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  • 网络book of revelation;Book of Revelation s;BookRevelations;Book of Revelines
  1. 我们在他的书桌上找到那本圣经启示录

    We found the Book of Revelations in his desk .

  2. 圣经启示录中的四个牧马人是战争、瘟疫、饥荒和死亡。

    The four horsemen of the Apocalypse were War , Plague , Famine and Death .

  3. 他们两个都不知道的是,666是《圣经·启示录》中“恶魔的数字”。

    Neither of them knew that in the Book of Revelation 666 symbolized the " number of the beast , "

  4. 然而,印第安纳州牧师PaulBegley对于湖水变红有着另外的看法,他坚持认为这是圣经里的启示录。

    However , Indiana preacher Paul Begley has a different take on the Texas water that turned red , maintaining that the sign pointed to the likelihood of an apocalypse event as provided in prophesies backed by Biblical passages .

  5. 在舞台上,他时而声如洪钟,时而鬓鬓耳语,并将有关圣经、历史和启示录的主题混编在一起。

    Alternately thundering and whispering from the podium , he wove together biblical , historical and apocalyptic themes .

  6. 马克思在高校所学的圣经中说,魔鬼被一位天使投入无底地狱之中(圣经.启示录20:3)。

    The Holy Scripture , which Marx learned in high school , says that devil was cast down by an angel into the abyss ( Rev . 20:3 ) .