
  • 网络Income from fines and confiscations;Penalty and Confiscatory Income
  1. 罚没收入全部上交国家财政。

    The incomes collected from fines shall be handed to the state treasury .

  2. 落实行政性收费和罚没收入“收支两条线”的规定

    To implement the regulations on separately managing administrative charges and incomes from fines and confiscation

  3. 建立行政性收费和罚没收入统计报表制度。

    Establishing the System of Statistics Reports on Administrative Charges and Incomes from Fines and Confiscations .

  4. 人民法院和税务机关的罚没收入,一律上缴国库。

    The People 's Courts and the tax authorities shall turn over the gains from fines and confiscations they have received to the state treasury .

  5. 进一步采取有力措施,认真落实行政性收费和罚没收入收支两条线的规定。

    They must further take effective measures to implement the regulations on separately managing the receipts and expenditures of administrative charges and incomes from imposition of fines and confiscation .

  6. 目前,延边州政府非税收入有行政事业性收费、政府性基金、国有资本经营收益、国有资源(资产)有偿使用收入、专项收入、罚没收入和其他收入。

    At present , Yanbian state government non tax revenue is administrative career sex collects fees , government funds , operational income of state-owned capital , state-owned resource ( asset ) is paid use income , special income , confiscated income and other income .

  7. 非税收入中的行政事业性收费、政府性基金、国有资本收益和罚没收入等项目涉及到经济社会发展的各个领域,与人民群众的直接利益、现实利益密切相关。

    Some non tax income such as the administrative fees , government funds , state-owned capital gains and incomes from fines and confiscations and others relate to economic and social development in various fields , they are closely related to the interests of the people and the reality .