
  • 网络The Production Concept;production orientation
  1. 生产观念是一种旧的市场经营观念。

    Production concept is one of the oldest marketing philosophies .

  2. 目前,生产观念在两种情况下仍旧适用。

    The production concept is still a useful philosophy in two types of situations .

  3. 搞好国有企业必须清除小生产观念

    Small-scale production sense must be cleared away in order to strengthen state-owned enterprise

  4. 一般认为,生产观念、产品观念、推销观念、市场营销观念、社会营销观念是五种有代表性的企业经营观念。

    The corporation marketing activity surely is done through a certain of operation concept .

  5. 在我国企业从生产观念向市场观念的转变过程中,市场营销被提高到了一个前所未有的高度。

    During the process of the transition from production concept to market concept , the marketing is highly outstanding never before .

  6. 除了这一个全球性的生产观念,世界范围的新兴市场正成为西方消费品追求的市场。

    Besides this concept of a global production , new emerging markets worldwide are changing into desired markets for western consumer goods .

  7. 生产观念,最古老的商业思想之一,认为消费者喜欢价格不贵、到处能买到的商品。

    The production concept , one of the oldest in business , holds that consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive .

  8. 市场营销学中主要有五种传统的营销观念:生产观念、产品观念、销售观念、市场营销观念和社会营销观念。

    There are mainly five traditional marketing concepts : production concept , product concept , sales concept , marketing concept and social marketing concept .

  9. 导致我国企业经营效率低、经济效益差的主要思想观念,不是计划经济思想,而是小生产观念。

    The main ideological sense which leads to low efficiency and poor economic profit is the small-scale production sense not the planned economy ideology .

  10. 它改变了近百年来大批量生产观念,降低了资源消耗,提高了生产效率和保证了产品质量。

    It changes the mass-production used in almost a hundred years , reduces the resource consumption , improves the production efficiency and ensure the quality .

  11. 制约淄博市蔬菜供给的主要因素有:农民的生产观念落后、生产规模小、资金投入不足、蔬菜附加值低等。

    The major restrictive factors are : the lagging notion of the peasants , the small scale , the short of capital and so on .

  12. 因此卷烟工业企业的观念好似古老的生产观念,只负责生产,营销交给卷烟商业企业去完成。

    Therefore , the core of industrial enterprises like old production concept , is only responsible for production and marketing of cigarettes to commercial enterprises to complete .

  13. 减物质化原则的贯彻意味着消费观念和生产观念的转变,意味着生活方式的变革和产业重构。

    The implementation of the principle of dematerialization means the changing of the ideals of consumption and production , means the changing of living style and reconstruction of industries .

  14. 生物技术在农业现代化中的作用充分体现了科学技术是第一生产力的属性。其产生和发展,使人们的农业生产观念焕然一新。

    The effects of biotechnology on agricultural modernization fully reflect the nature of science and technology being the first productive force , which renews people 's concept in agricultural production .

  15. 传统的营销主要以产品作为企业的核心竞争力,目前,很多企业仍然奉行传统的生产观念、产品观念和推销观念,只注重交易的完成,不注意客户关系的建立和维护。

    Traditional marketing mainly takes the product as the core competitiveness of enterprise . Many enterprises still carried out the traditional production idea , product idea and sales idea currently , which only pay attention to completion of trades , not the relations established and the maintained with customers .

  16. 由于服装企业的营销理念由生产观念转向社会市场营销观念,以消费者为核心的营销理念逐渐得以普及并被企业所重视,市场营销成败的关键在于掌握消费者的特征和行为。

    Because the marketing concept of the garment enterprises has changed from production concept to social marketing concept , the consumer-centralized marketing idea has gradually become popular and highly valued by garment enterprises , the key to success of marketing is to grasp the characteristics and behaviors of consumers .

  17. 而强化社会保障功能,改善开发区人民生产生活观念与方式,实施各区域经济均衡发展战略是明代北方农业开发的历史昭示。

    This study think : strengthening society guarantee function , improving exploitation , carrying out the strategy of respective area economic balance is historical implication .

  18. 先进生产管理观念导致企业内部在组织和管理观念上的重大变化,企业寻求通过战略联盟等方式获取外部效率。

    Advanced production management concepts led to organization and management concepts change significantly , so companies set up strategic alliances to obtain the external efficiency .

  19. 提出了具有高技术、高投入、高产出特征的牧草生产新观念&设施草业。

    A new concept of facility fodder production system with characteristics of high technology , high investment and high productivity was proposed , as developing artificial pasture under the current situation of serious water shortages would lead to progressive grassland deterioration .

  20. 文章通过对民营企业生产经营观念的分析,认为民营企业在取得了当初的辉煌后,面对知识经济和自主创新的全新要求,在培育企业核心竞争力方面缺乏严格意义上的经营管理理念。

    Through the analysis on NGE production and operation concept , we hold the opinion that facing the new demand on technology economy and self-determination innovation , NGE is lack of operation and management idea in cultivating core competitiveness under somewhat strict definition .

  21. 商品一方面通过广告形象的审美包装,获得了越来越接近艺术品的外观特征,另一方面,广告艺术也使商品生产在观念上越来越接近艺术生产;

    On the one hand , commodities have acquired some characteristics of artistic articles in appearance by means of aesthetical advertising images ; On the other hand , the art of advertisement also makes commodity production similar to creation of works of art in theory .

  22. 树立知识是关键生产要素的观念;

    The knowledge is one of the key elements of production .

  23. 树立安全生产六大观念

    Establishing six major concepts on work safety

  24. 现在有了能源可以自己来[生产]的观念。

    The idea now is that energy is something you can [ produce ] on your own .

  25. 结果表明,影响辽宁省田径赛事市场运作的因素有体育经济环境因素、体育政策环境因素、田径赛事产品质量因素、田径竞赛环境因素和产品生产经营者的观念与素质等因素。

    The results indicate that the affected factors of market operating are sports economic environment , sports politics environment , market products quality , exterior competition environment of market and the concept and quality of producers and managers .

  26. 因此,改变一线生产工人思想观念,进一步激发他们的工作热情是企业思想政治工作的重点:一要加强思想教育,引导职工树立正确的人生观和价值观;

    Hence , the key to the ideological and political work in enterprise is to change their ideological views and further stimulate their working enthusiasm : first , strengthening ideological education and direct the staff to establish correct moral outlooks and values ;

  27. 化肥生产企业思想观念需要改变。以及实施的主体;最后,以河南省为例进一步说明如何具体构建化肥供应物流新模式。

    The fertilizer manufacturers need to change the concept of thought , as well as a prerequisite for the implementation of the main body ; Finally , in Henan Province as an example to further explain how to build a new fertilizer supply logistics model .

  28. 【法律】破产管理人发展生产要打破地域观念。

    A trustee in bankruptcy To develop production we must break down regionalism .

  29. 发展生产要打破地域观念。

    To develop production we must break down regionalism .

  30. 环境问题是一个非常复杂的问题,它和人类社会的生产技术,思想观念、政治经济体制等息息相关。

    Environmental problem is a highly integrated , complex problems , is closely related to the human modes of production , value concept and management system .