
  • 网络Saint Lucia;st. lucia;st lucia;UVF
  1. 圣卢西亚野生动物保护区野生动物保护区内禁止狩猎。

    Saint Lucia Game Reserve Hunters are barred from wildlife sanctuaries .

  2. 迪安飓风已经在圣卢西亚岛以及马提尼克岛造成了相当的破坏。

    Dean knocked out a power on the island of Saint Lucia and Martinique .

  3. 作为一个旅游目的地,圣卢西亚所幸还未被开发。

    St Lucia is still mercifully undeveloped as a tourist destination .

  4. 今年1月份我在圣卢西亚。

    I was in St. Lucia back in January of this year

  5. 格林纳维来到圣卢西亚正值2007年板球世界杯(2007CricketWorldCup)在6个加勒比海岛举行之际,这项赛事对当地的房地产销售商是一个巨大刺激。

    Greenaway 's arrival on St Lucia coincided with what was to have been a major spur to local property sellers , the 2007 Cricket World Cup held across six Caribbean islands .

  6. 在日益成熟的加勒比地区,圣卢西亚的这种简朴一直是该国的主要卖点,也是吸引纳塔利•格林纳维(NatalieGreenaway)等人的一点。

    This simplicity is the island 's chief selling point in an increasingly sophisticated Caribbean and is what draws people such as Natalie Greenaway .

  7. 格林纳维30出头,来自英国汉普郡,是一位英国律师。2007年6月,她搬到圣卢西亚的玛丽格特湾(MarigotBay),她希望在这里度过她职业生涯中的空档年。

    She is a British lawyer in her early 30s from Hampshire , who moved to Marigot Bay in St Lucia in June 2007 for what she intended to be a career gap year .

  8. 好像是为了强调这个项目的奢华,allamanda的购房者还可以购买beneteau505游艇5%的零股,要穿越众多加勒比小岛,这是一个必需品,圣卢西亚基本上处于这些岛屿的中心。

    As if to emphasise its exclusivity , buyers at Allamanda may also buy 5 per cent fractional shares in a beneteau 505 sailing yacht a must for hopping through the so-called " Caribbean chain " of islands , which has St Lucia roughly in the middle .

  9. 小圣文森特和圣卢西亚协议

    Petit Saint Vincent Agreement with Saint Lucia

  10. 在特殊的圣卢西亚活动周期间这个岛屿可以作为旅游胜地进行宣传推广

    a special St Lucia week where the island could be promoted as a tourist destination .

  11. 圣卢西亚香蕉种植者协会

    Saint Lucia Banana Growers ' Association

  12. 圣卢西亚岛上的一个国家;年从英国获得独立。

    A country on the island of Saint Lucia ; gained independence from Great Britain in 1979 .

  13. 欢迎来到圣卢西亚!

    Welcome to St Lucia .

  14. 圣卢西亚岛上的一个港口;圣卢西亚的首府和最大城市。

    A port on the island of Saint Lucia ; capital and largest city of Saint Lucia .

  15. 尽管圣卢西亚利用了其相对朴素的形象,但它并没有丧失其名人魅力。

    Although St Lucia trades on its relatively unsophisticated image , it is not bereft of celebrity glamour .

  16. 她说:如果你想要一种可预期、有保证且可靠的生活方式,那么圣卢西亚不适合你。

    If you want a predictable , guaranteed , reliable lifestyle then St Lucia isn 't for you .

  17. 此外,加勒比国家圣卢西亚和多米尼加也已承诺将支持摩洛哥。

    In addition , the governments of the Caribbean nations St. Lucia and Dominica have pledged support for Morocco .

  18. 显然,圣卢西亚是一个发展中的岛屿;人们只能希望,它将保持它那未受破坏的魅力。

    St Lucia is clearly an island on the move ; one can only hope that it will retain its unspoilt charm .

