
  • 网络Status symbol
  1. 直到最近,苹果相对较贵的iPhone在印度注重价格的电子产品市场上还难以与其他产品抗衡。它在富裕买家中被视作重要的地位象征,但其价格超出普通消费者的承受能力。

    Until recently , Apple 's relatively expensive iPhones have struggled to compete in India 's cost-conscious electronics market , winning a reputation as a prized status symbol among affluent buyers but at prices beyond the reach of ordinary consumers .

  2. 这像是一种社会地位象征。

    It 's kind of such a status symbol .

  3. 但长城的目标不止是销售这种被视作社会地位象征的越野产品,它正谋求成为下一个“现代”(hyundai)一家质优价廉的亚洲汽车出口商。

    But great wall aims to be more than a peddler of off-road status symbols . It is jockeying for position as the next Hyundai an Asian exporter of good cars at cheap prices .

  4. 以下是10大最炫耀和最耐人寻味的地位象征。

    Here are 10 of the most ostentatious and intriguing .

  5. 新兴财富的出现带给当代中国很多的地位象征。

    With new money comes status symbols , and modern China has plenty .

  6. 它还将变成一种强大的科技-地位象征。

    It will also become a powerful techno-status symbol .

  7. 儿子成群仍然是那些男人们的一种重要的社会地位象征。

    A lot of sons remained an important status symbol for the men .

  8. 这才是终极的地位象征:根本就不用桌子。

    This is the ultimate status symbol : not to have a desk at all .

  9. 当代中国10大地位象征

    10 Status Symbols in Modern China

  10. 近年来,有一辆车已经成了中产阶级的地位象征。

    And in recent years , it has become a middle-class status symbol to own a car .

  11. 生意人手中奢华的特制手袋,为其生份地位象征。显示他对精品的鉴赏及购买能力。

    A businessman 's luxe designer handbag is a status symbol , showing he appreciates-and can afford-fine things .

  12. 那些传统的地位象征,如笨重的红木办公桌和奖杯等,基本上已经不可能了。

    Traditional status symbols such as bulky mahogany desks and trophy walls are pretty much out of the question .

  13. 他们想减少对社会地位象征的追求,放弃快节奏的事业并摈弃那种渴求无所不有的欲望。

    They want to reduce their attachments to status symbol , 11 fast-track careers and great expectations of Having It All .

  14. 对他们中的许多人来说,让女性而不是男性担任他们的私人保镖,是最高的社会地位象征。

    For many of them , having women serve as their private protection & not men – is the ultimate status symbol .

  15. 由于这些熟悉的地位象征都需要花钱,所以人们很将地位的追求误解为对财富的聚集。

    Since these familiar with status symbols of status all cost money , it is common to mistake a striving for status as a drive to accumulate wealth .

  16. 豪华车制造商越来越关注于芬克尔斯坦这样的人了。由于严峻的经济形势严重影响了新车业务,制造商和经销商正想方设法吸引渴望省钱却又不肯放弃物质享受或地位象征的客户。

    As hard economic times take a big bite out of their new-car business , manufacturers and their dealers are looking for ways to woo customers eager to save money without giving up their creature comforts or status symbols .

  17. 随着时间的推移,它们已成为社会财富和地位的象征。

    As time goes by , they have become a symbol of wealth and position ( ) in society .

  18. 对某些人来说,抱怨自己的日程有多满已经成为一种社会地位的象征。

    Moaning about one 's schedule has become , for some , a mark of social status .

  19. CF不但是身份、地位的象征,而且也被誉为能够伴你一生永不落伍的时尚挚友。

    CF is not only the symbol of status , but also known as your fashion friend never outofdate .

  20. 当2009年苹果首次在中国销售iPhone时,拥有一部iPhone是中国年轻的中产阶级消费者有地位的象征。

    When Apple first launched an iPhone in 2009 , the smartphone was a status symbol for young Chinese middle class consumers .

  21. 一个香奈尔(Chanel)的手提包握在手,就能说明你的腰包有多鼓,当然最终也成为一种经济地位的象征。

    Carrying a chanel bag suggests you have a fat wallet inside , which is the ultimate status symbol .

  22. 虽然联想在中国赫赫有名,但苹果和宝马(BMW)等更出名的国际品牌仍被中国人视为身份与地位的象征。

    Although Lenovo has a strong reputation and is widely respected in China , stronger global brands like apple ( AAPL ) and BMW are viewed as status symbols there .

  23. 艺术在这里并不重要,重要的是它所代表的东西,库图兹斯表示。艺术是一种身份地位的象征,就像劳力士(Rolex)手表那样。

    It is not the art that is important here but what it represents , says Koutouzis : Art is a status symbol like a Rolex watch .

  24. 如今,中国是苹果仅次于美国的第二大市场。过去的一个财年里,中国消费者在购买苹果产品上花了590亿美元。公司最热销的产品iPhone已经成了一种地位的象征。

    Today , China is Apple 's second-largest market after the United States - Chinese consumers spent $ 59 billion on Apple products in the last fiscal year - and the iPhone , the company 's top seller , has become both a status symbol and a form of personal security ,

  25. 对于全球各地的股票交易所来说,海外上市企业数量是地位的象征。

    International listings are status symbols for stock exchanges the world over .

  26. 作为荣誉或者地位的象征而佩带的缎带或者杠线。

    Cord or ribbon worn as an insignia of honor or rank .

  27. 蜘蛛抱蛋通常被视为优越社会地位的象征。

    The Aspidistra is often regarded as a symbol of social respectability .

  28. 就在如今,骨瓷也是主人身份与地位的象征。

    At present , bone china is the master identity and status symbol .

  29. 它可以作为一个身份和初会地位的象征。

    It is even regarded as the symbol of wealth and social position .

  30. 几十年来,在非洲裔美国人中,卡迪拉克都是身份地位的象征。

    For decades , it was the status symbol in African American communities .