
jiǎ jí lián sài
  • Premier League;major league
  1. 希伯尼安队以2比0战胜汉密尔顿队,夺得了甲级联赛的冠军。

    Hibernian clinched the First Division title when they beat Hamilton 2-0

  2. 球队适应了英式橄榄球甲级联赛的节奏。

    The team has accustomed itself to the pace of first division rugby

  3. 维拉队刚刚从甲级联赛中降级。

    Villa had just been relegated from the First Division .

  4. 来看足球,阿斯顿维拉队将在英格兰甲级联赛重登榜首。

    Football , and Aston Villa will reclaim their lead at the top of the English First Division .

  5. 对CBA主客场赛制主场优势的心理状态研究中国男子篮球甲级联赛(主客场赛制)周期安排与竞技状态的调控

    Periodic Arrangement or Chinese Basketball Major Leagues of Men ( Home and Visiting Match System ) and Control of Competitive Readiness of Players Study on the home court advantage in CBA

  6. 大连万达此前已拥有西班牙足球甲级联赛球队马德里竞技足球俱乐部20%的股份,而同样来自中国的CMC公司去年12月获得了曼城俱乐部13%的股份。

    Dalian Wanda has a 20 % stake in Spanish La Liga football team Atletico Madrid , while fellow Chinese company CMC took a 13 % stake in the parent group of Manchester City last December .

  7. 在周日荷兰甲级联赛的一场比赛当中,维特斯队以2-1战胜罗达JC队,中国前锋张玉宁打入了个人赛季第一粒进球,这同样也是中国足球运动员的首粒进球。

    Chinese forward Zhang Yuning scored his first goal , also the maiden goal for a Chinese footballer , in Dutch top flight league on Sunday , propolling Vitesse Arnhem to a 2-1 victory over Roda JC .

  8. 然而,意大利最吸引我的是意大利足球甲级联赛。

    However , what interests me most about Italy is Series A.

  9. 从1995年开始,中国首次在全国男子篮球甲级联赛中使用了主客场制竞赛制度。

    The home-and-away system was initiated first to ChineseNational Basketball League in1995 .

  10. 意大利足球甲级联赛发展环境与内部运作研究

    A Study on the Development Environment and Internal Operation of Italy Football League-A

  11. 2003年全国男排甲级联赛透视

    Discussion on Men 's Volleyball National League Matches ( Group A ) in 2003

  12. 2002赛季中国足球甲级联赛运动员相对年龄分布特征及原因分析

    Characteristics of relative ages of athletes at the 2002 Chinese Soccer League A divisions

  13. 2002&2003年度中国男子篮球甲级联赛“三人制”裁判员临场情况的调查分析

    Survey on Judgment of Three-man Mechanics Manual in China Basketball League Match between 2002-2003

  14. 我希望我发挥自己的作用帮助球队晋升荷兰甲级联赛。

    I hope I can play a role in a possible promotion to the Eredivisie .

  15. 他们的落马将会影响到最顶级的甲级联赛的晋级赛。

    The fallout could affect the battle for promotion to the top division , Serie A.

  16. 它的总部位于伦巴底的米兰,是甲级联赛俱乐部。

    It based in Milan , Lombardy and plays in the Serie A ( first division ) .

  17. 今年春季,他效力于巴黎日耳曼队。该球队赢得了法国足球甲级联赛的冠军。

    Then he spent the spring playing for Paris Saint-Germain , which won France 's Ligue 1 .

  18. 在法国足球甲级联赛中,摩纳哥七次获得冠军。

    Competing under the French football league , Monaco has won the French league titles for seventh times .

  19. 论主客场联赛制给竞赛市场带来的活力&以'96~'97全国男子篮球甲级联赛为例体育专业篮球专选课引用联赛制的实验研究

    HOMELAND-AWAY SYSTEM STIMULATING ATHLETIC MARKET . The Experimental Research on League Tournament Institution Cited into the Basketball Class

  20. 在19世纪末20世纪初,伦敦没能组成一支甲级联赛的球队。

    London at the turn of the century failed to provide a single team to the Football League First Division .

  21. 在罗马尼亚足球甲级联赛中,布加勒斯特民族队上星期连续输掉了两场比赛,该队球员将于近期被迫接受测谎仪的测试。

    Players at a Romanian first division club will be forced to take lie detector tests after losing two matches .

  22. 效力于西班牙甲级联赛巴塞罗那队的喀麦隆籍前锋埃托奥、英超切尔西队的象牙海岸籍射手德罗巴以及效力于英超博尔顿队的尼日利亚队队长奥科察将是2004年度非洲足球先生的最有力竞争者。

    The Barcelona striker is the hot favourite to pip Didier Drogba of the Ivory Coast and Nigeria captain Jay-Jay Okocha .

  23. 如清华大学的竞技体育项目取得较大成功,北京理工大学的足球队进入甲级联赛。

    Such as qing hua university athletic sports full blossom ; Beijing university of science and technology into series a football team .

  24. 意年夜利曾经拿过四次全国杯它的意年夜利足球甲级联赛是全国上足球程度最高的联赛之一。

    He holds the World Cup four times , Italy has its Italian football league is the world 's highest level of league football one .

  25. 在过去六年中,他帮助皇马问鼎1997和2001赛季西班牙甲级联赛冠军,并在1998、2000和2002年度的欧洲冠军联赛中三度封王。

    Over the past six years he has helped Real Madrid to Spainish league titles in1997 and2001 and three Champions League wins in1998,2000 , and2002 .

  26. 2005赛季中国足球甲级联赛攻防状况分析星期六再赢一场他们就一定能进入甲级联赛。

    An Analysis On The Attack And Defence Condition In Chinese Football First Division League 2005 ; A win on Saturday will assure them of promotion to Division One .

  27. 我没想到,外国球员会这么感情丰富&莫斯科火车头队队长在他的球队获得第一个俄罗斯甲级联赛冠军后说。

    I didn ' 't know foreign players could be so sentimental ? Dmitri Loskov , FC Lokomotiv Moskva captain , after they won their first Russian Premier-Liga title .

  28. 根据意大利罗马体育报的消息,在带领尤文重新回到意大利甲级联赛后,帕维尔内德维德很可能在今年夏天退役。

    After leading Juventus back to Serie A , Pavel Nedved will most likely decide to retire this summer according to the Italian daily sports newspaper'Corriere dello Sport ' .

  29. 我们上个赛季获得了西班牙国王杯,但是我们知道欧洲冠军联赛和西班牙甲级联赛都是非常重要的,所以我们会尝试将它们都赢下来。

    We won the Copa del Rey last season , but we know the Champions League and La Liga are important and we will try to win them also .

  30. 德国甲级联赛是世界最顶级的联赛,共有68名球员入选该榜单,其中有17名来自德国顶级俱乐部拜仁慕尼黑。

    Germany 's Bundesliga was the world 's top ranking league , with 68 players making it onto the list , including 17 players from leading German club Bayern Munich .