
  • 网络mud acid;earth acids
  1. 土酸溶液中丙炔醇对碳钢的缓蚀作用

    Inhibition Effect of Propiolic alcohol on Mild Steel in Mud Acid

  2. 有机酸-土酸缓速酸体系在塔里木砂岩储层酸化中的应用

    Application of retarded organic acid / mud acid in Tarim sandstone reservoir

  3. SD土酸解堵酸化体系研究与应用

    Study and application of acidizing system with SD MUD-ACID for breakdown

  4. 用蒙脱土酸处理法制备洗用4A沸石过程中石英问题的探讨

    The Discussing of Quartz Problem in the Synthesis of Detergent-Used Zeolite 4A from Montmorillonite

  5. 蒙脱土酸处理法合成洗涤剂用4A沸石

    Synthesis of Detergent-Used Zeolite 4A from Montmorillonite

  6. 为了溶解堵塞油层孔隙的粘土,恢复和提高油井产量,本文提出了油基土酸酸化工艺及酸化后防止Na2SiF6和CaF2沉淀的工艺方案。

    This paper suggests that an oil-based mud acid can be used to dissolve these plugging materials in which additives are added to prevent Na_2SiF_6 and CaF_2 from precipitation .

  7. V-1型土酸酸化缓蚀剂的研制

    Development of V-1 type corrosion inhibitor for acidizing by mud acid

  8. 高性能复配型土酸酸化缓蚀剂V-1

    High performance mud acid corrosion inhibitor v 1

  9. 高岭石与各种酸体系分别反应0.5、1、2h后,高岭石在盐酸、HF、土酸中比较稳定,衍射峰没有明显的变化,但土酸体系中的高岭石峰强度有微弱的降低;

    After 0.5h , 1h and 2h reaction in different acids , kaolin remains stable in HCL , HF and mud acid without obvious change of diffraction peak except slight drop of kaolin peak intensity in mud acid .

  10. 方法:采用红细胞酵母菌混合花环法和硫代巴比土酸(TBA)法检测了肺心病患者红细胞C3b受体、血浆及红细胞膜丙二醛(MDA)水平。

    Methods : The red cell immune function and the levels of malonyldialdehyde ( MDA ) in plasm and erythrocyte membrane were tested by red cell yeast mixture rose and thiobarbituric acid ( TBA ) methods .

  11. 室内实验表明,盐酸和土酸与原油形成酸渣的趋势强于磷酸和乙酸,酸渣量达1g以上;

    In-door experiments show that hydrogen chloride and mud acid have stronger trend of causing sludge than phosphoric acid and acetic acid when contact with oil , which produce above 1 g sludge .

  12. 与常规土酸相比,H2SiF6、HBF4、有机缓速酸均有一定的延缓反应速度的作用,具有解除深部堵塞的功能;

    Secondly , Compared with conventional mud acid , All of H_2SiF_6 、 HBF_4 and organic retardant can retard reaction velocity and remove in-depth plugging .

  13. 加入最适量DMP10生成的固结砂样在柴油、土酸、10%NaOH溶液中浸泡15d,其强度和渗透率均不变,在饱和NaCl溶液中浸泡15d后强度下降11%,渗透率不变。

    The consolidated sand samples formed with optimal dosage of DMP-10 maintain their strength and permeability unchanged after immersing in diesel oil , mud acid , and 10 % NaOH solution over 15 d and loss 11 % of their strength after immersing in saturated NaCl solution over 15 d.

  14. 碱性改良剂对富铝化淋溶土酸缓冲性能影响研究

    Effect of alkaline ameliorators on acidic buffering ability of aluminum-rich ALFISOLS

  15. 土酸介质中不锈钢高温缓蚀剂的评价

    Evaluation of corrosion inhibitor of stainless steel in mud acid

  16. 传统土酸体系的利弊;

    Advantages and disadvantages of classical mud acid systems ;

  17. 膨润土酸活化漂洗工艺中絮凝沉降技术研究

    Study on Flocculating Settling Technology in Acidic Activation and Rinsing Processing of Ben-tonite

  18. 膨润土酸活化废酸水连续应用研究

    Study on Circulating Utilization of Acidic Wastewater in Acidic Activation Process of Bentonite

  19. 膨润土酸改性技术及改性土对水体中磷吸附研究

    Acid Modification Technology of Bentonite and Study on Adsorption of Phosphorus by Modified Bentonite

  20. 膨润土酸活化工艺的试验研究

    Research on the acid activation technology of bentonite

  21. 膨润土酸溶解特性研究

    Characteristics of acid dissolution reaction on bentonite

  22. 含膦酸酯土酸工作液;

    Phosphonate containing mud acidizing fluids ;

  23. 逆土酸增注技术在大港油田的推广与应用

    The popularization and application of injection well stimulation technique with reversed mud acid in Dagang Oilfield

  24. 振动-土酸酸化复合解堵室内实验研究

    Vibration-mud acidization treatment broken down experiment

  25. 多氢酸体系对砂岩储层的酸化效果要好于土酸和氟硼酸等常规酸液体系,应用多氢酸体系进行酸化处理后的岩心渗透率比可达3.0。

    Especially it can give better acidizing effect for the sandstone reservoir than the conventional acid systems .

  26. 异戊基乙基巴比土酸

    Isoamyl ethyl barbituric acid

  27. 综合各因素,得出该缓蚀剂是一种性能优良的土酸介质中锌的缓蚀剂。

    Taking all factors , the inhibitor is known as an excellent soil corrosion of zinc in acid medium .

  28. 文中主要介绍有机缓速土酸在轮南油田注水井重复酸化中的应用。

    Application of organic retarded mud acid to reacidizing in injection wells in Lunnan Oilfield is described in this paper .

  29. 但是,目前,有关锌在土酸介质中能够用于工业方面的缓蚀剂尚未见报道。

    At present , the Inhibitor of zinc in mud acid that can be used in industry has not been reported .

  30. 油藏开发初期,曾采用常规压裂,限流压裂和土酸酸化等增产措施,但效果不理想。

    During initial reservoir development period , the result of well stimulation using conventional fracturing , limited entry fracturing and mud acidizing is poor .