
  • 网络St. Catherine;St Catherine;saint catherine;St. Catharines
  1. 完成学业后,他在牛津大学圣凯瑟琳学院(St.Catherine'sCollege)、牛津能源研究所(OxfordInstituteforEnergyStudies)担任讲师。

    After his studies , he worked as a lecturer at St. Catherine 's College , Oxford , and at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies .

  2. 埃及圣凯瑟琳地区。

    Saint Catherine area , Egypt .

  3. 我已经准备好状告圣凯瑟琳医院的

    I am prepared to file a suit against St. Katherine 's hospital

  4. 在城市的后面,是圣凯瑟琳山的圆形高地;再往远处,便是越来越远的景物,一直延伸到地平线在天上太阳的照耀下消失的地方。

    Behind the city swept the rotund upland of St Catherine 's Hill ; further off , landscape beyond landscape , till the horizon was lost in the radiance of the sun hanging above it .

  5. 片的标题是指圣凯瑟琳,死于公元307年,如今一个车轮上,凯瑟琳车轮也是一个烟花----它看起来像一个风车。

    The title of the piece refers to Saint Catherine , who died on a wheel in 307 A.D. Nowadays , a Catherine wheel is alsoa kind of firework ---- it looks something like a pinwheel .