
  1. 我国主要土壤供钾能力的综合评价

    Comprehensive evaluation on Potassium Supplying potential of Main Soils in China

  2. 贵州土壤供钾能力与钾肥的有效施用

    Study on potassium suppling power of soils in Guizhou Province

  3. 珠江三角洲土壤供钾能力的研究

    Potassium supply of the soils on the Zhujiang River Delta

  4. 湖南省主要稻田土壤供钾能力的研究

    Potassium Supplying Capacity of main paddy soil in Hunan Province

  5. 山东主要土壤供钾能力和非交换性钾释放的研究

    Soil Potassium Supplying Capacity and release of non exchangeable potassium in Shandong soils

  6. 浙江省丘陵旱地土壤供钾能力的研究

    Study on the potassium supplying power of the hilly upland soils in Zhejiang Province

  7. 福建省主要中低产田土壤供钾能力研究

    Studies on the Potassium Supplying Ability of main medium-low yield paddy soils in Fujian

  8. 黑龙江省土壤供钾能力对北五味子钾素含量的影响

    Influence of supply capability of kalium indifferent soils in Heilongjiang Province on Schisandra Chinensis kalium content

  9. 秸秆对增强土壤供钾能力和改善土壤物理性状具有积极作用,当其与猪厩肥配合施用时培肥效果更突出;

    The application of stalks had also a positive effect on the availability of soil K , and the improvement fo soil physical properties as well .

  10. 关于土壤供钾能力的研究国内外开展了很多工作,在过去几十年里,形成和发展了多种测定土壤有效钾的方法。

    In the past decades , a great many study has been done on the supply ability of soil in internal and international , and some method has been formed and developed to determine soil available potassium .

  11. 沈阳市农田土壤的供钾能力

    Study on the Potassium Supplying Capacity of the Cultivated Soil in Shenyang Region

  12. 四川主要土壤的供钾能力

    Potassium Supplies of Main Soils in Sichuan

  13. 采取生物耗竭试验与实验室化学模拟相结合的方法对四川省内主要土壤的供钾能力进行了研究。

    The author studied the potassium supplies of main soils in Sichuan Province by means of living things exhaustion experiment and chemical simulation test in lab.

  14. 我国不同土壤Q/I特性及其供钾能力研究

    Study Q / I Characteristics and K supplying Power in Different Chinese Soils

  15. 土壤钾的生物有效性和土壤供钾能力

    Bioactivity and Availability of Potassium in Soils

  16. 采用微型盆栽和大田试验,研究了赤城产Ca-K型斜发沸石对盐化土壤有效钾的影响,以及斜发沸石在盐化土壤中的供钾能力和后效。

    The effect of Ca-K clinoptilolite on available potassium in salinized soil and its subsequent effect were studied with mini-pot trail and field trail .