
xié qǔ
  • Capture;select;pick
撷取 [xié qǔ]
  • [pick] 采取;选取

  • 撷取精华

  1. 本篇論文对于XML多重关键字搜寻,提出一个方法可以撷取适当的XML元素片段资料。

    This paper proposes a method to abstract appropriate segments of XML elements for multiple keywords queries .

  2. Web浏览器与Web服务器主要是使用HTTP(超文本传输协议)撷取网页。

    Web browsers communicate with Web servers primarily using HTTP ( hypertext transfer protocol ) to fetch webpages .

  3. 允许Web浏览器的HTTP提交的信息的Web服务器以及撷取网页他们。

    HTTP allows Web browsers to submit information to Web servers as well as fetch Web pages from them .

  4. WAVEFORM也是用一般的方式撷取资料,但在整组资料撷取完毕之前是无法显示的。

    WAVEFORM acquires data in the usual way but you cannot display the data until the whole set is taken .

  5. 我们选用目前最普遍的PC系统作为前端影像撷取及应用平台,因此对于用户端在影像撷取设备选用上或是车道资讯应用上有非常大的弹性。

    We choose the most common PC system to be a front platform for image processing and applications , so it is very flexile for various applications .

  6. 举例来说,它支持APE和线索解码,音频CD撷取,和向导被补充。

    For example , it supports APE and CUE decoding , audio CD ripping , and the wizard was added .

  7. 这是一个预演,如何撷取音乐光盘,并转换成WMA文件到MP3免费。

    This is a preview of How to rip an audio cd and convert WMA files to MP3 for free .

  8. D3D错误-无法撷取设备的能力。

    D3D Error-Unable to retrieve device capabilities .

  9. VBENCH资料撷取的测试基准,这个程式提供了虚拟示波器、信号产生器等功能。

    VBENCH is a data acquisition virtual bench , which provides simulated oscilloscope , signal generators etc.

  10. 视讯分析;移动物体撷取;移动估测。

    Video analysis ; moving object extraction ; motion estimation .

  11. 爱默生就是从这类远足中撷取素材,写入他记事丰富的日记。

    Out of such excursions Emerson derived material for his crowded journals .

  12. 下一个项目是撷取的细节已经丢失。

    Next item is to retrieve the details that have been lost .

  13. 申请人、发货人及收货人详情不会被撷取。

    Details of applicant , exporter and consignee will not be retrieved .

  14. 中医舌诊计算机化舌下络脉特征撷取及分析

    Automatic Feature Extraction and Fuzzy Analysis of Sublingual Veins

  15. 为了她二流的小说而撷取了她丈夫和朋友的生活。

    Cannibalizes the lives of her husband and friends for her secondrate novels .

  16. 科学家撷取了该植物的一些叶片组织以供进一步检验。

    The scientist took some leaf tissue from the plant for further examination .

  17. 《英国病人》撷取1997年奥斯卡最佳影片奖

    The English Patient wins 1997 best picture Oscar

  18. 他们撷取这些外星人的科技。

    They salvaged various alien technology from them .

  19. 他的作品只是从社会生活中撷取几个他所需要的人物作为道具来传达自己的情绪。

    The characters in his works are instrumental for the release of his emotions .

  20. 寻求思维模式多维、撷取方法手段多样的美学方式。

    Third , it pursues the aesthetic methods with multiple thinking patterns and various obtaining .

  21. 撷取几则国外知名企业在营销中的绝妙招数,为赢得市场提供了成功机遇。

    Examples of sale unigue tactics made by famous enterprises in the world are introduced .

  22. 还好有这些心胸开阔的医生,我们可以撷取两者之长。

    Thanks to open-minded doctors , we can all have the best of both worlds .

  23. 他肯定的会利用那有限的时间竭尽所能的撷取更多的宝物。

    He would use the limited time to take as much treasury as he can .

  24. 实验四装置:垂直传输管、连接仪器与资料撷取用的计算机。

    Lab 4 apparatus : vertical transfer line , computer for instrumentation and data capture .

  25. 爱乐奇新书《古埃及探秘》撷取了若干古埃及人生活图景。

    Our new book'The Mysteries of Egypt'shows several scenes of the lives of the ancient Egyptians .

  26. 我从流行文化、政治人物、网络空间影像中撷取图像,并予以混合。

    I employ and remix images from popular culture , political figures and imagery found in cyberspace .

  27. 莽撞的思考者会撷取少量信息,迅速推导出虚无缥缈的阴谋论。

    The reckless thinker takes a few pieces of information and leaps to some faraway conspiracy theory .

  28. 本文试图从中国的传统语文教育出发,撷取其中有益的经验,为对外汉语教学所用。

    We consider Chinese traditional approach of teaching Chinese is valuable to teaching Chinese as second language .

  29. 如果您记得,我在此张贴在去年就如何摆脱目前的撷取。

    If you remember , I posted here last year on how to escape the rip current .

  30. 在实验中我们利用一可无线遥控且撷取影像的迷你自动车作为研究平台。

    A small vehicle with wireless control and image grabbing capabilities is used as a test bed .
