
  • 网络earth station antenna
  1. 中继卫星S/Ka双频地面站天线共用跟踪接收机

    Common Use of Tracking Receiver For TDRSS S / Ka Dual-Band Earth Station Antenna

  2. 讨论了球体半径和天线长度对图形的影响、场结构对地面站天线的要求、以及球体与柱体上天线辐射图形的差异。

    The effect of sphere radius and antenna length on the patterns , the requirements for earth station antenna as concerned with the field structures and , finally , the difference between radiation patterns for antennas on sphere and cylinder are discussed .

  3. 圆口径地面站天线近区功率密度的计算

    Near Region Power Density Calculation for Circular Aperture Earth Station Antenna

  4. 高空气球地面站天线的控制系统

    Control Systems for Antennas on High Altitude Balloon Ground Station

  5. 卫星摄动对地面站天线指向精度的影响

    Influence of Satellite Perturbation on Pointing Accuracy of Earth-Station Antenna

  6. 卫星地面站天线仰角与方位角的高精度诺谟图

    The nomograms with high accuracy for elevation and azimuth angles of satellite ground-station antenna

  7. 轴对称双反射面地面站天线旁瓣的控制

    Radiation-Pattern Control of Symmetrical Dual - Reflector Antennas

  8. 车载移动式卫星通信天线的伺服控制与固定卫星地面站天线伺服控制具有不同特点。

    The electronic compass is an important part of the antenna servo control system on mobile satellite uplink vehicles .

  9. 各种雷达天线、卫星通信地面站天线的实际反射面都是变形曲面。

    A real surface of reflector is always the deformed one for antennas in radars and satellite earth stations .

  10. 针对工程中雷达天线、卫星通讯地面站天线等的实际反射面在载荷作用下发生变形,基于变形反射面实际形状,提出了一种与传统最佳吻合抛物面法不同的新的分块拟合方法。

    The real reflectors of various antennas used in radar and satellite communication earth stations are distorted when affected by different loads . A new divided-fitting method is proposed which is quite different from the traditional best-fit paraboloid method .

  11. 关于卫星地面站接收天线指向问题的探讨

    The Exploration on Satellite Earth Station Receiver Antenna Direction 's Problem

  12. 地面卫星站天线罩技术

    Technology of Cover of Satellite Earth Station Antenna

  13. 基于有限元法的圆抛物面地面站卫星天线结构风荷分析

    Wind Load Analysis of a Circular Parabolic Satellite Earth Station Antenna Based on Finite Element Method

  14. 公式和曲线可作为选定卫星天线或地面站雷达天线椭圆极化率的参考依据。

    Formulas and curves may be used as a reference for determination of the polarization ellipticity of the satellite antenna or Earth station radar antenna .

  15. 卫星向地面卫星接收机站或天线传输的信号。

    The segment of a satellite transmission from the satellite to an earth station or receiving antenna ( dish ) .