
  • 网络Milton;john milton;MK Dons
  1. “我们该怎么办?”米尔顿又用平板而单调的声音问道。

    ' What shall we do ? ' Milton said again in a toneless voice .

  2. 她上楼去叫醒米尔顿。

    She went upstairs to wake Milton .

  3. 米尔顿被领到了办公室。

    Milton was shown into the office

  4. 山姆·克拉金(SamCalagione),DogfishHeadCraftBrewery,特拉华州米尔顿

    Sam Calagione , Dogfish Head Craft Brewery , Milton , Del .

  5. 不过,同样没有人信奉凯恩斯著名的学术对手米尔顿•弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)提出的货币供应量目标政策。

    But nobody believes in the monetary targeting proposed by his celebrated intellectual adversary , Milton Friedman , either .

  6. 现在,米尔顿写了一篇有趣的文章,专门谈了当时开发Safari涉及到的保密问题。

    Now Melton has written a fascinating account of the secrecy that went into developing safari in the first place .

  7. 1946年逝世的约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes),和上周辞世的米尔顿•弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman),是20世纪最具影响力的经济学家。

    John Maynard Keynes , who died in 1946 , and Milton Friedman , who died last week , were the most influential economists of the 20th century .

  8. 米尔顿??弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)认为“企业唯一的社会责任”是“提高它的利润”,很多人都同意这个看法。

    Many people would agree with Milton Friedman 's view that the " only social responsibility of business " is to " increase its profits . "

  9. 也许最好先衡量一下你的永久收入,这是米尔顿•弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)用来描述你一生中平均收入的术语。

    It is probably best to start by measuring your " permanent income ", the term Milton Friedman used to describe average income over your lifetime .

  10. 到此刻,米尔顿培训过良多NBA球员,包孕本年度的选秀状元布雷克·格里芬,乃至还成为了洛杉矶快艇队夏季联赛的助教。

    He has trained many NBA players , including this year 's top draft pick , Oklahoma 's Blake Griffin , and even landed an assistant coaching gig for the Los Angeles Clippers'summer-league team .

  11. 但好时的规模要小得多,若不想背负过多债务或是稀释以米尔顿好时信托基金(MiltonHersheyTrust)为首的股东的权益,该公司会很难筹得所需资金。

    But Hershey , which is a much smaller company , could struggle to raise the money without taking on too much debt or diluting its shareholders , led by the Milton Hershey Trust .

  12. 西蒙斯曾经对米尔顿•弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)等芝加哥学派经济学家产生了重大影响,但后来遭到了批判,大概是因为他有太多的积极规划,却没有足够的自由放任。

    At one time Simons had a great influence on Chicago economists such as Milton Friedman , but was later repudiated , presumably because he had too much positive programme and not enough laisser faire .

  13. 据奢侈品行业调研机构奢侈品协会(LuxuryInstitute)CEO米尔顿o佩德瑞扎表示,如果一个奢侈品牌经常在名品折扣店或通过限时抢购的方式在线打折出售,消费者会认为,他们就没有必要全价购买这个品牌的商品。

    If a luxury brand frequently discounts its goods at outlet stores or online via flash sales , consumers will perceive that they don 't have to pay full price for that brand , says Milton Pedraza , CEO of Luxury Institute , a luxury industry research group .

  14. 本文主要介绍、描述、探讨和分析了跨国米尔顿(Milton)公司对中国市场的探索和开发过程中在市场营销、组织行为和人力资源等方面的运作管理。

    Refer to the work experience with the multinational corporations , the author describes and analyzes the marketing development process and problem-solving skills on Chinese market with MILTON , one of the world 's leading chemical companies , using the management theories .

  15. 老师指出米尔顿的诗集有一种庄严。

    The teacher pointed out that Milton 's poetry has dignity .

  16. 喷嚏打完之后,米尔顿接着讲课。

    When his sneezing fit was over , Milton resumed lecturing .

  17. 米尔顿很会作秀,但波登说得对。

    Miiton is a great showman , but Borden is right .

  18. 但丁、莱奥纳多和米尔顿都是极有天赋的人。

    Dante , leonardo , and Milton were men of genius .

  19. 鬼王米尔顿作品失乐园中堕落天使之一。

    One of the fallen angels in Milton 's Paradise Lost .

  20. 莎士比亚、米尔顿、德雷克、雷利以及所有的人。

    Shakespeare and Milton , Drake , Raleigh , and all .

  21. 米尔顿,你今天在里约热内卢吗?

    Milton , are you in Rio de Janeiro today ?

  22. 诱使夏娃犯罪&约翰·米尔顿。

    Inductive to the sin of Eve - John Milton .

  23. 爱德华的两个兄弟分别是米尔顿和迈克尔。

    Edward 's two brothers are Milton and Michael .

  24. 她的书是论述米尔顿的权威著作。

    Her book is the definitive work on Milton .

  25. 你知道在美国最值得信任的人是米尔顿伯利吗?

    Did you know the most trusted man in America is Milton berle ?

  26. 已故诺贝尔经济学奖获得者米尔顿•弗里德曼总是用对方付费的电话回复记者问题。

    Milton Friedman , the late Nobel laureate , routinely returned reporters'calls collect .

  27. 有些痴哑、不体面的米尔顿也许能在这儿安息。

    Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest .

  28. 米尔顿在家是一个宝宝。

    Milton is a baby in the family .

  29. 他引用已故美国经济学家米尔顿?

    He quoted the late U.S. economist Milton ?

  30. 米尔顿好时公司的业务重点是大量生产价格低廉的巧克力糖果。

    Milton Hershey 's business emphasis was to mass-produce chocolate candies at an affordable cost .