
jiǎ yín
  • Jia Yin;51st year of the Sexagenary Cycle
  1. 《甲寅周刊》的文化保守主义思想(1925&1927)

    The Culture Conservatism Thought of " Jiayin Weekly " ( 1925-1927 );

  2. 《甲寅杂志》(月刊):孕育《青年杂志》的母体

    Jiayin Magazine ( the Monthly ): the Mother 's Body Pregnant with Youth Magazine

  3. 第四章,研究章士钊《甲寅》杂志时期的新闻活动。

    Chapter Four , Zhang 's journalism practice in " Jia Yin Monthly " is the chief subject .

  4. 《甲寅》时期章士钊的哲学思想&调和论

    Zhang Shi Zhao ' Philosophy in the Period of Jia Yin ( The Tiger )── the theory of Harmony

  5. 1914年5月,章士钊在日本东京创办了《甲寅》(月刊)杂志。在该杂志上,围绕着对袁世凯帝制的批判,章士钊发展了一套系统的批判封建专制的理论。

    Zhang Shi-zhao started a monthly magazine " Jia Yin "( Tne Tiger ) in Tokyo in May 1914 , in which he put forward a systematic theory of criticizing autocracy .

  6. 论魏氏月体纳甲说及其对虞氏易学的影响《甲寅杂志》(月刊):孕育《青年杂志》的母体

    On WEI Bo-yang s Yue-ti-na-jia theory and its impact on YU Fan s I Ching learning ; Jiayin Magazine ( the Monthly ): the Mother 's Body Pregnant with Youth Magazine

  7. 第一章至第五章,主要探讨了章士钊从《苏报》直到《甲寅》周刊近30年的新闻实践。

    The following is the abstract : From chapter one to chapter five , Zhang Shi-zhao 's journalism practice , from " Su Bao Newspaper " to " Jia Tin Weekly ", covering nearly 30 years , is centralized adopted .

  8. 1915年9月创刊的《新青年》,在其创刊之初,与《甲寅》月刊之间,在主编、撰稿人队伍、发刊宗旨、栏目设置、刊物风格等方面存在着很深的渊源关系。

    There are close historical relations between Xin Qing Nian , which was founded on 15 September 1915 and Jia Yin , reflected in these aspects : editor in chief , contributors , purpose of the Journal , columns and its style etc.

  9. 本部分以甲寅和学衡派为个案,对新/旧、死/活的语言修辞方法及其对文学理论转型的影响作了研究,对这些论战的事实进行分析。

    This part , taking as cases the School of Jia Yin and the School of Xue Heng , analyzes the rhetorical devices of " new / old " and " life / death " and their influence on the transformation of literary theory .