变

    Changing Planning Paradigm in China in the Post Neo-liberalism Era

  21. 新自由主义与当前的经济危机:一个政治经济学分析

    On Neoliberalism and the Current Economic Crisis : a Political Economy Approach

  22. 新自由主义的全球化与替代问题研究

    Research on neo-liberal globalization and the " alternative " issue

  23. 刑法谦抑性:新自由主义法学语境中的考察

    Limiting Criminal Law According to Jurisprudence of the New Liberalism

  24. 第七部分:科学评析新自由主义。

    Part seven : Analysis Neo - Liberalism scientifically .

  25. 第四部分:新自由主义的主要理论观点。

    Part four : The main standpoints of Neo-Liberalism .

  26. 论新自由主义在世界上的影响及应对态度

    Influence and Responding Attitude of Neoliberalism in the World

  27. 新自由主义对自由市场的迷恋,导致的结果也没好到哪去。

    And the neoliberal infatuation with unfettered markets has not fared much better .

  28. 然而,中国的非洲政策并不是新自由主义的替代。

    But China 's policy in Africa is not an alternative to neo-liberalism .

  29. 实际上,新自由主义的话语不仅仅是很多话语中的一种。

    In effect , neoliberal discourse is not just one discourse among many .

  30. 较的以西方文化为代表的新自由主义。

    And important is take the Western culture as representative 's new liberalism .