
  • 网络University of San Diego;SDSU;San Diego State University
  1. 圣地亚哥大学(UniversityofSanDiego)法律教授及该校知识产权法律与市场中心(CenterforIntellectualPropertyLawandMarkets)联合创始人奥利•洛贝尔表示,“各行各业”的新员工均被要求签署该类协议。

    More and more new hires are being asked to sign these contracts " across all industries and in all kinds of jobs , " notes Orly Lobel , a law professor at the University of San Diego and cofounder of its Center for Intellectual Property Law and Markets .

  2. 本文作者是一位作家,圣地亚哥大学法学教授

    The writer is an author and law professor at the University of San Diego

  3. 美国圣地亚哥大学(sandiegouniversity)法学教授弗兰克帕特洛伊(frankpartnoy)辩称,评价投资风险的另一种市场机制是信用违约互换息差(事实证明,这比评级更准确地预测了即将来临的违约)。

    Frank Partnoy , a law professor at San Diego University , argues that there is an alternative market mechanism for judging risky investments in credit default swap spreads ( which have proved better predictors of forthcoming defaults than ratings ) .

  4. 出了圣地亚哥大学,我们去往圣地亚哥城。

    Out of the UCSD , we went toward San Diego city .

  5. 你知道,我刚刚成为圣地亚哥大学艺术系的新生。

    You know I became a freshman of art in San diego .

  6. 加利福尼亚圣地亚哥大学的詹姆士福勒是另外一名调查领导。

    James Fowler of the University of California , San Diego , was the other lead investigator .

  7. 两天前,我说我想去参观加利福利亚圣地亚哥大学,今天他们就决定带我去了。

    Two days ago , I told them I would like to visit the UCSD , so they decided to take me there today .

  8. 位于圣地亚哥大学内的跨边界研究机构的领导人大卫·史瑞克认为暴力事件数量的减少意味着他已经击败了他的对手或是与他的对手达成了妥协。

    The dip in violence suggests that it has at last beaten or reached an accommodation with its rivals , believes David Shirk , head of the Trans-Border Institute at theUniversityofSan Diego .

  9. 去年9月份,圣地亚哥大学的雅各布工程学院宣布发起了其第一门在线主修课程,该课程的特点是,在原本的课程结构基础上添加了强大的大规模在线公开课程研究性质。

    In September , the University of San Diegos Jacobs School of Engineering announced it was launching what it believed was the first major online course that featured a great deal of massive open online research , or MOOR , in addition to the usual coursework .

  10. 圣地亚哥州立大学(SanDiegoStateUniversity)的约翰•伊格(JohnEger)表示,市区正在变成客厅。

    Downtowns are becoming living rooms , says John Eger of San Diego State University .

  11. 圣地亚哥州立大学(SanDiegoStateUniversity)的约翰•伊格(JohnEger)表示,市区正在变成“客厅”。

    Downtowns are becoming " living rooms , " says John Eger of San Diego State University .

  12. 1993年,圣地亚哥州立大学(SanDiegoStateUniversity)的数学教授,弗诺·文奇(VernorVinge)提出了技术奇点(singularity)的概念——在未来,计算机网络通过先进的人工智能获得了意识,并可以与人类直接连接来帮助其进化。

    In 1993 , Vernor Vinge , a math professor at San Diego State University , proposed what he called the singularity -- a time at which computer networks may become self-aware through advanced AI , and interfaces between people and computers help humankind evolve .

  13. 她在圣地亚哥上大学,-那怎么又被关在这儿?

    She was a student in San diego . - and she was arrested here ?

  14. 这些女性包括一位退休的海军少将及圣地亚哥州立大学的校长,

    They included a retired Navy rear admiral and a dean at San Diego State University ,

  15. 朱立安施罗德是位于圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学的生物学教授。

    Julian Schroeder is a professor of biology at the University of California , San Diego .

  16. 曾就读于圣地亚哥麦萨大学,并在圣地亚哥州立大学取得她的戏剧学位。

    Studied at San Diego Mesa College , and completed her drama degree at San Francisco State University .

  17. 四个月之后,乔治所在的加利福尼亚州立大学弗雷斯诺分校在新赛季的第四场比赛与伦纳德所在的圣地亚哥州立大学正面相遇。

    Four months later , Fresno State was preparing to play San Diego State in the fourth game of the season .

  18. 例如,圣地亚哥加州大学的术前患者要首先进行严格的精神健康评估。

    For example , surgery candidates at the University of California , San Diego , go through a rigorous mental health evaluation first .

  19. 哈佛大学和圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学的研究者在一个研究的一部分中给出了答案。

    Researchers from Harvard University and the University of California , San Diego , have found an answer as part of a study .

  20. 这是圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学社会学教授戴维?菲利普斯和他的学生格温德林?巴克的研究结果。

    That was the finding of sociology professor David Phillips at the University of California , San Diego , and his student Gwendolyn Barker .

  21. 美国圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学的特蕾西·德博和他的同事们从一组准妈妈早期怀孕期间就对她们进行跟踪研究。

    Tracy DeBoer at the University of California in San Diego , US , and colleagues followed a group of mothers beginning early on in their pregnancy .

  22. 这项研究由圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学的心理学教授克莉丝汀.哈里斯以及研究生妮可.亨尼希共同实施执行,并发表在《基础研究和应用社会心理学》这份期刊上。

    The research was carried out by psychology professor Christine Harris and graduate student Nicole Henniger from the University of California , San Diego and is published in the journal Basic and Applied Social Psychology .

  23. 在20世纪70年代早期,圣地亚哥的加州大学实现了用于执行编译的Pascal的VM方法。

    In the early1970s , the University of California at San Diego implemented the VM approach for execution of compiled Pascal .

  24. ElizabethSeckel是在美国圣地亚哥的加州大学主修生理学和神经学的三年级本科生。

    Elizabeth Seckel is a third year undergraduate student majoring in physiology and neuroscience at the University of California , San Diego .

  25. 雷内?佩拉塔,建筑师、作家、美国圣地亚哥伍贝蕾大学教授。

    Rene Peralta is an architect , author and professor at Woodbury University in San Diego .

  26. 简单回答就是:任何地方。他们会去的学校包括从阿莫斯特到耶鲁,从缅因州立大学到位于圣地亚哥的加州大学。

    The simple answer is ," Everywhere . " They go to schools from Amherst to Yale and from The University of Maine to the University of California at San Diego .

  27. 最大的雇主包括军事,州政府和联邦政府,夏普保健医院,在圣地亚哥的加州大学,和大公司如AT&T公司。

    The largest employers include the military , the state and federal government , the Sharp Healthcare hospitals , the University of California at San Diego , and major companies such as AT & T.

  28. 加利福尼亚州,圣地亚哥,加利福尼亚州立大学圣地亚哥医学院,心血管科。

    Division of Cardiovascular Medicine , University of California , San Diego School of Medicine , San Diego , California .

  29. 我已读过司他汀与记忆力丧失相关的轶事,而且我知道在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(加州大学圣地亚哥分校)的一项持续的研究,换句话说就是调查这些药物对思想,情绪,行为,和基本的生活条件的影响。

    I 've read anecdotal reports associating statins with memory loss , and I 'm aware of an ongoing study at the University of California , San Diego ( UCSD ) , that is investigating the effects of these drugs on thinking , mood , behavior , and quality of life .