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  1. 卡瓦格博峰是横断山脉之上的王冠也是圣洁朝圣者旅途的一站

    Kawakarpo , crown of the Hengduan range , is a site of holy pilgrimage .

  2. 你们弃绝了那圣洁公义者,反求着释放一个凶手给你们。

    But ye denied the Holy One and the Just , and desired a murderer to be granted unto you ;

  3. 知青形象所体现的理想主义情怀让人感动,令人钦佩,这是特定时代产生的特定精神品质,这种无畏、无悔、无私、圣洁的理想主义者的情怀显得尤为可贵。

    Educated youth the ideals embodied in the image of people moving sentiments , admirable , this is the spirit of a particular age to specific quality , such fear , no regrets , selfless , saintly idealists of feelings is particularly valuable .

  4. 过了半年,我成了圣洁当中的最圣洁者,祈祷时全心全意,我的肚子则自己越过了州界。

    In six months , I was the holiest of holies , with a heart entirely devoted to my prayers and a stomach that crossed the state line by itself .