
yù jīn xiāng
  • tulip
郁金香 [yù jīn xiāng]
  • [tulip] 供观赏的多年生草本植物,叶阔披针形,有白粉,花色艳丽,花瓣倒卵形,结蒴果。根、花可用作镇静剂

郁金香[yù jīn xiāng]
  1. 下面的壁炉架上陈列的是一批17世纪的郁金香花瓶。

    Beneath this , on the mantelshelf , is displayed a collection of seventeenth-century tulip vases .

  2. 能给我条浴巾么,美丽的郁金香小姐?

    Would you hand me a dry towel , miss beautiful tulip ?

  3. 有人剪掉了我们郁金香的花冠。

    Somebody lopped the heads off our tulips .

  4. 我们园子里的郁金香已经盛开。

    The tulips in our garden are in bloom now .

  5. 她每天早晨都给郁金香浇水。

    She waters the tulips every morning .

  6. 郁金香今年开得很早,因为冬天不很冷。

    The tulips have come out early this year because of the mild winter .

  7. 郁金香杂交F1代对灰霉病的抗性和遗传分析

    Inheritance and resistance to Botrytis disease in F_1 generation of tulips

  8. 郁金香切花衰老过程中内源乙烯和SOD的变化

    Changes of Endogenous Ethylene and SOD of Cut Tulip During Senescence

  9. 6-BA和PP(333)对郁金香切花的保鲜研究

    6-BA and PP_ ( 333 ) Effects in Shelf-life Improvement of Tulipa gesneriana Cut Flowers

  10. 研究了不同浓度的水杨酸(SA)对3个品种郁金香试管微鳞茎形成和生长的影响。

    Effect of different concentrations of SA on formation and growth of Tulipa gesneriana micro-bulb was studied .

  11. 如同17世纪时荷兰的郁金香、或本世纪初的网络股一样,中国的首次公开发行(IPO)市场充满了泡沫。

    Chinese initial public offerings , like 17th-century Dutch tulips or dotcom stocks at the start of this decade , are the stuff of bubbles .

  12. 郁金香财务研究的管理合伙人约翰•克莱门斯(JohnClemens)称:长期来看,这些公司的股票仍普遍被视为低风险投资。

    They are still broadly perceived as low-risk investments over the long term , said John Clemens , Tulip managing partner .

  13. 主要对郁金香花瓣和杜鹃花花瓣中所含营养物的蛋白质、糖、维生素C、铁、锌、钙、粗纤维和氨基酸及口感进行了测定。

    The author mainly checked the texture and nutritious components such as protein , carbohydrate and vitamin C and mineral substances such as iron , zinc and calcium and coarse fiber and amino acids in tulip petals and azalea petals .

  14. PieterHoff过去常常从荷兰向外出口百合和郁金香。

    Pieter Hoff used to export lilies and tulips from the Netherlands .

  15. 结果:10例患者共植入过滤器10个,其类型为:西蒙记忆合金过滤器3个、Greenfield过滤器3个和郁金香(Tulip)过滤器4个。

    Results : The filter was placed for 10 patients with 3 Simon nitinol filters , 3 Greenfield filters and 4 Tulip filters .

  16. 收获球总质量和更新鳞茎的单质量(低于10g)明显降低是郁金香种球退化的主要标志。

    The distinct decrease in bulb 's weight ( less than 10 g ) of bulb was the major sign of the regeneration of bulb .

  17. 历史提供了不少这样的例子,最早至少可以追溯至17世纪,在当时的郁金香热(TulipMania)中,一些荷兰商人拿出毕生积蓄,就只为购买一个郁金香球茎。

    History provides examples from at least as far back as the 17th century Tulip Mania , when Dutch merchants paid life savings for a single tulip bulb .

  18. 沙捞越Punda走滑构造为一典型的右旋走滑构造形式,是沿近东西向F断裂(PDZ)发育特征的负花状构造或郁金香构造,并构成走滑伸展双重构造。

    A typical strike-slip extensional duplexes with a characteristic tulip flower structure are developed along the east-west oriented F fault ( PDZ ) in Punda dextral strike-slip faults .

  19. 人们指责卖空者引起了17世纪荷兰郁金香市场的崩溃和1929年的华尔街股灾,并在今年帮助摧垮了纽约投行贝尔斯登(bearstearns)。

    Short-sellers were accused of bringing about the crash of the Dutch tulip market in the 17th century , the Wall Street crash of 1929 and , this year , for helping to bring down Bear Stearns , the New York investment bank .

  20. 哈珀·柯林斯出版社(HarperCollins)儿童版封面,注意力放在弯曲的楼梯上。可白色郁金香又代表谁呢?

    HarperCollins focus on the winding stair for the cover of their children 's edition , but who does the white tulip stand for ?

  21. 这也许解释了为什么今年8月,哈维·韦恩斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)在Deadline上写了一篇专栏文章,推销他那部延期已久、不久后将一败涂地的电影《狂热郁金香》(TulipFever),承认“写这篇文章可能无异于引火烧身”。

    That perhaps also explains why in August , Harvey Weinstein wrote a column in Deadline flacking his much-delayed , soon-to-be flop " Tulip Fever , " admitting that " writing this article is probably akin to putting a target on my back . "

  22. 郁金香呼吸作用与物质消耗密切相关,≥12cm大球在贮藏中单球呼吸强度最大,在0.22~0.36mgCO2/(bulb·h),比<8cm小球高出54.58%~83.63%;

    The respiration of tulips nearly correlated with the matter consumption . A single bulb breathing fresh intensity of the ≥ 12cm bigger bulbs was the most which was 0.22 ~ 0.36mgCO_2/ ( bulb · h ) , which towered above the < 8cm bulbs 54.58 % ~ 83.63 % ;

  23. 笔者为调节冬季温室栽培郁金香的花期,采用白光、UVB、UVA、蓝光和红光等光质对郁金香进行补光处理,探讨不同光质对郁金香生长和开花的影响。

    In order to regulate the flowering period of tulip growing in greenhouse during winter , effect of supplemental lighting with white , red , blue and ultraviolet ( UVA and UVB ) light on the growth and bloom of tulip were studied in a solar greenhouse .

  24. 郁金香山地栽培及高山复壮研究

    Studies on the Cultivation and Rejuvenation of Tulip in Mountainous Areas

  25. 杭州地区郁金香的鳞茎发育及碳水化合物代谢

    Bulb development and metabolism of carbohydrates of Tulipa gesneriana in Hangzhou

  26. 郁金香衰老过程中几种保护酶活性的变化

    Changes of activity of protective enzymes during flower senescence in tulip

  27. 郁金香依然是最流行的和公认的球茎花。

    The tulip remains the most popular and recognizable bulb flower .

  28. 苯甲酸钠及硫代硫酸钠对郁金香切花膜脂过氧化的影响

    Effect of SB and Na_2S_2O_3 Upon Membrane-Lipid Peroxidation in Cutting Tulips

  29. 橙色郁金香怒放,就在今夜!

    Tulips are in full bloom , orange in the night !

  30. 嗯,荷兰以郁金香和风车为人所熟知。

    Well , Holland is famous for its tulips and windmills .