
  • 网络Revenue;local revenue
  1. 选择郑州市社会经济发展指标主要包括GDP、地方财政收入、全社会固定资产投资额、工业总产值,以此来分析在工业化演进的过程中,城市工业地价与社会经济各指标之间的相关性。

    In order to analyze the correlation of industrial land price between socio-economic indicators , the socio-economic development indicators including GDP , local government revenue , fixed assets investment , total value of industry were choose .

  2. 地方财政收入持续高速增长。

    Fiscal revenue of local governments kept sustained and rapid growth .

  3. 新疆地税收入与GDP、地方财政收入增长关系研究

    A Study of the Relations between Local Tax Revenue and the Increase of GDP and Local Financial Income of Xinjiang

  4. 本文试图运用国际经济理论和分析方法,建立一种地方财政收入的预测模型(季节性ARIMA),以期对地方财政收入做出准确、有效的分析和预测。

    This article tries to use international economic theory and analyzing method to build a predicting model ( seasonal ARIMA ), which is expected to analyzing and predict district public revenue precisely and effectively .

  5. 从地方财政收入看烟台市的产业结构

    Research on the Industrial Structure of Yantai from Local Financial Revenue

  6. 2003年地方财政收入达到近年最大增幅。

    In 2003 , the growth reached to the highest increasing range .

  7. 增值税转型对地方财政收入的影响&基于对东北三省的实证研究

    On the Effect of VAT Transformation on Local Government Revenue

  8. 转移支付对地方财政收入稳定效应的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on the Stabilization Effect of Transfer to Subnational Fiscal Revenue

  9. 第二,成为国家和地方财政收入的重要组成部分。

    Second , as a major component of national and local fiscal revenue .

  10. 构建持续稳定的地方财政收入模式已是势在必行的事情。

    Building a steady financial revenue model is imperative .

  11. 构建一种地方财政收入的预测模型

    Building a Model of Predicting District Public Revenue

  12. 实验结果证实该方法在地方财政收入预测中是有效可行的。

    Experimental results demonstrated the availability and feasibility of the model in local financial revenue forecasting .

  13. 关于房地产税费改革方向和地方财政收入模式的论辩

    An Argument on the Reform of Real Estate Tax and Pattern of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relation in China

  14. 我们支持项目的建设,因为它有助于增加地方财政收入。

    The local economy will benefit from the construction of the project , so we support it .

  15. 但是房地产对地方财政收入的影响已经是个不可回避的话题。

    But the real estate to the local finance income 's influence was already an unevadable topic .

  16. 从数量角度来看,我国地方财政收入差异明显,且呈扩大态势。

    Via the viewing angles of quantity , the fiscal disparity of China is high and expands gradually .

  17. 政府非税收入是地方财政收入的重要组成部分,也是经济发展的重要来源。

    It is an important part of the local fiscal revenue , also a vital source of economic development .

  18. 地方财政收入反映了地区的经济运行情况和地方政府的履职能力。

    Local fiscal revenue can reflect the condition of economic operation and the local government ability of execution of duty .

  19. 财政努力度反映的是转移支付对地方财政收入即公共品的融资上影响。

    Fiscal effort reflects the impact of fiscal transfer on local financial income which was used to finance the public goods .

  20. 可持续地方财政收入结构的建立将意味着地方政府会逐渐失去土地财政。

    The establishment of sustainable local revenue structure will mean that the local government will gradually lose its " land finance " .

  21. 土地出让收入占地方财政收入的比例越来越大,使地方政府对土地财政的依赖也越来越强。

    Land transfer income accounted for an increasing proportion of local revenue , causing a local government financial dependence on land growing .

  22. 税收是共和国的血脉,是地方财政收入的主要来源,对促进地方经济的发展起到重要的作用。

    Tax is the main source of local fiscal revenue and plays an important role to promote the development of local economy .

  23. 积极方面包括:在一定程度上缓解了城市交通拥挤问题;提高了地方财政收入,增加了基础设施建设资金来源。

    The benign aspects include : it alleviates the urban traffic problem to some extent ; it increases the local fiscal revenue for infrastructure .

  24. 在地方财政收入和转移支付有限的情况下,探索地方政府的融资方式和渠道,就成为各方关注的问题。

    Searching for the financing resources of local governments comes to be an important issue when local fiscal revenue and transfer payment is limited .

  25. 对两者的相关性分析表明,草地的变化与人口密度、非农业人口数量及地方财政收入之间具有不同的线性相关关系。

    An analysis of the pertinence between them indicates that grassland change has a different linear relationship with the population density and non-agricultural population .

  26. 房地产税收是国家调节房地产经济的一个重要杠杆和地方财政收入的重要来源。

    Real estate tax is an important lever for the nation to adjust the economy of real estate and the important source of local finance .

  27. 结果表明1990年代湖南省区域差异并不是绝对的扩大,居民收入、地方财政收入的差异变化为“缩小&扩大”的波动。

    The regional disparity in Hunan did not always widen in 1990s . The disparity of resident income and local government revenue fluctuated in 1990s .

  28. 但由于财政体制尚未完善,地方财政收入紧张,可以税款先用于公租房等保障性住房项目。

    However , due to the financial system need consummate , the tax can be used for public rental housing project and other indemnificatory housing projects .

  29. 第二部分对长三角地方财政收入对土地相关财政收入的依赖情况进行了度量并分析了土地财政产生的原因。

    The second part measures the dependence of the local governments of the Yangtze River Delta on the land revenues and analyses the reasons behind it .

  30. 由于取消农业税将导致地方财政收入减少,国家将对粮食主产区和中西部地区给予补助。

    As local revenues will decrease with the abolition of the agricultural tax , major grain producing areas and central and western regions will receive state assistance .