
fá qiú qū
  • Penalty area;free-throw lane;charity area;foul lane;free-throw area
  1. 违例了!他在罚球区内逗留时间超过了三秒。

    A violation ! He 's remained in the free-throw lane for longer than three seconds .

  2. 在罚球区内对方队员对他犯规。

    He was fouled inside the penalty area .

  3. 卢顿未能在罚球区的边缘截住对方的任意球。

    Luton conceded a free kick on the edge of the penalty area .

  4. 在罚球区内被违规撞倒后,他罚点球破门得分。

    He scored from the penalty spot after being brought down in the box .

  5. 这位德国的1号球员在2014世界杯上状态不错,7场比赛仅失守四球,这一成绩令FIFA官方技术统计组对其拦截射门的能力、卓越的指挥能力以及在罚球区发动进攻的能力都叹为观止。

    The Germany No1 was in fine form for the Nationalmannschaft during Brazil 2014 , conceding just four goals in seven games and impressing FIFA 's Technical Study Group with his shot-stopping ability , his commanding presence and his ability to start attacks from his own penalty area .

  6. 根据体育数据提供商Opta的资料,巴洛特利并没有在西班牙罚球区碰到球,尽管用肉眼看,他制造的威胁似乎比这个确凿证据所显示的要大得多。

    According to Opta , Balotelli did not touch the ball inside the Spanish penalty area though to the naked eye , he appeared to carry a greater threat than that damning note .

  7. 进球的主要射门区域是在罚球区内;

    The main area of goal for shooting was penalty area .

  8. (篮球运动中的)投篮这个球掉进篮下罚球区。

    Shoot at the basket The ball dropped into the key .

  9. 罚球区是失球的主要区域。

    The penalty area was the main fumble area .

  10. 进球的主要区域是在罚球区的中间地带;

    The main area of score is in the middle of penalty area .

  11. 进球射门区域主要集中在前场中路罚球区内;

    Scoring areas converge in the middle penalty area ;

  12. 他就在罚球区外让对方把球抢断。

    He was tackled just outside the penalty area .

  13. 他从罚球区边缘进球得分。

    He scored from the edge of the area .

  14. 从罚球区外跳起来投篮。

    Jumped high and shot from outside the keyhole .

  15. 他在罚球区被对方撞倒。

    He was brought down in the penalty area .

  16. 这个球掉进篮下罚球区。

    The ball dropped into the key .

  17. 巧妙地躲过一连串阻截后,他跑到罚球区并踢进一球。

    Brilliantly avoiding a series of tackles he reached the box and scored a goal .

  18. 结果表明:射门区域全部集中在前场,尤其是在罚球区内为主要射门区域。

    The shot-areas were all in the front third of the field , especially in penalty-area .

  19. 在开场后的第22分钟,韩段在罚球区的一记远距离射门没能使中国队进球。

    China failed to shoot before the22nd minute when Han Duan drove a long shot outside the penalty box .

  20. 射门进球最佳区域是罚球区内球门区线附近;

    The best area for goals was the area near the line of the goal area of the penalty area .

  21. 他将球猛力踢入了罚球区,使它从守门员身上反弹入网。

    He kicked the ball fiercely into the penalty area , causing it to ricochet off the goalkeeper into the net .

  22. 罚球区内和罚球区前沿地带是射门进球的最佳区域;

    The penalty zone and the area in front of the penalty zone are the best area for goal shooting and scoring ;

  23. 平均每场比赛攻入罚球区和攻入前场30米的次数上,西班牙队保持着较高的水平。

    Spain maintained a high level on the Scored per game before the penalty area and scored the number of 30 meters .

  24. 精彩瞬间:他带球到罚球区的时候觅得良机,起脚打进一记非常漂亮的入球。

    Key Moment : A well timed run into penalty area provided him with a great chance to score which he took beautifully .

  25. 罚球区前沿2区、3区边后卫和拖后中卫的中间区域仍是进球最多的区域,进球最多的依然是前锋队员,其次是前卫队员;

    The front 2 and 3 area of the penalty area will still be the area which has most scores . The forwards score most goals .

  26. 亚洲球队攻入前场30米和罚球区的次数远远不如西班牙队,说明亚洲球队前场控球能力低。

    Asia , kick the ball in 30 meters before the penalty area and the number is far less than Spain , indicating that the Asian teams lower front ball control .

  27. 在比赛进行中无论球在什么位置,如果队员在本方罚球区内违反了上述十种犯规中的任何一种,应被判罚球点球。

    A penalty kick is awarded if any of the above ten offences is committed by a player inside his own penalty area , irrespective of the position of the ball , provided it is in play .

  28. 杨昊接过韩国防守罚球区的失误发球并将球传给郜林,郜林绕过了韩国守门员李云在进球,在比赛进行到28分钟的时候将比分拉到2比0。

    Yang Hao held up a mis-directed pass from the South Korean defender out side the box and pass the ball to Gao Lin , who beat keeper Lee Woon-Jae to extend China 's lead to2-0 in the28th minute .

  29. 正式球员名单现在看起来没有威廉斯的机会。精彩瞬间:他带球到罚球区的时候觅得良机,起脚打进一记非常漂亮的入球。

    The roster , as currently comprised , does not appear to offer an opportunity for Williams . Key Moment : A well timed run into penalty area provided him with a great chance to score which he took beautifully .