  19. 在巴巴多斯,格林纳达和圣卢西亚,用干果和朗姆酒制作的味道浓郁的蛋糕十分常见。

    A rich black cake baked with dried fruits and rum is especially popular on the islands of Barbados , Grenada and St.Lucia .

  20. 凯莉:我还正计划带你和一些其他员工春天去圣卢西亚静休呢。

    Kelly : And I was planning to take you and a few other employees to St. Lucia for a retreat in the spring .

  21. 圣卢西亚最近限制开发的改革,包括一项强制性的环境影响调查,旨在评估关于土地、当地人和野生生物计划的影响。

    Recent changes to limit development include a compulsory environmental impact survey to measure the effect of a scheme on land , local people and wildlife .

  22. 加勒比地区:在巴巴多斯,格林纳达和圣卢西亚,用干果和朗姆酒制作的味道浓郁的蛋糕十分常见。

    Caribbean : A rich black cake baked with dried fruits and rum is especially popular on the islands of Barbados , Grenada and St. Lucia .

  23. 西面的圣卢西亚斯山脉高耸入云,黑压压地挡在河谷和大海之间,显得不友好而危险。

    The Santa Lucias stood up against the sky to the west and kept the valley from the open sea , and they were dark and brooding-unfriendly and dangerous .

  24. 在瑞典,为了纪念圣卢西亚,庆祝圣诞节时家中的女孩会换上白色的衣服,在头发上插上蜡烛,并用一种特制的小麦饼——露西亚面包来叫她的家人起床。

    In Sweden , a white-clad girl with candles in her hair would wake her family on Christmas with special wheat cakes called lussekatter , in memory of St. Lucia .

  25. 巴哈马、伯利兹、古巴、塞浦路斯、多米尼加、斐济、格林纳达、几内亚-比索、圭亚那、巴布亚-新几内亚、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、圣卢西亚、苏里南和瓦努阿图。

    1-Bahamas , Belize , Cuba , Cyprus , Dominica , Fiji , Grenada , Guinea-Bissau , Guyana , Papua New Guinea , Samoa , Solomon Islands , Saint Lucia , Suriname and Vanuatu .

  26. 为避免遇见葡萄牙人,麦哲伦一直往南行驶,最后抵达一个废弃的港口,他把它叫做圣卢西亚湾,即现在的里约热内卢。

    In order to avoid the Portuguese , Magellan headed south until he came to a deserted harbour , which he called the Bay of Santa Lucia , now known as Rio de Janeiro Bay .

  27. 我说不清怎么会有这样的想法,也许是因为黎明从加比仑山顶升起,夜晚从圣卢西亚斯山脊压下来的缘故。

    Where I ever got such an idea I cannot say , unless it could be that the morning came over the peaks of the Gablilans and the night drifted back from the ridges of the Santa Lucias .

  28. 尽管该国旅游业大规模兴起,但如果你驾船游览该岛,或者游览数千座其它点缀在加勒比宝石般海水上的小岛,你会发现,圣卢西亚仍相对不发达。

    A sail round the island on that boat , or any of the thousands of others bobbing on the opal Caribbean waters , will reveal how relatively undeveloped St Lucia remains in spite of the onset of mass tourism .

  29. 2005年,35岁的他在非洲拍摄迷你剧《直到世界的尽头》。当时,他和两个朋友去到了莫桑比克东北海岸附近的圣卢西亚,去那里学习潜水课程。

    In 2005 , the 35-year-old was in South Africa filming the TV mini-series To The Ends of the Earth and had gone to Santa Lucia , on the northeast coast near Mozambique , to learn scuba-diving with two friends .

  30. 这个公寓和别墅项目位于该岛最北端这块土地是陡峭的遍布仙人掌的林地的一部分,可以俯瞰一处能够清楚望见马提尼克岛的海湾是圣卢西亚为数不多的自有住宅区。

    Located at the northern-most tip of the island , the flats and villas in the scheme being chiselled out of steep cacti-peppered woodland , overlooking a bay with clear views of Martinique are among the few freehold homes on St Lucia .