
  • 网络Geological radar;ground penetrating radar;GPR
  1. 地质雷达技术在水工隐蔽工程质量检测中的应用

    Application of GPR in the quality detection of hidden hydraulic works

  2. 隧道二衬质量检测中的地质雷达探测参数优化

    Optimization of GPR exploratory parameter in quality detection of tunnel Secondary lining

  3. NET来构建能量管理系统。地质雷达在隧洞内的探测

    GPR SOUNDING IN TUNNEL The Construction of the Dayu Tunnel

  4. 三维频散介质中地质雷达信号的FDTD数值模拟

    FDTD Simulation of Ground Penetrating Radar Signal in 3-Dimensional Dispersive Medium

  5. 地质雷达在胶州湾海底隧道F(4-5)含水断层超前预报中的应用

    Application of ground penetrating radar to the geological forecast for water-bearing faults in the Jiaozhou Bay subsea tunnel construction

  6. 地质雷达(GPR)探测技术在浅层地质勘探领域广泛应用,并取得较好的应用效果。

    GPR has been widely used in geological exploration at shallow depth with good results .

  7. 路基冻土病害地质雷达探测ARMA功率谱识别算法研究及应用

    Studies and Applies on Geology Radar Detection ARMA Power Spectrum Identification Algorithm for Roadbed Frozen Ground Disease

  8. FM&CW地质雷达是一种通过发送周期性的连续调频(FM)线性扫描信号达到探测地下异物目的的仪器。

    FM-CW geological radar is capable of detecting subsurface anomalies by using linear sweep frequency transmission of a periodically repetitive continuous FM signal .

  9. 该文从麦克斯韦(Maxwell)两个旋度方程出发,分析了地质雷达二维TM高频电磁波的特性,运用K。

    In this paper , from the two vortices equation of Maxwell equation group , the authors analyze the characteristics of the ground penetrating radar two-dimensional TM electromagnetic wave , apply K.

  10. 用时间域有限差分(FDTD)法建立矿井地质雷达的模型。

    Use called finite difference time domain method ( FDTD ) a forward modeling for drift ground penetrating radar ( GPR ) is established by explicit second order finite difference approximation .

  11. RAMAC型地质雷达在管线普查中的应用

    Application of RAMAC Ground Penetrating Radar in Pipeline Detection

  12. 通过分析时域有限差分(FDTD)法的特点和高频电磁脉冲在Yee氏网格中的传播规律,导出了适于地质雷达正演的理想频散关系。

    By analyzing the characteristic of FDTD method and the penetrating rule of high frequency electromagnetic pulse , a ideal numerical dispersive relation has been proposed in the paper .

  13. 应用KDL-3型地质雷达探测老窑

    Application of Model KDL - 3 Geologic Radar for Detecting Abandoned mines

  14. 国产KDL-3型防爆地质雷达在隧道工程中的应用

    Application of type KDL-3 explosion-proof geo-radar to tunneling

  15. SIR&10H型地质雷达勘探系统具有专用格式(即以dzt为扩展名文件)。

    SIR & 10H type geology radar exploration system has the special data format ( that 's the dzt format ) .

  16. 使用该定时器的地质雷达,采样时刻抖动小于1ps;

    Sampling time ′ s dithering of the geological radar with this timer is lower than 1 ps.

  17. 通过对南京汤山猿人洞穴内部东侧地质雷达勘探资料的分析,得出东部洞穴基岩埋深在10m以下,为水平状的岩系。

    Through analyzing the data of GPR exploration in the eastern cave of Homo erectus in Tangshan , this paper points out the bedrock of the eastern cave was more than 10 meters thick and probably belong to level-shaped rocks .

  18. 施工过程中采用了包括TSP202、红外探测、地质雷达、HSP、常规地质分析和超前水平钻孔多种方法相互印证和补充的综合地质预报。

    In the process of construction a comprehensive geological prediction was adopted including : TSP 202 , infrared ray detection , geologic radar , HSP , regular geologic analysis and advance horizontal boring , which verify and supplement one another .

  19. 地质雷达(SIR-20)在温福铁路隧道工程检测中的应用

    Application of Ground Penetrating Radar ( SIR-20 System ) in Quality Detection of Tunnel Engineering on Wenzhou-Fuzhou Railway

  20. 根据对堤坝隐患检测的实践和效果,从堤坝外在条件和内部结构特点,联系隐患自身性质,探讨了利用地质雷达(GPR)和瑞利波探测隐患的原理、方法和效果。

    On the basis of practices and effects of dam anomaly detection , and in consideration of dam structures and characteristics of anomalies , a discussion is made on the principle , procedure , and effectiveness of anomaly detection with Ground Penetrating Radar and the Rayleigh Wave .

  21. 论述了占世界地质雷达销售量53%以上的瑞典RAMAC地质雷达的基本原理及特征参数,并且提出了一种快速处理其探测数据的方法。

    The author discussed the basic principle and characteristic of RAMAC geology radar , and the RAMAC sales volume has accounted 53 % in the world . At the time the author has given a new Quick Processing data technique .

  22. 野外环境下用100MHz天线对湖底62m内的不同目标进行勘探,测量误差在5%~8%范围内,实现地质雷达对地下目标体的高精度定位。

    In field case , exploration accuracy was 5 % ~ 8 % when we used 100 MHz antenna to detect a few different objects located below a lake surface within 6.2 m. So locating accurately subterranean objects by geological radar has been realized .

  23. 土木工程中常见目标体的地质雷达图谱特征

    Geotechnical Radar Image Features of Common Target Objects in Civil Engineering

  24. 地质雷达在基岩完整性探测中的应用

    Application of Geological Radar in Surveying the Completeness of Base Rock

  25. 防汛墙下砂土管涌隐患的地质雷达探测

    GPR Detection of Hidden Danger of Sand Boil under Flood Wall

  26. 地质雷达在不同岩性介质中的应用

    The application of geological radar in media of different lithologic characters

  27. 地质雷达在节段梁注浆密实度检测中的应用

    Application of Geological Radar in Testing Grouting compactness of Subsection Beam

  28. 地质雷达检测隧道衬砌质量中的问题研究

    Application of penetrating radar to detecting concrete quality in tunnel engineering

  29. 地质雷达在铁路桥基无损检测中的应用

    The Application of Geological Radar Scatheless Detection in Railway Bridge foundation

  30. 复信号分析技术及其在地质雷达数字处理中的应用

    Application of complex signal analysis to process ground penetrating radar data