
dì xīn xī lì
  • gravity;gravitation of the earth
  1. 地心吸力让我们能在陆地上正常生活。

    The gravity enables us to live naturally on land .

  2. 如果没有地心吸力,我们将被抛入太空中。

    Without gravity we would be hurtled into space .

  3. 那好比打破杯子却怪罪地心吸力。

    That 's like blaming gravity for the glass you broke .

  4. 地心吸力也是胡说八道。地心吸力法导水系统

    The law of gravity was nonsense . ' gravity-fed pipe water system

  5. 地心吸力使苹果落地。

    An apple falls by the force of gravitation .

  6. 这一部分,很多印度天文学学对引力和地心吸力有约定俗成的想法。

    This apart , many Indian astronomers had formulated ideas about gravity and gravitation .

  7. 它们是怎样对抗地心吸力呢?本片将会为大家一一解开答案。

    How they fight with gravitation , this section will answer all this questions .

  8. 地心吸力把物体吸向地心.吸收强度,吸收力

    The force of gravity pulls things towards the earth 's centre . absorption strength

  9. 你们连气候或者地心吸力都还没法控制。

    ' You don 't even control the climate or the law of gravity .

  10. 如果地球没有地心吸力,月亮可能飞向太阳!

    If the earth had no gravity , the moon would fly to the sun .

  11. 任何跌落的物体均被地心吸力所吸引而落向地面。

    Anything that is dropped falls to the ground , pulled by the force of gravity .

  12. ,九人秘密小组总共写了九本书,大概是每人写一本,书目是地心吸力的秘密!

    The " Nine Unknown Men " wrote a total of nine books , presumably one each .

  13. 地心吸力法导水系统

    Gravity-fed pipe water system

  14. 这是一小摄新近的反地心吸力证据,印度人使用了航空技术。

    This is but a small bit of recent evidence of anti-gravity and aerospace technology used by Indians .

  15. 我们在地球上发生的事物,在没有地心吸力的太空中便不一样。

    Matters existing on earth will behave in a different manner when in space where there is no force of gravity .

  16. 我喜欢地心吸力旋转,那个持续不停的翻滚转动,那种好像快要从座椅子上滑出去的感觉。

    I love the gravity rolls , the constant twists and turns , the feeling that you might fall out of your seat .

  17. 我们有很多水沿着土地的管道而来,但现在这个方法基本上是让地心吸力本身来运作。

    We had to put lots of water pipe in and along the ground , but the system basically runs itself by gravity now .

  18. 他们两人在自己的自行车店后面的车库里开始了孤独的旅程,计划着如何摆脱地心吸力,驭风而行。

    It was a lonely quest for the two of them in their garage behind the shop , plotting to defy gravity and conquer the wind .

  19. 自然规律是那么细微地校准,就是说,地心吸力或电磁学中,算是最细小的改变,都会令到宇宙无箘。

    Incredibly , the natural laws are so finely calibrated , even the slightest change to , say , gravity or electromagnetism , would render the universe sterile .