
dì yuè kōng jiān
  • cislunar space
地月空间[dì yuè kōng jiān]
  1. 但是“地月空间探索者”卫星是特别的,因为这两个小型的L型飞行器的唯一动力就是水。

    But the CisLunar Explorer satellites are unique because the only form of propulsion on board these these two small L-shaped craft is water .

  2. 另一件关于“地月空间探索者”很酷的事是:这个团队正在调教卫星进行空间自动导航。

    Another cool thing about the CisLunar Explorer is how the team is teaching it to navigate its way through space .

  3. 阐述了探测器在地月空间飞行的几何关系和原理;

    The geometry relations of the earth , the lunar and the explorer , and the principles of flying from the earth to the moon are described .

  4. 基于太阳、月球和地球的实时位置,“地月空间探索者”就可以算出它们的位置。

    Based on where the sun , moon and Earth are at any given moment , the CisLunar Explorers will do the math to figure out their position .

  5. 嫦娥1号绕月探测卫星的科学目标包括绘制月球立体地图、探测月表物质成分、探测月壤厚度和探测地月空间环境等4项科学任务。

    Scientific objectives of Chang'E-1 Lunar Orbiter include providing stereo imaging of the lunar surface , detecting 14 elements and petrology and mineralogy of the lunar regolith , studying the thickness of lunar regolith , and detecting the earth-moon environment .

  6. 康奈尔大学“地月空间探索者”团队(“地月空间”的意思是“在地球和月球之间”)和他们的同名卫星--其实是两颗连在一起的卫星--参加了美国宇航局一项叫作“立方任务挑战”的项目。

    The Cornell University team CisLunar Explorers ( cislunar means " between Earth and the moon " ) and their eponymously named satellite - actually two adjoining satellites - are taking part in a NASA program called the Cube Quest Challenge .

  7. 另外要实现这个科学目标,就需要了解地月之间空间关系和环境等。

    To realize the science target , it needs to know the spatial relationship and environment between the earth and the moon .

  8. 这一特性使其能够为近地轨道、地球同步轨道、大椭圆地球轨道、地月轨道及星际空间飞行的航天器提供位置、速度和时间等丰富的导航信息。

    The property can offer position , velocity , and accurate time navigation information for the spacecrafts in near-earth orbit , geostationary orbit , elliptic orbit or interplanetary orbit .