
fá jiǔ
  • be made to drink as a forfeit
罚酒 [fá jiǔ]
  • [be made to drink as a forfeit] 多人饮酒时,行酒令败者被罚以饮酒

罚酒[fá jiǔ]
  1. 如果你猜对了,说谎者就要罚酒。

    If you guess right , the IIAR pays the price .

  2. 我看你是敬酒不吃吃罚酒?

    Do you want to refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit ?

  3. 你想敬酒不吃吃罚酒?

    You really want it the hard way ?

  4. 错了的人将被罚酒。

    The penalty for errors is drinking .

  5. 拼酒轮盘、350等游戏必然有被罚酒的玩家,于是,不用人员推销,夜场的酒水销量已经大增。

    Pinjiu roulette , 350 other games must have been Monastic players , so no personal selling , sales of drinks the night market has greatly increased .