
dào xué jiā
  • Confucian moralist
  1. 我从来不大愿意以道学家的口吻来说话,可是猴面包树的危险,大家都不大了解,对迷失在小行星上的人来说,危险性非常之大,因此这一回,我贸然打破了我的这种不喜欢教训人的惯例。

    I do not much like to take the tone of a moralist . But the danger of the baobabs is so little understood , and such considerable risks would be run by anyone who might get lost on an asteroid9 , that for once I am breaking through my reserve .

  2. 正如在书中被描述成入侵伊拉克狂热支持者的托尼布莱尔(tonyblair)一样,布什也是一位道学家。

    Like Tony Blair , painted in the book as a fervent supporter of the invasion of Iraq , Bush is a moralist .

  3. 很多人都争着模仿道学家的风度。

    Many people vied with one another to imitate the poise of a moralist .

  4. 我的祖父是严肃的道学家。

    My grandfather was a stern moralist .