
  1. 这是中国大规模收购非洲大宗商品资产的又一明证,JP摩根前南非业务负责人约翰•科尔特(JohnCoulter)说。

    This is further evidence of China 's aggressive acquisition of commodity assets in Africa , said John Coulter , former head of JPMorgan in South Africa .

  2. 德勤(Deloitte)进行的一项调查显示,在全球金融机构中,仅有不足半数在评估其所持资产的风险过程中,充分考虑了复杂金融资产和大宗商品资产的风险。

    Fewer than half of global financial institutions account sufficiently for complex financial and commodity exposures in assessing the riskiness of their holdings , according to a survey by Deloitte .

  3. 私人股本集团未能给有意购买大宗商品资产的投资者提供良好的服务。

    Investors wanting commodity assets were not being well served by private equity groups .

  4. 中国投资者将前往迪拜展开购物之旅,以图廉价买进当地房地产。自全球金融危机爆发以来,中国投资者已在全球各地搜购陷入困境的汽车品牌和廉价的大宗商品资产。

    Chinese investors , who have trawled the world for distressed car brands and cheap commodity assets since the beginning of the global financial crisis , will now take a shopping trip to Dubai to look for property bargains .

  5. 然而在传统会计原则之架构下,衍生性金融商品的资产负债表外(off-balance-sheet)特性,使得财务报表无法充份反映其经济实质的相关信息。

    Nevertheless , under conventional accounting principles , the characteristics of the off-balance-sheet won 't enable financial statements to adequately reflect the real-term information of the economy .

  6. 商品林资产经营的技术研究

    Study on the Technology of Assets Management for Commercial Forest

  7. 有关商品林资产运营问题的探讨

    How to Operate the Assets of Commercial Forests

  8. 但金融动荡也增强了大宗商品作为资产的吸引力。

    But financial turmoil has also increased the attractiveness of commodities as an asset class .

  9. 在这种环境下,黄金作为一种流动性不错的、基于硬大宗商品的资产,开始扮演起重要角色。

    In this environment , gold , as a fairly liquid , hard commodity-based option , comes into play .

  10. 沿着通胀路线继续下去这一无法避免的危险尝试,将使商品和资产受益,但会为政府债券带来灾难性的后果。

    An unavoidably hazardous attempt to go down the inflation route would be good for commodities and property but disastrous for government bonds .

  11. 一些资本流动是不可避免的,甚至是可取的,从这个意义上说,新兴经济体必须高度警惕,阻止商品和资产价格过热。

    To the extent that some flows are unavoidable and even desirable , emerging economies have to be ultra-vigilant in preventing overheating of goods and asset prices .

  12. 不确定性导致金融界的戏剧性抽身,几乎总是会出现商品和资产的抛售,从而降低了其价格。

    The uncertainty leads to a dramatic disengagement by the financial community that almost always requires sales and , hence , lower prices of goods and assets .

  13. 随着全球经济在今年早些时候开始复苏,该基金迅速投资于大宗商品相关资产,这些资产得益于中国经济增长的反弹。

    As the global economy began to recover earlier this year , the fund was quick to make investments in commodity-related assets that benefit from a rebound in Chinese growth .

  14. 他们研究了是否机构投资者把商品作为资产类别投资和投资商品指数的行为是这次商品价格不同寻常上涨的背后因素。

    They examined whether the push by institutional investors to assign funds to commodities as an asset class and to invest in commodity indices , was a factor behind the extraordinary price increase .

  15. 与上世纪20年代的美国和80年代的日本不同,中国如果执意保持当前的发展模式,将受制于一种信贷体系,在这种体系下,商品与资产价格难以保持稳定。

    Commitment to the current development model weds China to a credit system that is incompatible with stable goods and asset prices , not unlike the US in the 1920s and Japan in the 1980s .

  16. 接着介绍房地产市场理论,主要是房地产作为商品和资产的双重属性,影响房地产价格的因素,从而建立本文的模型框架。

    Then introduce the theory of the real estate market , the main factors of the real estate as the dual attributes of goods and assets , real estate prices , in order to establish the framework of this model .

  17. 公允价值计量在会计中的运用已有50年左右的历史,但真正大行其道是在20世纪80年代衍生金融工具出现以后,而其产生根源却是商品(资产)的价格变动。

    Fair value measurement has been used in the accounting area for more than 50 years , though the real popularity is in the 1980s after the emergence of derivative financial instruments . Its cause is the price changes of goods ( assets ) .

  18. 但他警告说,全球资产价格已出现一个小的泡沫。他还表示,该基金的投资重点是大宗商品相关资产和房地产,以此来对冲通胀和货币贬值。

    But Lou Jiwei , chairman of China Investment Corp , warned that a small bubble has already formed in global asset prices and said the fund was focused on investments in commodities-related assets and real estate as a hedge against inflation and currency depreciation .

  19. 综合系统论的思想,把黄金矿产资源作为一项资产,从资源的自然属性出发,研究了矿产资源的财务属性、商品属性、资产价值转移方式与矿产资源使用价值的运行特征。

    The value of gold resource has been studied from the natural characteristics and financial characteristics of the resource , including the ways of resource value formation .

  20. 渐渐地,标志着现代性的各种元素也好部门也好随着出现了,比如股票市场、债券市场以及商品市场,资产管理和信用分析等。

    Bit by bit , the standard components of modernity were put into place , including stock , bond and commodity markets , asset management and credit analysis .

  21. 世界上开始陆续建立碳交易的市场,而碳交易市场中所交易的就是一种新兴的、有价值的商品&碳资产。

    After that , more and more carbon trading market was built in the world , and an emerging and valuable commodity which was called carbon assets was traded in the carbon trading market .

  22. 本文从虚拟经济的角度深入剖析了房地产的虚拟资产特性,指出房地产是一种虚拟资产,房地产这种虚拟资产的特性是其虚拟性介于普通商品和金融资产之间。

    It points out that real estate is a kind of fictitious asset , and the nature of real estate as a fictitious asset is its fictitiousness is situated between in general goods and financial asset .

  23. 于是,市场参与者,包括宏观政策的决策者和执行者都高估了出让期限内存量商品房的资产价值,并据此进行交易和投资。

    Market participants have neither clear rational knowledge nor real perceptual cognition . Hence , market participants , including macro policy decision makers and practitioners are overvalued the asset value of the stock of commercial house , and according to this to trade and invest .

  24. 购买或销售商品以外的其他资产。

    Purchasing or selling assets other than goods ;

  25. 它其实涉及到制造货币去购买商品,而非资产。

    Well , this involves the creation of money to buy goods , not assets .

  26. 它拥有大量贸易盈余,卖出商品以获得金融资产的所有权。

    It runs a trade surplus , selling goods in return for financial claims on foreigners .

  27. 私人股本、大宗商品及其它另类资产都倾向于同步波动。

    Alternative assets such as private equity , commodities and the rest have all tended to move together .

  28. 我们给他们带去了理念,其中之一是,大宗商品是保障性资产,主要用于分散风险,而非获取回报。

    We bring them concepts , one of which is commodities as protection assets , used primarily for diversification rather than returns .

  29. 经济学或经济理论的发展轨迹是沿着商品价格资本价格资产价格这样的轴心前进的。

    The researching focus of economics and economic theory has been developing according to the order of commodity price , capital price and asset price .

  30. 中国这些新基金的一个吸引力在于,投资者能够把他们手中的人民币投入包括黄金和其它大宗商品在内的不同资产类别,由此规避通胀。

    One attraction of the new Chinese funds is that they allow investors to hedge inflation by putting their renminbi into different asset classes including gold and other commodities .