
  • 网络Land Economics;land economy
  1. 关于土地经济问题的思考

    Major Issues of Land Economy in China

  2. 土地经济浅析

    Analysis on land economy

  3. 土地经济系数是农用地分等中重要的修正参数。

    Land economic coefficient is an important corrective coefficient in farmland classification .

  4. 全国分县土地经济系数计算方法及比较

    Calculation and Comparison of Land Economic Coefficients of Counties in China

  5. 内陆地区城镇土地经济评价方法研究

    The study of methods of urban land economic appraisal in inland areas

  6. 中国农村土地经济思想研究概要(1924~1949)

    A Study on Chinese Rural Land Economic Thoughts ( 1924 ~ 1949 )

  7. 福建省的土地经济评价

    Economic evaluation of land resources in Fujian Province

  8. 浅述复垦土地经济评价

    Study on land of reclamation of economy evaluation

  9. 农村土地经济所有权变化的理论分析与实证研究

    Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Research on Changes in Economical Property of Land in Countryside

  10. 土地经济肥力是人工肥力和自然肥力的统一体;

    Economic fertility of soil is a combined formation of artificial and natural fertility .

  11. 土地经济密度的区域差异特征及动态演变格局&基于长江三角洲地区的实证分析

    Regional Disparity and Dynamic Evolution of Land Economic Density & Evidence from the Yangtze River Delta Area

  12. 土地经济价值下降,土地流转动力不足;

    Moreover , the economic value of land decreases , and the motivation of land circulation is not adequate .

  13. 结果表明:两种途径均可提高土地经济效益,但第二种途径效果更显著。

    The result shows that the two approaches can enhance land economic profit , but the second one is better .

  14. 本文通过对城镇土地经济评价的目的、内容和过程等的分析,提出了用户需求。

    This article expound particularly the objective , content and the process of the urban land economic grading and valuing .

  15. 我国土地经济研究与土地使用制度改革的目标取向是土地市场化。

    The land economic research and the reform of land using policy aim to push the land to the market .

  16. 农用地分等土地经济系数计算方法比较研究&以江西省上高县为例

    Comparative Study on Calculation Method of the Land Economic Coefficient in Farmland Classification of County-level & taking an example of Shanggao

  17. 研究结果表明:土地经济社会属性明显限制了经济状况较差农户的土地产出效益;

    The results show that the output benefit of households with poor economic condition is obviously limited by the economic and social attributes of lands ;

  18. 通过对土地经济值评价得出:①农地单位面积净收入:小麦>玉米>油菜;

    It can get a conclusion to the economic value in land : ? the net output of the farmland is Wheat > Corn > Rape ;

  19. 城镇土地经济评价是一项信息量大、时间性强、技术要求高的工作。

    The economic grading and valuing of the urban land is a work of large information , demanding finishing it in time and demanding advanced technique .

  20. 土地经济效果高的市区主要依赖于高投入,土地产出与集约利用程度不高;

    Elsewhere , The highest land economic effect district mainly depends on high devotion and its land output and land intensive use degree are not high .

  21. 建立一种乡镇农用土地经济评价技术方法路线,使得评价结果能更好地吻合乡镇土地利用。

    The establishment of a technical method of economic evaluation of rural land routes , which makes the evaluation results to better match township land use .

  22. 理论基础包含:产权理论、可持续发展理论、土地经济理论、区域整体发展理论、公众参与理论、区位理论;

    Academic bases included the theory of property right , sustainable development theory , land economics theory , regional integration theory , public participation theory and location .

  23. 土地经济效果处于中低等级的地方主要依赖于土地开发和土地相对集约利用,土地产出水平低。

    Those places where land economic effect in middle and low degrees mainly depend on land exploitation and their land relatively intensive use and land output is low .

  24. 以期多视角展现不同国民政府地方势力在面对土地经济这一共同问题时表现的复杂性。

    In order to show , in all angles , the complexity of different parts of the Nationalist government in the face of their common Land Economic problems .

  25. 基于这样的认识,本文回顾了与之相关的理论内容,包括:土地经济理论、城市增长理论、城市中心理论以及区域经济结构理论。

    Based on such understanding , this article reviewed correlative theories , including land economic theory , city growth theory , urban center theory as well as region economic structure theory .

  26. 在探讨城镇土地经济系统效益内涵的基础上,研究城镇土地经济系统效益评价体系指标,并进一步分析了其系统评价的内涵,试图为我国城市土地集约利用和可持续发展提供参考。

    This paper analyzes this index system and espouses how to utilize township land to achieve the economic benefits . It provides good reference for the land intensive utilization and sustainable development .

  27. 文章系统地整理了1924~1949年中国农村土地经济思想。

    This paper is the first one which systematically reviews Chinese rural land economic thoughts from 1924 to 1949 , a period in which three civil wars and Anti-Japan War took place in China .

  28. 我们根据不同经济时代中占主导地位的生产要素的不同,将社会经济形态划分为三类:土地经济形态、资本经济形态和能力经济形态。

    Based on different core productive factor of different ages , we break social economy forms down to the economy form of land , the economy form of capital and the economy form of ability .

  29. 通过前茬合理利用,培肥地力,促进农业良性循环,扩大商品生产,提高土地经济效益.总之,推广新两熟制可以加速农业综合发展,增加农民收入,符合农村经济体制改革的要求。

    In short , to extend the new double cropping system can accelerate the general development of agriculture and increase the income of the farmers and meet the demands of economic system reform in the countryside .

  30. 其中统计指标法中的农业产值消耗法基础数据来源可靠、便利,便于操作,计算结果较好,符合土地经济系数含义要求。

    In the posed methods , the agricultural output value and expenditure method in the statistic index method , which has credible basic data and relatively perfect calculating results , conforms to the meanings of the land economic coefficients .