
  • 网络productivity analysis
  1. 基于MODIS资料的2000&2004年江河源区陆地植被净初级生产力分析

    Analysis of the Terrestrial NPP Based on the MODIS in the Source Regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers from 2000 to 2004

  2. 甘肃不同类型农区农业自然环境资源特点及农田生产力分析

    Agricultural resources and farmland productivity in different sections of Gansu province

  3. 海城市不同类型农业生态系统作物生产力分析

    Analysis of Crop Productivity in Different Agro & ecosystems in Haicheng City

  4. 从阶级分析到生产力分析

    From Class Analysis to Analysis of Productive Forces

  5. 陕北几种农业生态经济系统生产力分析

    An Analysis of the Productivity in Several Agro-ecological and Economic Systems in North Shaanxi

  6. 宁夏南部山区农田生产力分析及农业发展初探

    An Analysis of Farmland Productivity and Agricultural Development in the Mountain Areas in South part of Ningxia

  7. 京津唐地区土地资源质量评价和土地生产力分析

    The evaluation on the quality of land resources and the analysis on the productivity of the land in jing jin tang area

  8. 生产力分析是比阶级分析更为本质的一种分析人类社会的历史和现实问题的方法。

    Productive force analysis is a more essential methodology than class analysis when applied to analyze the historical and present problems in human society .

  9. 而区域自然环境资源分布特征、区域管理政策、交通系统和历史文化因素是影响快速城市化地区生态设施结构特征的主要因素.甘肃不同类型农区农业自然环境资源特点及农田生产力分析

    The regional natural resource conditions , management policies , transportation systems , historical and cultural factors are the major driving forces . Agricultural resources and farmland productivity in different sections of Gansu province

  10. 系统实现了基本地图操作、农业空间信息查询与分析、种植制度设计、农产品生态区划、农作生产力分析、精确农作管理、可视化输出、系统维护以及帮助功能。

    The system realized the functions as basic map handling , agriculture spatial information query and analysis , cropping system design , ecological distribution of farm products , cropping productivity evaluation , precision farming management , visual display of results , system maintenance and help .

  11. 使用DEA(数据包络分析)中的Malmquist生产力指数分析方法对我国民用机场的运营效率进行了分析。

    The paper firstly analyses the operating efficiency of china civil airports by using Malmquist TFP index of DEA .

  12. 利用Malmquist生产力指数分析法衡量2001-2004年期间家电行业各上市公司投入导向的各种生产力变动指数,并藉以区别生产力变动系源自效率变动或技术变动。

    Fourthly employing the Malmquist Index to weigh all sorts of productivity change indices of listed companies from 2001 to 2004 and then analyzing these indices furthermore .

  13. 农业生产力评价分析和优化系统(APEAS)包括农业生产力评价、分析及优化三部分内容。

    APEAS included agricultural productivity evaluation , analysis and optimization .

  14. 用生产力标准分析和对待剥削

    To Analyze and Approach Exploitation with the Standards of Productive Forces

  15. 甘肃黄土高原作物生长期土壤干旱及气候生产力特征分析

    Soil arid and climate productivity over Gansu loess plateau during crop growth period

  16. 新疆气候变化下植被净初级生产力格局分析

    NPP Change in Vegetation in Xinjiang under Climate Change

  17. 关于多产品生产系统的优化及生产力水平分析

    On the Optimization of Plural Goods Production System and Analysis of Productive Capacity Levels

  18. 近30年乌鲁木齐地区自然植被净第一性生产力变化分析

    The Analysis of Natural Vegetation Npp Change in Urumqi Area in the Last 30 Years

  19. 天然柞木林不同群落结构林分生产力效益分析及最优化模式的探讨

    Analysis on productivity effect of natural oak stand of different community structure and the optimal model

  20. 不同结荚习性大豆品种综合生产力的分析评价

    Evaluation on Comprehensive Productivities of Soybean Varieties with Different Growth Habits through Gray Correlation Degree Analysis

  21. 干旱区山地植物群落物种多样性与生产力关系分析

    Analysis on the Relationship between the Species Diversity and the Productivity of Plant Communities in the Arid Mountainous Regions in China

  22. 实证分析部分,本文分为横向技术效率分析和纵向生产力指数分析两个方面。

    There are two facets in the apart of empirical analysis which are transverse technical efficiency analysis and longitudinal productivity index analysis .

  23. 预测作物生产力、分析未来气候变化对农业生产的影响是评价粮食安全的重要内容之一。

    Prediction of crop productivity and analysis on climate change impact are of great importance for evaluating future food security situation in agricultural industry .

  24. 太阳辐射能量通过上层海洋传输过程是上层海洋热、动力学和初级生产力定量分析和模型建立的基础。

    The transmission of solar energy through the upper ocean is essential for quantification and the modeling of the upper ocean thermodynamics and primary production .

  25. 在全球土壤变化研究中,为了准确评估各地的土地生产力,分析土壤质量的分布情况,各个地区可根据自己需要建立相应的土壤信息系统,以获得需要的土壤信息。

    In the global study of the soil changes , in order to accurately assess the productivity of land and timely monitor the changes of the land quality , there is an urgent need to establish and improve the soil information system .

  26. DEA方法在选矿厂生产力利用率分析中的应用

    DEA Method in the Analysis of Productivity Utilization in Mineral Processing Plant

  27. 最后,进行三阶段DEA和Malmquist生产力指数实证分析。

    Finally , the empirical analysis of the three-stage DEA and Malmquist productivity index .

  28. OPAC文献作者生产力之计量分析研究

    Bibliometric Analysis of the OPAC Author 's Productivity

  29. 这一核心问题的研究可归结为对经济增长的生产力源泉的分析。此类分析的常规做法是通过TFP分析方法对总量增长加以分解。

    Studies on this issue concentrate on the source of increased productivity and conventionally rely on TFP analysis aimed at decomposing the aggregate growth .

  30. 对湘南低山丘岗区林分密度为9001125和1500株·hm-2的6年生巨尾桉Eucalyptusgrandis×urophglla丰产示范林进行了生物量及生产力的测定分析。

    The biomass and productivity of 6 year old Eucalyptus grandis × urophglla high yield demonstration forest with densities of 900 , 1 125 , and 1 500 trees · hm - 2 were investigated in the low hilly area of Southern part of Hunan .