
  • 网络New York Times Magazine;The New York Time Magazine
  1. 对45岁的女演员辛西娅·尼克松(CynthiaNixon)来说并非如此。她上周日在《纽约时报杂志(NewYorkTimesMagazine)》的一番评论引发了对上述两个问题的思考。

    Not for the actress Cynthia Nixon , 45 , whose comments in The New York Times Magazine last Sunday raised those very questions .

  2. 原文将刊登在2015年10月25日出版的一期《纽约时报杂志》上。

    This column appears in the October 25 , 2015 issue of The New York Times Magazine

  3. 所以我跟纽约时报杂志说好,写一篇有关低收入群里中抑郁症的报告

    and so I got a commission from The New York Times Magazine to write about depression among the indigent .

  4. 《纽约时报杂志》刊登了《玛丽莎·梅耶尔与拯救雅虎之战》的节选,它在很多方面读起来更像一篇拉长的文章,而不像是一本书。

    Marissa Mayer and the Fight to Save Yahoo ! was excerpted in The New York Times Magazine , and in many ways it reads more like an overgrown article than a book .

  5. 新闻记者佩姬·欧伦史坦不喜欢这种现状,她在纽约时报杂志一篇文章里探讨了她小女儿对迪斯尼童话中公主的迷恋和对粉红色的偏爱。

    That does not sit well with journalist Peggy Orenstein , who mused about her young daughter 's obsession with Disney princesses and predilection for the color pink in a New York Times Magazine essay .

  6. 《纽约时报》杂志(TheNewYorkTimes)和其他大多数主流媒体都没有为他发布讣告。

    He did not get an obituary in The New York Times or in most other major media outlets .

  7. 《纽约时报》杂志刊登的节选尽现了iPhone手机刚刚问世那段时间的日子,其中的细节耐人寻味。

    The times excerpt is chock full of instructive details about the early days of the iPhone .

  8. 但是,正如《纽约时报》杂志(TheNewYorkTimes)曾经报道的,有两项研究表明,饮用未过滤咖啡(如土耳其咖啡)可导致血清胆固醇和甘油三酯增加。

    And , as has been reported in The New York Times , two studies have shown that drinking unfiltered coffee , like Turkish coffee , can lead to increases in serum cholesterol and triglycerides .

  9. 在新一期的《纽约时报》杂志上,FredVogelstein有一篇iPhone创造的必读故事。

    Fred Vogelstein has a must read story on the creation of the iPhone in the New York Times Magazine .

  10. propublica的作品曾二度获得普利策奖,分别是金融危机调查和卡特里娜飓风灾后的医疗保健条例(与《纽约时报》杂志共同撰写)。

    Propublica has already won two Pulitzer Prizes for its work , including investigations into the financial crisis and the provision of health care in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina ( with the New York Times Magazine ) .

  11. 从歌手变身时尚设计师的贝嫂,近日在纽约时报风格杂志(T杂志)的采访中一展其迷人个性。她谈到她与大卫的生活,还有她不在生活照中露出笑容的有趣理由。

    The singer-turned-fashion-designer recently showed off her charming personality during an interview by T , The New York Times Style Magazine , where she talked about her life with David and her funny reason for not smiling in candid photos .

  12. 在本周《纽约时报》杂志上发表的最新文章中,韦纳诚恳地谈了使他的政治生涯戛然而止的那个丑闻,2011年夏天韦纳被爆与几名女性在网上进行淫秽互动,并在这件事上撒谎。

    In a latest story in this weekend 's New York Times magazine , Weiner talks kindly about the scandal that brought his political career to a screeching halt in the summer of 2011 when he was caught having lewd interactions with several women online and lying about it .