
  • 网络Operations;Production;Production management
  1. 因为缺乏训练有素的员工,其生产经营总是遇到各种障碍。

    Its operations were hampered at every turn by inadequate numbers of trained staff

  2. 本文根据我国中小企业生产经营管理现状,分析SA8000对中小企业国际化经营的影响,并从微观和宏观角度提出了具体的应对措施。

    According to the status quo of production operations management , this article analyses the impacts on China 's medium & small-sized enterprises exerted by SA8000 and gives some relevant measures as well .

  3. 推动降低企业生产经营成本

    Reduce enterprises ’ production and operating costs

  4. 第八条�食品生产经营过程必须符合下列卫生要求

    Article 8 In the process of food production or marketing stated below shall be conformed to :

  5. 第四条凡在中华人民共和国领域内从事食品生产经营的,都必须遵守本法。

    Article 4 Whoever engages in food production or marketing within the territory of the People 's Republic of China must observe this Law .

  6. 第十一条生产经营和使用食品添加剂、必须符合食品添加剂使用卫生标准和卫生管理办法的规定;

    Article 11 The production , marketing and use of food additives must conform to the hygiene standards for use of food additives and the hygiene control regulations ;

  7. 第十九条食品生产经营企业的新建、扩建、改建工程的选址和设计应当符合卫生要求。

    Article 19 The selection of sites and the designs for construction , extension or renovation projects of enterprises engaged in food production or marketing shall meet hygiene requirements ,

  8. 第十八条食品生产经营企业应当健全本单位的食品卫生管理制度,配备专职或者兼职食品卫生管理人员,加强对所生产经营食品的检验工作。

    Article 18 Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing shall improve their own system for food hygiene control , appoint full-time or part-time workers to control food hygiene and strengthen inspection of the foods they produce or market .

  9. 基于Web的农户生产经营决策系统

    Web-based Farmer Production & Management Decision System

  10. 加入WTO后河北省畜牧业生产经营风险防范对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures of Preventing Risk in Livestock Production Management in Hebei Province after Joining WTO

  11. CIMS模式下生产经营管理系统的研究与开发

    Research and developing of production management system on CIMS

  12. 随着信息技术和Internet的迅猛发展,电子商务逐步渗透到经济和社会的各个层面,网络化生产经营与消费方式逐渐形成。

    With the high-speed development of the information technology and Internet , the E-commerce gradually penetrates into every aspect of economy and society , and progressively forms the network-production , network-operation and network-consumption .

  13. 我国已是WTO成员国,畜牧业的标准化生产经营与管理,是畜牧业经济走向世界的前提,是实现经济、社会、生态效益的保障。

    As being a member of WTO , standardization is the prerequisite of world-wide livestock husbandry , and it is the assurance of economic and ecological profits as well .

  14. 我国企业的信息化是以ERP为主展开的,利用ERP系统,能把先进的管理思想落实到具体的生产经营管理过程中,能带来一个企业的流程优化和管理变革。

    In China , enterprises take advantage of ERP to put the advanced idea of management into effect and achieve the optimization of the operation flow and innovation of management .

  15. 产品数据管理(PDM)是企业生产经营中应用最广泛的现代管理手段之一。

    Product data management ( RDM ) is one of the most extensive and modern management means of management applied in enterprise 's production and administration .

  16. 因此用PMI预测经济走势的变化能有效的指导企业的生产经营规划。

    So with the PMI to predict the change of the economic trends can effectively guide the enterprise production and operation plan .

  17. 中国加入WTO,标志着中国市场经济开始进入了经济全球化大潮之中,作为市场主体在竞争中只有通过信息来获取所需要的资源来从事生产经营活动。

    And the access of China into WTO symbolizes that China 's market economy begins to enter the tide of economic globalization . Therefore , the market subjects should acquire the needed resources by getting information in competition to launch their business activities .

  18. 在对外合作开展的七年时间里,各项目生产经营陆续展开,但对于EPC条件下的业主方管理要素体系的确立却并没有阐明。

    During the past seven years of foreign cooperation , the production and operation of every projects have been launched , but for the owner under EPC projects the establishment of Managing Indicator System has not clarified .

  19. 研究成果将对QH油田YE区块的生产经营提供决策依据,对其他类似油田投资项目开展经济效益评价提供更为实际的参考。

    The research , production will provide basis for decision making for YE block of QH oilfield production and management , provide more practical reference for evaluation on the economic benefit of other similar oil and gas construction project .

  20. 随着软件工程及软件技术的发展,以及现代企业生产经营方式的进步,SaaS(Software-as-a-Service,软件即为一种服务)模式在企业信息化建设中应用越发广泛。

    With the development of software engineering and the technical skills , and the improvement of the modern enterprises management , SaaS ( Software as a Service ) pattern is applied more and more in the enterprises informatization .

  21. 涵盖了码头生产经营、组织实施的整个过程。

    It involves the whole process of port production and implement .

  22. 是一家专业生产经营亚克力板系列产品企业。

    Is a professional production and operation of acrylic plates products enterprises .

  23. 反馈在工业企业生产经营中的协调作用

    The Coordinating Function of Feedback in Production and Management of Industrial Enterprise

  24. 股份企业生产经营决策

    On the Management and Policy - Making of the Joint Stock Enterprises

  25. 乡村政治过程:生产经营与秩序建构

    Political Process in the Rural Areas : Production Management and Order Construction

  26. 2003年全国铁合金生产经营分析

    An Analysis upon the Year 2003 Production Management of Ferroalloy

  27. 配电网生产经营信息管理全面解决方案

    Comprehensive Solution for Power Distribution Network Operational Information Management

  28. 信息企业是从事信息产品生产经营的新兴经济组织,信息企业发展有助于国家产业信息化和信息产业化发展,因而信息企业经济运行的特征及其管理制度也日渐成为人们研究的对象。

    Information enterprise is anew economic organization which produces and manages information products .

  29. 林业生产经营单位安全管理创新的几点思考

    A Few Thoughts about Safety Management Innovation in Forest Production and Operation Units

  30. 钢厂生产经营计划中的目标成本控制模型研究

    Study on target cost control model of production management planning in steel plant