
  • 网络primary structure
  1. 初生结构由表皮、皮层和中柱组成。

    Primary structure consisted of epidermis , cortex and vascular cylinder .

  2. 根的初生结构和早期的次生结构都是正常的。

    The primary structure and early secondary structure were normal .

  3. 根初生结构为二原型,次生结构中射线为异型射线。

    The rays in the secondary structure are heterocellular .

  4. 根具次生结构,茎(花葶)仅有初生结构。

    The root has secondary structure , but the stem only has primary structure .

  5. 根的初生结构由表皮、皮层和中柱组成;无次生根结构。

    Without secondary structures in root .

  6. 八角金盘茎叶的初生结构及分泌道的发育特征

    Primary Structure of Stem and Leaf and Biological Development Characteristics of Secretary Canals in Fatsia japonica

  7. 在茎的初生结构中,挥发油主要分布在皮层薄壁组织细胞中;

    In the primary structure of stem , the essential oil was mainly distributed in cortex parenchyma cells ;

  8. 由于初生结构和早期的次生结构是正常的,所以,这种异常结构可能是后起的特征。

    The anomalous secondary structure of this kind may therefore be reconstructed as the primary and early secondary structures are normal .

  9. 由此衍生的菌丝细胞组成菌索的初生结构,包括分化不明显的表皮、皮层及初生髓;

    The primary structure included the young epiderm , cortex , and primary medulla which was composed of some large elliptic hyphae .

  10. 结果表明:角茴香其根的结构特点为双子叶植物根的正常初生结构;

    The results show : the structural features of its root are the same as those of the root of dicotyls at the early stage of normal growth ;

  11. 茎的初生结构中多个维管束排列成环状,节部为单隙三迹,叶迹分别来自于3条维管束或同一条维管束。

    The vascular bundles of the primary structure in stem are ring arranged , and the node is unilacunar and 3-traced , which is from three vascular bundles or one vascular bundle .

  12. 根系由不定根组成,根的初生结构木质部为2~4原型,次生结构中栓内层较厚。

    Its root system is composed of adventitious roots . The primary xylem of root is 2 ~ 4 arches , and the secondary structure of root is characterized by a thicker phelloderm .

  13. 药用植物川牛膝根中异常次生结构的发育解剖学研究本文报道了药用植物牛滕根的异常次生生长。其初生结构和早期的次生结构类似于一般的草本双子叶植物根。

    The anomalous secondary thickening was studied in the root of medicinal species of Achyranthes bidentata B1 . The primary and early secondary structures are similar to those of most herbs of the dicotyledons .

  14. 在根的初生结构中,柴胡皂苷分布于表皮、皮层、中柱鞘、初生韧皮部及原生木质部的薄壁组织细胞内,其中中柱鞘和韧皮部是主要的分布部位。

    In the primary structure , saikosaponin was distributed in parenchyma cells of the epidermis , cortex , pericycle , primary phloem and protoxylem , among which pericycle and primary phloem were the main storage site .

  15. 叶的初生结构形成后,叶肉组织、尤其是栅栏组织成了挥发油的主要分布部位。

    After the primary structure of leaf was formed , the essential oil was mainly distributed in mesophyll tissue cells , especially in palisade parenchyma cells , which became the main distributed position of essential oil .

  16. 纺丝液固含量对湿纺PAN初生纤维结构形态的影响

    The influence of the solid content in spinning solution on the structure and morphology of PAN nascent fiber by wet spinning

  17. 卷绕速度对PTT初生纤维结构与性能的影响

    Effect of take - up velocity on structure and properties of as-spun PTT fiber

  18. 凝固条件对初生纤维结构与性能的影响通过影响ΔK进而影响表面凝固层的组成及厚度而实现。

    The effect of coagulation variables on the structure and properties of the protofibers was achieved by influencing the mass transfer rate difference and further the composition and thickness of the coagulated surface layer .

  19. PET/LCP共混体系可纺性及其初生纤维结构

    Spinnability of pet / lcp system and structure of undrawn yarn

  20. PAN/DMSO溶液的挤出对初生纤维结构的影响

    Effect of PAN / DMSO solution extrusion on structure of as-spun fiber

  21. 热水浴拉伸对聚丙烯腈初生纤维结构和性能的影响

    Effect of hot water drawing on structure and properties of polyacrylonitrile nascent filament

  22. 凝固条件对羽毛角蛋白/PVA初生纤维结构与性能的影响

    Effect of Coagulation Condition on Structure and Properties of As-spun Feather Keratin-PVA Fiber

  23. 湿纺凝固负拉伸对初生纤维结构与性能的影响

    Effect of Jet Stretch Ratio on the Microstructure and Properties of Protofibers by Wet-Spinning

  24. 与传统的干湿法纺丝相比,由未预凝胶化凝胶纺丝制得的初生纤维结构比较致密,孔洞较少,但是两者的皮芯结构差异并无明显区别。

    Compared with the fibers produced by dry-wet spinning , the fibers from the not-pre-gelled gel spinning had more compact structure and fewer pores inside the fiber . The skin-core difference between the two types of fibers was , however , not pronounced .

  25. 氨化对湿纺PAN初生丝条结构的影响

    Influence of amination on the structure of a PAN nascent filament during wet spinning

  26. 在高速纺丝中,控制PTT初生纤维取向结构的关键是喷丝头拉伸比,决定结晶结构的关键是卷绕速度。

    Spinneret draft ratio played a crucial role in controlling the orientation structure of as-spun PTT fiber during high-speed spinning .

  27. 熔融纺丝成形条件对PET初生丝超分子结构及其力学性能的影响&第2报单丝线密度、喷丝头拉伸比及侧吹风速对PET初生丝结晶作用及力学强度的影响

    Effect of formation condition in melt spinning on the supermolecular structure and the mechanical property of pet spun filament pt . ⅱ effect of single filament linear density , spin-draw ratio and lateral blow speed on the crystallization and the M

  28. PET/TLCP共混物初生纤维的结构与性能

    Structure and properties of pet / tlcp as spun blend fibers

  29. 芳香含氯聚砜酰胺初生纤维微孔结构与性能的研究

    Study on the porous structure and properties of chloried-polysulfonamide freshly formed filament

  30. 小麦抗旱性的形态性状及初生根解剖结构研究

    Study on Anatomy Structure and Morphology Characters of Drought - resistance in Wheat