- root apex;butt

(1) [butt]
(2) 植物的端部,根须由此伸出(如树干底部);木材的大头
(3) 木条、片、杆、板或瓦的厚的一端
(4) 梯子的沉重的一端或底端
(5) 主茎或细枝与开花一端相对的一端
Effects of exogenous cholesterol on the ATPase activity of mitochondria in rice root apex
It was observed that from 8 ° to 32 ℃, the activation energy of ATPase in mitochondria in the corn root apex had a break at 15.5 ℃ .
Expression of cytokeratins ( CKs ) and their mRNA in epithelial linings of radicular cysts
Three-dimensional structures of meristematic cells of Allium cepa were studied using fre - eze-fracture method under the scanning electron microscope .
The changes of the nucleolus during cell cycle in Triticum aestivum were studied by Bernhard staining method .
Expression of Cytokeratin 18 and 13 in Ciliated Epithelia of Radicular Cyst Epithelium Lining
Methods Immunohistochemical assay was used to detect the expressions of survivin , bcl-2 and caspase-3 protein in 20 cases of OKC ( including 10 primary OKC , 10 recurrent OKC ), and in 10 cases of dentigerous cyst , and 10 cases of radicular cyst .
Radicular cyst is a kind of infective odontogenic cyst originated from Malassez epithelial rest proliferation , which stimulated by chronic periapical inflammation .
Methods CK expression in 52 radicular cysts obtained from 32 maxillary and 20 mandibular lesions was examined by immunohistochemical staining and CK-mRNA expression in 24 maxillary and 13 mandibular cysts by in situ hybridization and in 24 maxillary cysts by reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) .
The roots-apex structure of Pyrus betulaefolia and its differentiation of primary tissue
A Study on the Micronucleus Induced in the Root Tip Cells of Sugarbeet
Allograft of the apical tissue of rat molar
Developing apical complex is the growth regulating center of tooth root and periodontium development
Study on the Puff - like Structure in Nuclei of Meristematic Cells of Vicia faba
Objective : To study the clinical features of the odontogenic jaw cysts ( OJC ) .
Pressure in horizontal borehole is in non-uniform distribution with pressure declining from tip to end .
The historical research of OKC and radicular cyst elucidated the original and developing mechanism of them .
In vitro culture and characterization of dental epithelial cells derived from the apical end of rat incisor
Secondary roots emerge on the 4th or 5th day about 4 or 5 cm from the root apex .
The nuclei were isolated from the root meristematic cells of Allium cepa and the nuclear matrices were prepared .
Studies were carried out on the ultrastructural and cytochemical features of the puff-like structure ( PLS ) of Vicia faba .
Objective : To evaluate the capability of the apical tissue of rat molar to grow tooth root and periodontal tissue .
Contrasting group , 30 patients including 27 of impacted tooth and 9 of periapical cyst , in which no material was put into bone wounds .
Methods Epithelial cells and fibroblast from ameloblastoma , keratocyst , dentigerous cyst , radicular cyst and oral mucosa were cultured and observed by phase contrast microscope .
Before the treatment , the teeth were divided into type ⅰ、ⅱ and ⅲ according to the shapes of apical foramen . Different curative effects were observed , and their relative causes were analysed .
Two stages were divided : proembryo-mature seed embryo stage is characterized by the development of shoot apex being earlier than root apex , and plumular nodal root primodium , and being faster than radicle primodium ;
This paper discusses the topic about design of large GRP wind turbine blades , including design of aerodynamics , blade sections and root joints , analysis of load cases , strength , fatigue , buckling and evaluation of structural dynamic performance .
The results showed that incidence of caries in wisdom tooth was 10 . 2 % . distal caries in second molar was 34.1 % , alveolar bone resorption of second molar 38 . 9 % . ( 2 ) The rate was different in 4 impact types .
If the horizontal well has very high output , the affect of borehole tube current are larger , the place of breakthrough will deviate to heel . ( 4 ) With horizontal well length increasing , displacement efficiency function will add ( not think about borehole tube current ) .
Hydrogels were synthesized by the crosslinking between acetic acid lignin and isocyanate ( NCO ) terminated polyurethane ionomers ( IPUI ) .