
  • 网络Birthday Attack;Birthday
  1. 生日攻击是通用的寻找碰撞的方法,可用于攻击任何类型的Hash函数。

    Birthday attack is a general approach to find collision , it can be used to attack all hash functions .

  2. 介绍了一个基于Weil配对的数字签名方案的一种攻击方法:生日攻击。

    An attack , named birthday attack , to a digital signature scheme based on Weil pairing is introduced .

  3. 为了抵抗生日攻击,可以从伪随机置换(PRP)构造安全的伪随机函数(PRF),从而得到超出生日界安全的分组密码工作模式。

    In order to resist the birthday attack , we should build secure pseudorandom function ( PRF ) from pseudorandom permutation ( PRP ) . Based on PRF , we can acquire block cipher modes of operation with beyond the birthday bound .

  4. 并对原方案作了改进,改进后的方案能完全抵抗生日攻击。

    The improvement for the scheme is proposed . The new scheme can fully resist birthday attack .

  5. 对加密哈希函数最主要的攻击是生日攻击,生日攻击方法依赖于消息摘要的长度,即哈希值的长度。

    Birthday attack depends on the length of the message digest , which is the length of hash value .

  6. 同时对现有几种方案作了简要介绍。2.分组密码作为伪随机函数时,容易遭受生日攻击。

    At the same time , some schemes are briefly introduced . 2 . When a block cipher is viewed as a pseudorandom function , the block cipher may be subject to the birthday attack .