
chún jìng
  • pureness;pure;clean;purity
纯净 [chún jìng]
  • (1) [pure]∶无搀合物的;不含添加、替代物质或杂质的

  • 可取得的最纯净的丝

  • (2) [clean]∶无污染的;单纯洁净的

纯净[chún jìng]
  1. 母爱就象一首田园诗,幽远纯净,和雅清淡;

    Mother love is resemble one idyl , the distant pureness deep and quiet , and elegant delicate ;

  2. 从控制化学成分、调整铸造应力、提高熔体纯净度、加强晶粒细化等方面入手,防止7475铝合金扁锭铸造时发生裂纹、疏松缺陷。

    Through the chemical composition , changing stress , improving melt pureness and strengthening grain refining advanced solving the crackles methods .

  3. 空气清新而纯净。

    The air was sweet and pure .

  4. 有机食品是未使用人工化学制剂和杀虫剂的纯净食品。

    Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides .

  5. 纯净水有时候要降到零下40摄氏度才会结冰。

    Pure water sometimes does not freeze until it reaches minus 40 degrees Celsius .

  6. 只使用纯净水。

    Only purified water is used .

  7. 在偏远地区,空气很纯净,庄稼也不施用有毒的杀虫剂。

    In remote regions , the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides .

  8. 纯净的水是透明的。

    Pure water is transparent .

  9. 钻石是纯净的碳。

    Diamonds are pure carbon .

  10. 纯净的空气使天空变得更蓝

    A clear atmosphere intensifies the blue of the sky .

  11. 水经蒸馏可变得纯净

    Water can be made pure by distilling it .

  12. 纯净水作为液体粘合剂。

    Purified water was used as liquid binder .

  13. PLC、人机界面结合变频器在纯净水再生装置中自动恒压控制的设计

    Design of Automatic Constant-voltage Control for Purified Water Renewable Device based on PLC 、 HMI and Inverter

  14. 稀土元素La对碳锰纯净钢组织和冷却转变的影响

    Effect of La Element on Microstructure and Cooling Transformation of Carbon - Manganese Purity Steels

  15. 氢化物发生ICP-AES法同时测定纯净水中的砷和汞

    Simultaneous Determination of Arsenic and Mercury in Purified Water by HG-ICP-AES

  16. 超纯净金属冶炼用CaO耐火材料的研究进展

    Research development of CaO refractories for refining ultrapure metal


    For semantic cleanliness and future extensibility , the SQL function uses a matching clause INHERIT ISOLATION LEVEL WITH LOCK REQUEST .

  18. RH真空精炼是大批量生产优质纯净钢的重要手段。

    RH vacuum refining technology is a powerful method of producing clean steel .

  19. HACCP管理系统在桶装饮用纯净水中的应用研究

    Study on the use of HACCP system in a bottled purified drinking water manufacturing factory

  20. 根据GC-MS测定分析的结果,决定选纯净水作为本文实验的空白试剂。

    Pure water is taken as blank reagent ( control ) based on the result of GC-MS test ;

  21. 利用微观偏析和化学反应相耦合的计算方法,对稀土碳锰纯净钢中的La、P在体系凝固过程的偏析和化学反应进行了计算。

    The coupling calculation method about segregation and reaction were made on carbon-manganese purity steels with rare earth to study the behavior of elements La and P during solidification .

  22. 利用SEM电镜、能谱分析仪、以及等离子光谱分析仪,对稀土镧在纯净钢中的固溶规律及夹杂物的转变规律进行了研究。

    By SEM , EDS and ICP spectral analysis , the solution law of La and the transformation law of inclusions are investigated in present work .

  23. 反渗透法桶装饮用纯净水生产HACCP体系的应用研究

    Research on the establishment of HACCP system in the jugged reverse osmosis ( RO ) purified water for drinking

  24. 等于纯净物时系统的化学势,在同样的温度,压强pA下。

    Is equal to the chemical potential of the pure system , same temperature under pressure is p sub a on that side .

  25. 超临界CO.萃取胡麻籽油的萃取率较高,所得的产品较为纯净,不会造成产品污染。

    Supercritical CO : high extraction flax seed oil extraction rate , the resulting product is more pure and will not cause contamination of the product .

  26. 因而,缩写词可能是汉语纯净论者要攻克的最后一个堡垒。或许有人会想,下一个就该轮到“CCTV”了吧?

    Abbreviations may thus be one of the last bastions for language purists , leaving some people to wonder , will'CCTV'be next ?

  27. 目的研究在纯净水生产中引入HACCP管理体系的实践,探讨提高纯净水卫生质量的方法。

    Objective To introduce HACCP into purified water production management and explore method to improve sanitation quality of purified water .

  28. 超纯净Ti-IF冷轧薄板的组织与性能

    Microstructures and Properties of Ultra-Pure Ti-IF Cold - Rolled Thin Sheet

  29. 目的改进雪旺细胞(SCs)的体外培养条件,以获得足够数量较纯净的雪旺细胞应用于周围神经修复。

    Objective To optimize culture condition of Schwann cells ( SCs ) in vitro and obtain more purified SCs to repair peripheral nerve .

  30. 2(IV)~(m-p)设计的弱最小低阶混杂与纯净效应准则等价的条件

    Some Equivalent Conditions for Weak Minimum Aberration and Clear Effect Criteria in 2_ ( IV ) ~ ( m-p ) Designs